PSCM20011001PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO APPROVED MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON MONDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2001. Chairman Patrick Patterson called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Present were Committee Members Ald. Rick Petfalski and Ald. Chuck Wichgers. Also present were Engineering and Building Director Sean McMullen, Public Works Superintendent Wayne Delikat, Chief John Johnson and those per the attached list. Ald. Patterson noted the meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. REVIEW OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING: The Committee reviewed the minutes of the September 5, 2001, meeting. Ald. Petfalski moved to approve the minutes as presented. Ald. Wichgers seconded and motion carried unanimously. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Update on status of Condemnations/Citations-Parkland Mall Demolition Permit — Nothing new to report. Status of Recycling/Refuse — Roy Nickelbine of Calvary Lutheran Church was present to request the City waive the Refuse and Recycling bill that was sent to the church. Calvary church contracts a private company to pick up garbage and recycling and does not use the City's service. The pastor brings his garbage up to the church's dumpster. He also stated they never received a recycling bin from BFI. Superintendent Delikat reported several other commercial property owners have the same request. Ald Patterson stated that in past years several residents including a church asked the committee to waive the fee and their request was denied. Ald. Patterson noted that when the City negotiates a price with BFI they take all the residents into consideration. If someone opts not to use this service the city is still paying for them. Aid. Petfalski moved to deny waving the fee, seconded by Aid. Wichgers. Motion carried unanimously. Superintendent Delikat will meet with commercial property owners to let them know the policy stands. Mr. Nickelbine of Calvary Church will let Superintendent Delikat know if he will need a recycling bin. Superintendent Delikat reported 8 complaints for September. Garbage Pickup missed 3 Recycling pickup missed 3 Recycling bin not received 2 Status of Cable TV - Nothing new to report. Status of proposed policy for traffic calming — Nothing new to report. Status of skateboarding & Trespassers/Muskego Centre — Chief Johnson reported he has not received many complaints of skateboarders in the Muskego Centre and the Public Services Committee Page 2 October 1, 2001 leLibrary. Officers have been told to keep an eye out for skateboarders and are doing so. Superintendent Delikat reported there has been no additional damage to the Library property. Ald. Patterson asked that this item be removed from the agenda pending future complaints. Status of request for speed reduction / Parker Drive (north) — Based on Chief Johnson's traffic study it's his recommendation that the road itself tends to slow traffic because of a curve. Aid. Wichgers moved to deny reducing the speed limit on Parker Drive. Aid. Petfalski seconded, motion carried unanimously. NEW BUSINESS Discussion on Coyotes — Rick Lein of the DNR was present to discuss coyotes in the Plum Creek East subdivision after a resident informed the City that she has seen coyotes in her backyard and is afraid for her child's safety. Mr. Lein does not feel that coyotes are a problem in this area. He informed the committee that in Wisconsin there has never been a confirmed case of coyotes attacking people. He did say that coyotes are wild animals and should be treated with respect. The reason California has a greater problem with coyotes is because they do not allow hunting or trapping. If the animal is hunted or trapped they will have a fear of people. In urban areas where there is no hunting or trapping allowed the animals develop a tolerance of people. Mr. Lein informed the • committee that coyotes usually travel in packs of 2, 3, or 4, and there territory can vary with food supply. Mr. Lein gave several tips on preventing problems: - Hunt or trap coyotes where allowed - Do not feed coyotes - Remove bird feeders, these can also create a lure for coyotes that feed on small animals. - Keep garbage cans sealed - Do not let cats and dogs run free, keep them on a leash - If you see a coyote flash lights, make loud noises. Mr. Lein does not suggest throwing stones because harassment of wildlife is prohibited. The USDA Wildlife Services (1-800-433-0688) is an agency that deals with nuisance animals. Experts are available to help answer questions. Mr. Lein also left with the committee a referral book of the Wisconsin Trappers Association if a property owner is interested in hiring a trapper. Request stop sign on Lions Park at Kellv Dr. for speed reduction on Lions Park Drive between Janesville and Pioneer — Chief Johnson's is not aware of any accidents on Lions Park Dr. He does not feel that a stop sign will slow traffic. Chief Johnson will look at this road and will place officer enforcement in the area and report back next meeting. • Discuss required sienage for entrance to Ouietwood Subdivision — Janesville Rd. /Martin Drive. — Ald. Patterson was concerned with the traffic on Daisy at Martin Dr. Traffic coming down Daisy thinks they have the right of way. Superintendent Delikat placed a temporary stop sign on Daisy at Martin per Ald. Patterson's request. Director Public Services Committee Page 3 October 1, 2001 • McMullen informed the committee that signs will come out of the developer's letter of credit. Aid. Wichgers moved to place a stop sign on the T intersect on Daisy Dr. at Martin Dr. Seconded by Aid. Petfalski, motion carried unanimously. Communication and any other business as authorized by law - None. Being no further business to discuss, Aid Wichgers moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Aid. Petfalski. Carried by all and meeting adjourned at 8:15PM. Respectfully ubmitted, Kellie Renk, Recording Secretary • n U 0 1 0 I• n n hcc.+ III