Chairman Patrick Patterson called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM
Present were Committee Members Ald. Rick Petfalski and Aid. Chuck Wichgers. Also
present were Chief John Johnson and Public Works Superintendent Wayne Delikat.
Engineering and Building Director Sean McMullen, was excused.
Aid. Patterson noted the meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law.
minutes of the November 5, 2001, meeting. Aid. Petfalski moved to approve the minutes
as presented. Ald. W ichgers seconded and motion carried unanimously.
Update on status of Condemnations/Citations-Parkland Mall Demolition Permit —
Nothing new to report.
Status of Recycling/Refuse
Superintendent Delikat reported five complaints for December. Both garbage and
recycling were missed due to confusion with the holiday pick up being delayed by one
day. Superintendent Delikat also stated that if a pick up was missed because a driver was
out before 7:00 AM they would be sent back to pick up the missed garbage and recycling.
Status of Cable TV — Ald. Petfalski informed the committee that he had to call Time
Warner Cable for a constituent in his district who wanted a cable buried. After he called,
they were out the next day to bury the cable. Aid. Patterson agreed that Time Warner has
been efficient in handling complaints.
Status of proposed policy for traffic calming — Nothing new to report. This item was
deferred to next month's meeting to hear from Engineering and Building Director Sean
McMullen, who attended a League of Municipalities conference in Green Bay for traffic
calming. Chief Johnson also stated that Plan Director Brian Turk has attended or will be
attending a traffic calming conference also.
Discuss signage at intersection of Kelsey & Crowbar — Chief Johnson reported that
there have been three accidents at intersection of Kelsey and Crowbar within the last two
years, two personal injury and one fatal. Since the last accident, Superintendent Delikat
placed double stop signs at the intersection on both sides of the road. He also flagged the
warning signs leading up to the intersection. Chief Johnson stated that he has driven the
road a dozen times since the last accident and could not give an explanation of what could
be causing the vehicles' failure to stop. He noted that the property on the SW comer of
Public Services Committee Page 2
January 7, 2002
. Crowbar and Kelsey has a driveway west of Kelsey about 150 —200 ft up the road and has
two large Arborvitae bushes on each side of the driveway, as well as a line of Hickory
trees; one of which may be obstructing the view of oncoming traffic. Chief Johnson does
not recommend at this time that anything should be done with the trees nor does he
recommend that additional stop signs be placed at this intersection. This intersection
does not meet unsafe levels by the State guidelines. Chief Johnson and Wayne Delikat
agreed that there is more traffic on Kelsey. Ald. Patterson added that if the majority of
the traffic is for the middle school, traffic on Kelsey will naturally be slowing down to
make the turn onto Crowbar. Chief Johnson will continue to watch this intersection.
The Committee agreed that no action would be taken at this time.
Chief Johnson also informed the committee of a potential traffic problem with high
school students parking on Racine Ave. There have been several accidents due to
inattentive driving, one failure to yield from a parked position and one failure to yield
from a driveway. If this becomes an issue in the future, Chief will bring it back to the
committee and ask for alternative parking, possibly on Jean Dr.
Discuss Burnine Ordinance — The committee noted that the Mayor's Office had
received a telephone call from Mr. George Heinecke indicating that he would not be
present to discuss the burning ordinance and will contact the committee in the future if he
wants to pursue this matter. The committee agreed that the City wide leaf pickup has
reduced the amount of burning that usually takes place in fall. Ald. Patterson noted in his
• district, in past years there is a fog due to burning and it improved 80-90% this past fall.
Ald. Wichgers stated that if it is a nuisance and the Muskego Police Department is called,
they would order that the fire be put out. The Committee agreed upon keeping the
burning ordinance as it is and discuss this item again if and when Mr. Heinecke advises
he would be able to be in attendance.
Communication and any other business as authorized by law - None.
Being no further business to discuss, Aid Wichgers moved to adjourn the meeting,
seconded by Aid. Petfalski. Carried by all and meeting adjourned at 7:30PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Kellic Renk, Recording Secretary