PSCM20010905CORRECTED (9/11/01) PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO APPROVED MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2001 Chairman Patrick Patterson called the meeting to order at 7:10 PM. Present were Committee Members Aid. Rick Petfalski and Aid. Chuck Wichgers. Also present were Public Works Superintendent Wayne Delikat, Chief John Johnson and those per the attached list. Aid. Patterson noted the meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. REVIEW OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING: The Committee reviewed the minutes of the August 6, 2001, meeting. Aid. Petfalski moved to approve the minutes as presented, seconded by Aid. Wichgers. Motion carried. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Update on status of Condemnations/Citations-Parkland Mall Demolition Permit — Nothing new to report. Status of Recycling/Refuse — Superintendent Delikat reported 16 complaints for August. Garbage Pickup missed 9 Recycling pickup missed 4 Recycling bin not received 2 Large item pickup missed 1 Status of Cable TV: The committee discussed complaints received regarding the audio reception for the live school board meetings. Residents are questioning why the school board meetings do not have the same audio quality as city meetings. The committee requested that a letter be written to the School District advising of the complaints. Status of proposed policy for traffic calming — Supt. Delikat reported that we are waiting for TAPCO to come into town to show us their new products. They were expected in August, but we were unable to schedule a time. Continued Discussion on "No Parking" —Ruby Drive — Chief Johnson reviewed with the committee his report on the parking situation on Ruby Drive. It appears that Ruby Drive, at one time, was posted in its entirety with "No Parking" signs on both sides of the road and over time signs have been removed or knocked down through theft or vandalism. Ruby Drive is a residential street that has a width of 20 feet at its widest point with grass shoulders. Observed vehicles parked on the road fail to park on a portion of the grass and, therefore, permitting only passenger vehicles the ability to pass on the surface of the road. Vehicles parked on the road, as observed, would prohibit an ambulance from getting around without leaving the road. Public Services Committee Page 2 September 5, 2001 observed, would prohibit an ambulance from getting around without leaving the road. • Large fire apparatus would likewise need to drive even farther off the road surface to get around parked vehicles. It also appears that in the past the city never officially posted "No Parking" signs on Ruby Drive; therefore, there is no historical record of the signs now posted. Chief Johnson's recommendation is that a gravel shoulder be constructed on at least one side of the street, or both sides of the road be posted "No Parking". This would permit fire and ambulance services to residents on that street. Ald. Petfalski moved to recommend establishing traffic regulation for "No Parking Anytime" signs on both sides of Ruby Drive. Seconded by Ald. Wichgers, motion carried. NEW BUSINESS Discuss skate boarding and Trespassers — Library Property/Muskego Centre Chairman Patterson noted a library log on a telephone call from Maria Karaban on Saturday, August 4, 2001, to Library Director Holly Sanhuber wherein Ms. Karaban advised that she is annoyed by the noise the skateboarders make since she lives very close to the library. The committee discussed, at length, the review recently done by them that resulted in signs being put up at the Library indicating that skateboarding cannot be done during the library's hours of operation as it was a safety concern. A discussion was held and it was the concensus of the committee that skateboarding should continue to be allowed as long as there are no safety violations. • Mr. Tom Berg, owner of Muskego Centre appeared before the committee to discuss the concerns that he had with skateboarders and trespassers on his property on Racine Avenue. He discussed past problems with teenagers removing building materials from his unfinished areas and leaving them out in the middle of the Centre, as well as destruction to some of the premise with profanity written on windows. Chief Johnson advised that the police should be called on any noted violation. As the Muskego Centre is private property, and posted no skateboarding, the Chief will have his officers pay closer attention to what citizens are doing in the parking area, and issue what appropriate tickets are necessary. It was agreed that a past problem has been resolved and that no destruction has occurred since the last major incident. Chief Johnson will check the logs to determine how many calls were made reporting safety concerns with skateboarders at the Centre. Aid. Petfalski advised that the City is working with the school district and community in starting up a Teen Group and that one of the things they are suggesting is creation of a skateboard park. Aid. Wichgers requested more police enforcement as he felt that the property owners had incurred enough cost as a result of destruction. Mr. Berg was requested to keep in contact with Chief Johnson and the committee will again review, under Unfinished Business, at their October 1, 2001 meeting. In the meantime, Mr. Berg was encouraged to report any illegal or unsafe activities on his • property immediately to the police department. Public Services Committee Page 3 September 5, 2001 Chairman Patterson asked the committee to also address the library property even though • the petitioner was not present. The committee felt that they have addressed the issue and that if skateboarding after hours results in excessive noise, the resident should call the police department so that a noise citation can be issued. Chairman Patterson will write to Ms. Karaban and advise of the committee's action. Discuss request for a stop sign or yield sign on Hale Park Court/Angela Milewski Angela Milewski appeared before the committee requesting signage on Hale Park Drive to assist in reducing the speed of cars near Hale Park Court for ingress and egress purposes. Chairman Patterson stated that he did not think that placing a stop sign at that intersection was appropriate. After considerable discussion, Aid. Petfalski moved to install a yield sign on Hale Park court as they turn onto Hale Park Drive. Seconded by Chairman Patterson. Motion carried 2-1, with Ald. Wichgers casting the dissenting vote. Discuss request for reduced speed limit — Parker Drive (north) — Mrs. Wachowiak Mrs. Wachowiak and neighbors on Parker Drive appeared before the committee to submit a petition, copy attached, to lower the speed limit on Parker Drive (north), east of Racine Avenue, to 25 mph. Mrs. Wachowiak noted that she had done a survey asking if any of the neighbors would object to reducing speed limit to 25 mph. Most of the neighbors were agreeable. Mrs. Wachowiak explained that Parker Road (north) is 18 feet wide with • sharp curves, along with crests. It is narrow and there is not much of a shoulder. She has driven it and does not feel that a person is able to drive sensibly at 35 mph. She is concerned with the small children in the new homes that have been built. A gentlemen in the audience also asked if a "Children at Play" sign could pt put up on Parker Drive, east of Racine on the south side of the street. There is already one on the north side of the street. The Committee agreed to direct Supt. Delikat to install the informational sign. After considerable discussion, Ald. Petfalski moved to defer to the October I` meeting any action on the speed limit reduction item and request that the police department conduct a policy traffic study to be reviewed at that meeting. Communication and any other business as authorized by law Being no further business to discuss, Aid. Petfalski moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Aid. Patterson. Carried by all and meeting adjourned at 8:40 PM. Respectfully Submitted, Cathie M. Anderson, Transcribing Secretary 0 Parker Drive Survey September 4, 2001 • Do you object to lowering the speed limit to 25? Wachowiak - No Polivka • No Drefahl - No Posbrig - No Kalzinski - "Not one bit" Arndt - No Loebel - No Diek fuss - No Hein - No - but doesn't think it will do much good Zdanczewicz - No Zidar - `Heck no" Miller - `Not at all" Souri - No Sobczak - No Wollenzien - No Yets - No - "not too happy with the speed limit the way it is" Finco - No - but doesn't think it will do any good. Johnson - ? "People won't do it" • NOCUleOu Lie/ - /JO Additional comments - concerns: "Insane" - driver of red truck "Shocked to see speed limit is 35. New driver in household." "Daughter is 14 and rides her bike on the road" A number of people admitted they drive too fast, but agreed the speed limit should be lowered. They all stated they would drive slower. There are 2 new homes under construction on the north end of Parker Dr and there are 8 young children between them. There are also small children further south on Parker Drive. The road is narrow, 18 feet wide, and one must slow down if another vehicle is approaching from the opposite direction. It also has many curves and crests, making it difficult to see very far ahead. Setting the speed limit at 35 gives everyone permission to drive 35. I drove the road trying to drive 35. 1 did not feel comfortable going over 30 on the straight stretches. There are sharp curves (90% on both the north and south end of Parker Dr, I felt that 20 mph was too fast, 15 was a more reasonable speed on these curves .........................Judy Wachowiak 11 1I i� S%P6ac5