The meeting was called to order at 7:40 PM by Alderman LeDoux. Present were
Committee Members Alderman Chuck Wichgers and Chairman Patrick
Patterson(8:OOPM). Also present were Police Chief John Johnson, City
Engineering/Bldg. Inspection Director McMullen, Public Works Supt. Delikat, and
attached list of attendees.
Ald. LeDoux noted the meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting
the minutes of the August 7, 2000 meeting. Ald. LeDoux motioned to approve
the minutes as presented, seconded by Ald. Wichgers. Motion carried 2-0
Update on Status of Condemnations/Citations - Nothing new to report.
Update on Existing Forms and Ordinances - Nothing new to report.
• Status of Recycling/Refuse - Public Works Supt. Delikat handed out
information on Refuse and Recycling that Chairman Patterson had requested be
put on the City's home page and cable scroll. The committee requested that
Public Works Superintendent Delikat send the information to Mr Chuck Ott, BFI,
to review the information and provide comments prior to making it available on
the website and cable channel. Deferred to next month's meeting.
Public Works Supt. Delikat reported the following garbage and recycling
complaints for August:
Recycling pickup missed 3
Garbage pickup missed 12
Recycling bin not received 2
Status of Cable TV Emergency Broadcasting - Nothing to report.
Review of Existing Landfill Expansions - Nothing to Report.
Further Review of Application for Franchise Authority Consent to
Assignment or Transfer of Control of Cable Television Franchise .
Chairman Patterson explained to the committee that Time Warner Cable is
requesting the contract to be renamed as Time Warner / AOL. Ald. Wichgers
asked if this would be an opportunity to make changes to the contract. Ald.
Wichgers does not feel a customer should have to pay more to block out certain
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September 5, 2000
• channels that they do not feel appropriate. Chairman Patterson and Aid. LeDoux
did not feel the City could re -open the contract, and could only allow the change
that was requested to transfer ownership. Any other changes would have to wait
until the contract was up and then be re -negotiated. Aid. LeDoux motioned to
accept transfer of control from Time Warner to Time Warner/AOL and to
accept the contract as written. Chairman Patterson seconded the motion.
The motion carried 2-1 with Aid. Wichgers casting the dissenting vote.
Further discussion on "No Parking" signs - Lakeview Drive (Ridge Road to
Hillendale). Proposed Resolution #134-2000, Establishing Traffic Regulations
had been deferred from the Common Council meeting of June 13, 2000, in order
to allow for further discussion. Homeowner on Lakeview agreed to have a culvert
installed and the ditch filled to his property line. This will extend the shoulder to
the crest of the hill. This item was deferred to next month's meeting to allow
Public Works Superintendent Delikat and Engineering/Building Inspection
Director McMullen time to speak to property owner on the crest of the hill
and for Director McMullen to provide the committee a map for discussion.
Further discuss request for Stop Sign at Lions Park Drive and Oak Grove
Drive Eileen Glazier, Marie Shlichting, and Bob Wisinski were present to request
a stop sign at Lions Park Drive and Oak Grove Drive due to safety issues. Chief
Johnson reported from the study that was done, traffic is normal for a
• subdivision. He does not recommend putting in a stop sign. However, he does
recommend striping the intersection. Aid. LeDoux suggested next year when the
road is re -paved to make the curve into a 90 degree turn. Aid. Salentine, who
was also present, volunteered to go door to door to raise awareness of the safety
issue at this intersection. Chairman Patterson motioned to recommend to
Public Works Committee to make the curve a 90 degree turn next year
when the road is re -paved and to yellow stripe it this year. Any accidents
that come up in the mean time will be addressed sooner. Aid. Wichgers
seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Discuss Burning Ordinance - Aid. Nancy Salentine along with Eileen Glazier of
Lions Park Drive appeared before the committee to discuss the present burning
ordinance. Chairman Patterson moved to defer to next month to allow Chief
Johnson to look into the DNR regulations for a definitive distance on
burning from the water, excluding open or enclosed grills. Aid. Wichgers
seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Discuss renaming of Overlook Bay Drive (Lakewood Condos) - Director
McMullen appeared before the committee to clarify the road to be renamed. The
portion of Overlook Bay Condominiums, Phase II, that will be renamed is the 90
degree intersection of the existing Overlook Bay, east to Racine Avenue. Aid.
Wichgers made a motion for the renaming of the specified Overlook Bay
• Drive to Lakewood Drive. Chairman Patterson seconded the motion. Motion
carried unanimously.
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September 5, 2000
• Review dangerous curve Muskego Drive at Martin Drive. Ald. Chiaverotti
discussed with the committee an area on Muskego Drive, before Martin Drive,
that has a dangerous curve. She is recommending that a warning sign for
dangerous curve be installed. Aid. LeDoux made a motion to place
dangerous curve signs along Muskego Drive including the large speed
signs. Chairman Wichgers seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-0
New Business:
Review of Noise Ordinance - Michael Kuwitzky on Kelsey Drive appeared
before the committee to request definitive language to the noise ordinance. He
is concerned after Jewel Osco is built there is going to be an excess of
commercial noise. Deferred to next month meeting to allow Chief Johnson
to look into enforcement and Director Turk to review the zoning and where
it would fit by class and performance.
Discuss Janesville/Martin Drive reconstruction - Karl Jeske of Linda Court
appeared before the committee to discuss his concern for the Guernsey
Meadows subdivision. He does not want to see Martin Drive extended to the
lakes Parkway/Martin Drive as he is concerned that the Lakes Parkway/Martin
• Drive extension will become a high traffic road through two subdivisions.
Gretchen Sindic of Daisy Drive appeared before the committee to express
concern that Daisy Drive will become a shortcut to Bay Lane School for busses
and residents of the future Quietwood Creek subdivision. Frank Jankowski
appeared before the committee to express his concern over the potential
increase in traffic on Lakes Parkway once Quietwood Creek is developed.
Director McMullen gave examples of controlling the flow of traffic through a
subdivision with use of boulevards and cul de sacs.
Residents would like to see Bay Lane extended rather than Martin Drive. Ald.
Wichgers asked committee to consider Bay Lane expansion without looking at
the cost of it. He feels Bay Lane will continue to become a heavier traveled road
within the next 20 years. Chief recommended looking at the future design of the
roads especially Janesville Road and Bay Lane. Bay Lane has a major
institution, Bay Lane School, and has high volume of traffic traveling on it and
should have a controlled intersection. The committee asked Director McMullen
to look into preliminary plans to extend Bay Lane over wetlands to intersect with
existing Martin Drive to the north. Alderman Wichgers motioned to send item
back to Public Works to re-evaluate the traffic signals on Janesville Road.
Aid. LeDoux seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Discuss "No Parking" Brooke Lane- No Discussion
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September 5, 2000
Page 4
A concern was brought to the committee by Chairman Patterson concerning
Roadrunner internet service. A three percent franchise fee is paid to the City by
Time Warner Cable Co. Chairman Patterson would like to check to insure that
the 3% franchise fee is also being charged to residents for the Roadrunner
Internet Service.
Being no further business to discuss, Ald. LeDoux moved to adjourn the
meeting, seconded by Chairman Patterson. Carried by all and meeting
adjourned at 11:00 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Kellie Renk
Recording Secretary
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