PSCM20010604PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO APPROVED MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON MONDAY, JUNE 4, 2001 Chairman Patrick Patterson called the meeting to order at 7:03 PM. Present were Committee Members Alderman Rick Petfalski and Alderman Chuck Wichgers (arrived at 7:25 PM). Also present were City Engineering/Bldg. Inspection Director McMullen, Public Works Supt. Delikat, and Police Chief Johnson. Also present were Alderman Slocomb, Alderman Salentine, and Plan Director Brian Turk. Ald. Patterson noted the meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. REVIEW OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING: The Committee reviewed the minutes of the May 7, 2001, meeting. Ald. Petfalski moved to approve the minutes as presented, seconded by Ald. Patterson. Motion carried. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Update on status of Condemnations/Citations-Parkland Mall — Director McMullen advised a letter was sent to the property owner. He has not heard anything back. Sean will give him another week and send another letter or call him. Alderman Wichgers was copied on the letter. Update on existing forms and ordinances—Business/Home Inspections/New Fee Proposal — Sean reported that staff is making the changes and will be done by next meeting. Status of Recycling/Refuse — Public Works Supt. Delikat reported on garbage complaints: Missed garbage pickup 8 Missed recycling pickup 2 Missed pickup at door 1 Large item not picked up 1 Status of Cable TV audio - Nothing new to report. Status of proposed policy for traffic calming — Ald. Patterson felt it worthy to have a discussion to determine what can be done to moderate speed as stop signs do not control speed. The committee discussed different ways to slow traffic. Alderman Wichgers arrived at 7:25 PM. Director Turk stated the developer for a new subdivision can be made responsible to include traffic calming in the design per the land division ordinance. Ald. Slocomb asked that the ordinance not be changed at this time due to the conservation subdivision standards that are in the process of being reviewed. Ald. Petfalski is concerned with aesthetics if the city puts cones or potted trees in the roads. Sean informed the committee Public Services Committee Page 2 June 4, 2001 • that anything in the right of way must be made of a breakaway material. Alderman Patterson informed the committee there are several areas that have problems every year with speed. Alderman Patterson asked if trial painting could be done and gave an example of Sherwood Circle which already has problems. The committee directed Supt. Delikat and Director McMullen to paint streets to give the illusion the street is narrowing. The Police Dept. will do a traffic study before and after to see if the paint works. Road painting will be done by this fall. NEW BUSINESS: Review reaust for stop sign at the intersection of Parkland and Hedgewood (on Hedgewood) — The committee discussed with Chief Johnson. Aid. Wichgers moved to approve stop sign on both sides of Hedgewood. Ald. Petfalski seconded, motion carried 3-0. Review dog ordinance — Police Chief Johnson informed the committee of a situation in the City that a dog being declared dangerous may be back in the City. The dog is portrayed to be the offspring of the dog in question, and the neighbors can't prove that it is the same dog. The Muskego Police Department wishes to modify the dog ordinance, dangerous dog section, to include a micro chip identification of a dangerous dog. The micro chip technology, which has been around for years, requires a veterinarian to put a small micro • chip under the dog's skin which provides identification to veterinarians, animal welfare agencies, and police departments. The Muskego Police Department has a scanner, which is kept at the City pound, to identify stray dogs that have this technology embedded. The revised ordinance will read as follows: 13.01 DOGS 13.01 (2) 2: "Vicious Dog" as used in this ordinance means: 1. Any dog with a propensity, tendency, or disposition to attach or cause serious injury to human beings or domestic animals; 2. Any dog, which without provocation, attacks or bites, or has attacked or bitten a human being or domestic animal causing serious injury; 3. Any dog owned or harbored primarily or in part for the purpose of dog fighting or any dog rained for dog fighting; 4. Any dog which has been found to be vicious by the Municipal Court of the City of Muskego, Circuit Court, or any other municipal court in a trial or hearing upon a charge of harboring a vicious animal. 13.01 (3) 2: • All owners of dangerous dogs shall comply with the provisions of this ordinance regarding the containmentlsecurity/identification of a dangerous dog on the owner's premises subject to police inspection or compliance prior tot eh initial registration. An inspection fee o $50.00 shall be charged. Annually, pursuant to paragraph 1 of this Public Services Committee Page 3 June 4, 2001 section, owners shall register their dangerous dog with the City Clerk's Office and shall • provide a current color photograph, showing its distinct features, and pay a dangerous dog registration fee. An owner of a dangerous dog who fails to register his/her dog is subject to a forfeiture prescribed by law. (Ord. 4808-8-5-93) 13.01 (6) 2: (New) The owner of a dog found to be vicious pursuant to this chapter shall provide certification of the implantation of an identification micro chip provided in Section 13.01 (7) 4 of this chapter, of the disposition of the vicious dog is not the destruction of the dog. 13.01 (7) 4: (New) The Owner of a dangerous dog, as defined by this ordinance, shall provide certification, from a veterinarian, of the implantation of an identification micro chip. The micro chip shall be an American Veterinary Identification Device (AVID) or equivalent The chip implanted in the dog shall be consistent with the AVID technology and readable by an AVID scanner. Aid. Petfalski moved to recommend approval of amendment to Chapter 13.01 (2) 2, 13.01(3) 2, 13.01 (6) 2, 13.01 (7) 4 of the municipal code pending City Attorney's • review. Aid. Wichgers seconded. Motion approved 3-0. Aid. Petfalski moved to recommend fee schedule for vicious dog 13.01 (6) 2 at $200.00/day, and dangerous dog 13.01 (7) 4 at $100.00/day, pending Municipal Judge's review. Seconded by Aid. Wichgers, motion carried 3-0. Review request to prohibit skate boarding on Library grounds — The committee discussed posting "No Skateboarding on Library Grounds" The committee also discussed posting signs on all public property. Aid. Petfalski moved to recommend to the Library Board amendment of policy to read "No Skateboarding During Library Operation Hours". Aid. Wichgers seconded, motion carried 3-0. Aid. Petfalski moved to recommend approval of resolution prohibiting skateboarding on library property during library operation hours. Aid. Wichgers seconded, motion carried 3-0. Review request for parking sign on Lake Drive at the end of Park Drive — Ald. Salentine appeared before the committee requesting a no parking sign at the end of Lake Drive. People are parking in the emergency vehicle turn around. The turn around is not wide enough to get through with a vehicle parked there. Aid. Petfalski moved to approve "Parking for Official Vehicles Only" at the end of Lake Drive. Aid. Wichgers seconded, motion carried 3-0. Being no further business to discuss, Aid. Wichgers moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Aid. Petfalski. Carried by all and meeting adjourned at 8:35 PM. Public Services Committee June 4, 2001 0 Respectfully Submitted, Kellie Renk , Recording Secretary • 0 Page 4