PSCM20011105APPROVED PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON MONDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 2001. Chairman Patrick Patterson called the meeting to order at 7-10 PM. Present were Committee Members Aid. Rick Petfalski and Aid. Chuck Wichgers. Also present were Chief John Johnson and those per the attached list. Engineering and Building Director Sean McMullen, Public Works Superintendent Wayne Delikat were excused. Aid. Patterson noted the meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. REVIEW OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING: The Committee reviewed the minutes of the October 1, 2001, meeting. Aid. Petfalski moved to approve the minutes as presented. Aid. Wichgers seconded and motion carried unanimously. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Update on status of Condemnations/Citations-Parkland Mall Demolition Permit — Nothing new to report. Status of RecVcling/Refuse Superintendent Delikat reported 12 complaints for October. Garbage Pickup missed 6 Recycling pickup missed 4 Recycling bin not received 1 Large items not picked up 1 Status of Cable TV — Alderman Patterson stated he will be sending a letter to the cable program director, John Lentz, thanking them for their effort upon short notice in airing the Muskego High School's informational presentation on the upcoming referendum. Alderman Patterson also thanked St. Paul's Church for giving up their airtime to allow for the 47 minute presentation. Status of proposed policy for traffic calming — Chief Johnson reported the study for the pre -calming experiment has been completed for Sherwood Circle. This item was deferred to next month's meeting. Status of review of request for stop sign on Lions Park at Kelly Dr. for speed reduction on Lions Park Drive between Janesville and Pioneer — Based on the traffic study it is Chief Johnson's recommendation that the road itself tends to slow traffic because of a curve and does not feel that a stop sign will slow traffic. Aid. Petfalski moved to deny request for stop sign on Lions Park Dr. based on Chief Johnson's recommendation and traffic study. Aid. Wichgers seconded, motion carried unanimously. • Public Services Committee November 5, 2001 NEW BUSINESS Page 2 Review request to waive refuse and recycling charges on a summer cottage — Mr. Edward Glynn was present to request the fee for refuse and recycling be waived on his two summer cottages on Basses Bay. Mr. Glynn explained that the two small cottages are only used from Memorial Day to October I" He also explained that the two cottages are on one tax key. He stated he would be willing to pay one fee for both but does not understand why he has to pay two fees for one tax key when the garbage is only from one family. Ald Patterson stated that in past years several residents including churches asked the committee to waive the fee and their request was denied. Ald. Patterson noted that when the City negotiates a price with BFI they take all units into consideration. If someone opts not to use this service the city is still paying for it. Aid. Petfalski moved to deny waving the fee, seconded by Aid. Wichgers. Motion carried unanimously. Communication and any other business as authorized by law - None. Being no further business to discuss, Aid Petfalski moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Aid. Wichgers. Carried by all and meeting adjourned at 7:30PM. • Respectfully Submitted, Kellie Renk, Recording Secretary Sign In Shce+ • -publrc seruIce CanM(-Ncc KbVexvlb2.r 5, 200 I I WWRO • 0