The meeting was called to order at 7:06 PM by Acting Chairman Alderman Butch LeDoux.
Present was Committee Member Alderman Chuck Wichgers. Also present were City
Engineering/Bldg. Inspection Director McMullen, Public Works Supt. Delikat, Chief John
Johnson, Alderman Slocomb, Alderman Salentine, Alderman Chiaverotti, Alderman Sanders and
attached list of attendees. Chairman Patrick Patterson was absent.
Ald. LeDoux noted the meeting was posted on November 1, 2000 in accordance with the Open
Meeting Law.
REVIEW OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING: The Committee reviewed the minutes
of the October 2, 2000 meeting. Ald. LeDoux motioned to approve the minutes as presented,
seconded by Ald. Wichgers. Motion carried.
Personal appearance -Brian Nemoir, Bottom Line Marketing & Public Relations, appeared
before the committee to further discuss Digital Access Agreement and to answer items of
concern voiced by the Council at their last meeting. After a lengthy discussion with Ald.
Slocomb and the committee, it was decided that Mr. Nemoir would make the redlined changes to
the Agreement and resubmit the agreement and ordinance to be reviewed at the December Public
Services Committee Meeting. Mr. Nemoir stated that he would bring a construction expert with
him to the December meeting. (It was clarified at the December 4, 2000 meeting that Mr. Nemior
will not be coming in until after the first of the year.) Ald. Slocomb requested that the
construction expert review the demographics of Muskego prior to the meeting to be able to
answer specific questions.
Update on status of Condemnations/Citations-Parkland Mall Demolition Permit -City
Engineer/Bldg Inspection Director McMullen reported to the Committee that the Settlement
Agreement with the owners of Parkland Ventures, LLC, has been executed. Asbestos abatement
to start on 11/7/2000, with the demolition of the walls and the remaining structures on or before
the 10'" of November, 2000.
Update on Existing Forms and Ordinances — Nothing to report. No further forms brought
Status of Recyelin2/Refuse — Public Works Supt. Wayne Delikat reported the following garbage
and recycling complaints for October:
Garbage pickup missed 12
Smashed Garbage containers 1
Dumpster not emptied 1
Garbage containers not being returned at the end of the driveway-1
Status of Cable TV Emergency Broadcasting:— Nothing to report.
Review of Existing Landfill Expansions —Take off further agendas.
Public Services Committee Page 2
November 6, 2000
• Further discussion of Burnine Ordinance -Distance from water -Alderman Salentine
discussed changing or adding language to the Buming Ordinance. The committee discussed
adding a definite distance that would allow burning from the shoreline. Alderman Salentine
would like a definition of shoreline in the Burning Ordinance. Chief Johnson will draft
modifications to the burning ordinance and present to the committee next month.
Further review of Noise Ordinance- Alderman LeDoux suggested recommending Plan
Commission to establish standard guidelines for commercial/industrial buildings. The Plan
Commission would address noise concerns at time of Building, Site & Operation plan submittal.
Alderman LeDoux motioned to send item to Plan Commission to re-evaluate noise
standards for new development. Alderman Wichgers seconded. Motioned carried.
Further discussion of request for "No Parking" signs -Lakeview Drive (Ridge Road to
Hillendale- Reso.#134-2000, Establishing Traffic Regulations. The committee discussed filling
both sides of the ditches along Lakeview Drive (Ridge Road to Hillendale) to avoid placing "No
Parking signs" on street. This item is deferred until next month to allow neighbors to contact Mr
Hans Poss, W 199 S7525 Lakeview Drive, to advise of the City's proposal to fill ditch in front of
his property.
Further review request for "Horse Crossing" signs- east of Crowbar -
The committee discussed placing a "Horse Crossing " sign east of Crowbar Road on Parker
Drive. Alderman LeDoux motioned for Public Works to order the "Horse Crossing " sign
and install. Alderman Wichgers seconded. Motioned carried.
Review "Keeping Kids Alive Drive 25-Chief Johnson discussed Keeping Kids Alive safety
campaign signs designed to encourage motorists to observe the residential speed limit -Drive 25.
Aid. LeDoux motioned to table the item. Aid. Wichgers seconded. Motion carried 2-0.
Being no further business to discuss, Ald. LeDoux moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by
Ald. Wichgers. Carried by all and meeting adjourned at 9:25 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Kim Chavie
Recording Secretary
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