PSCM20000807• PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO Unapproved MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON MONDAY, August 7, 2000 The meeting was called to order at 7-15 PM by Chairman Patrick Patterson. Present were Committee Member Alderman Chuck Wichgers. Also present were Police Chief John Johnson, City Engineering/Bldg. Inspection Director McMullen. and attached list of attendees. Alderman Le Doux and Public Works Supt. Delikat were absent. Aid. Patterson noted the meeting was posted on August 2, 2000, in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. REVIEW OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING: The Committee reviewed the corrected minutes of the July 6, 2000 meeting. Alderman Wichgers made a correction to page 2 to read; "Director McMullen is asking that when permits are applied for that a registered land surveyor do the plat of survey or they can get a survey from the County." A motion was made by Aid. Wichgers to further correct the minutes, seconded by Chairman Patterson. Motion carried unanimously. Chairman Patterson moved to approve the corrected minutes and place on file. • OLD BUSINESS: Update on Status of Condemnations/Citations - Nothing new to report. Update on Existing Forms and Ordinances - Director McMullen reported that within the next two to three months he will be receiving packets from the adjoining cities on their fire codes. Status of Recycling/Refuse - Chairman Patterson requested that Craig Anderson, Director of Parks and Recreation, add to the City Scroll pertinent information on the Recycling Center at Emerald Park. Status of Cable TV Emergency Broadcasting - Alderman Patterson was requested at the June meeting to check on the price for the ticker on the bottom of the TV screen and audio alerts, and bring that information back to the Committee for further discussion. He would also try and determine how long this system would be available to the City. Aid. Patterson reported that the cost for the equipment to broadcast the warnings will be $15,000. Time Warner Cable's Attorney is looking into the legal aspect. Aid. Patterson will be asking the City's Attorney whether or not we can interrupt the State/Federal Emergency Broadcast System. 0 Review of Existing Landfill Expansions - Nothing to Report. Public Services Committee Page 2 August 7 2000 • Final Review of Commercial Propertv Maintenance Standards and establishing amount for deposit and forfeiture schedule. Sean McMullen appeared before the committee to review the proposed Commercial Property Maintenance Standards. He indicated that Brian Turk would be proposing an amount for the deposit and forfeiture at a future Finance Committee meeting. Aid. Wichgers moved to recommend approval of creation of ordinance for amendment to Municipal Code to create Chapter 35. Seconded by Chairman Patterson, motion carried. Further Review of "ADDlication for Franchise Authoritv Consent to Assianment or Transfer of Control of Cable Television Franchise. The committee reviewed correspondence from the Regional Telecommunication Commission which included their updated version of the Digital Access, Inc. proposed franchise agreement and proposed ordinance. The RTC feels that their proposed franchise agreement protects our interests while offering the opportunity for Digital Access to provide competitive service for our community Deferred to next month's meeting. Further review of requirement for submittal of Plat Of Survey - Engineering/Building Inspection Director Sean McMullen appeared before the committee to discuss proposed requirements as this item was removed from the • minutes at the Common Council meeting for further consideration. Director McMullen requested that for the protection of legally recorded easements, instruction should be handed out when a permit is requested that they must supply a plat with easements or a letter from the county saying no record of easements. If the County documents show no easements they have satisfied the City Engineer Further discussion on "No Parkina" signs - Lakeview Drive (Ridae Road to Hillendale). Proposed Resolution #134-2000, Establishing Traffic Regulations had been deferred from the Common Council meeting of June 13, 2000, in order to allow for further discussion. The homeowners agreed not to park on the road due to safety reasons and asked that there not be "No Parking" signs placed. Deferred to next month's meeting. NEW BUSINESS: Review request for Stop Sian at Lions Park Drive and Oak Grove Drive The Committee reviewed a letter received from residents on Lions Park Drive regarding their safety concerns on Lions Park Drive and Oak Grove Drive. Chairman Patterson moved to defer to next month's meeting to allow the Police Department to monitor the area. Seconded by Aid. Wichgers. Motion • carried unanimously. Review request for No Parking on Woods Road, east of Racine Avenue - Public Services Committee Page 3 August 7 2000 • Chief Johnson explained that high school students are parking on Woods Road because they are unable to park on Racine Ave. There are two retirement homes with entrances onto Woods Road. Chief Johnson recommends that No Parking signs be placed on Woods Rd. Aid. Wichgers made a motion that "No Parking" signs be placed on both sides of Woods Rd. from Racine Ave. to 1250ft east.. Chairman Patterson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Consider Changing Meeting Dates- All Public Service Committee members are willing to change to the third Monday of the month. If the Public Utilities Committee members are willing to change to the first Monday of the month then the new meeting dates will begin in September Alderman Wichgers motioned the changing of meeting dates depending on Public Utilities. Chairman Patterson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Discuss Burning Ordinance - Ald. Nancy Salentine appeared before the committee to discuss the present burning ordinance. Chairman Patterson moved to defer to next month to allow Director McMullen to check on the State law for distance of burning off the shore line. Seconded by Aid. Wichgers. Motion carried unanimously. • Review request for additional holding tank/Superior Emerald Park. Sean McMullen explained to the committee the need for an additional holding tank for Superior Emerald Park in order to service a proposed new shop on the property. This shop will ultimately be connected to sewers when the forcemain is installed. Aid. Wichgers made a motion to approve and send to Council. Chairman Patterson seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Discuss Various Signage - Chairman Patterson asked the citizens who were present for their input on a new high intensity standard for all replacement and new advisory signs. Those present agreed the signs are more noticeable. Chairman Patterson made a motion to have all future Advisory Signs upgraded to high intensity signs. Aid. Wichgers seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Discuss renaming of Overlook Bay Drive (Lakewood Condos) - Sean McMullen appeared before the committee requesting that the present Overlook Bay Drive be renamed as the development will be known as Lakewood Condominiums. Aid. Wichgers made a motion for the renaming of Overlook Bay Drive to Lakewood Drive. Chairman Patterson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. 0 Public Services Committee Page 4 August 7 2000 • Review agreement for Parkland Mall razing Permit - Sean McMullen reviewed with the committee an amended agreement to be entered into between the City of Muskego and Parkland Venture, LLC (Art Dyer) for razing of Parkland Mall. Chairman Patterson requested that some type of erosion control be added to the razing permit. Director McMullen agreed. Alderman Wichgers made a motion to approve the amended agreement. Chairman Patterson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Aid. Wichgers made a motion to send the Agreement to Council as amended. Chairman Patterson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Review danaerous curve Muskeao Drive at Martin Drive. Ald. Chiaverotti discussed with the committee an area on Muskego Drive, before Martin Drive, that has a dangerous curve. She is recommending that a warning sign for dangerous curve be installed, or a speed bump, etc. Aid. Wichgers made a motion to defer to next month's meeting. Chairman Patterson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Set rates for 2001 Refuse/Recycling - The committee reviewed a memorandum from Finance Director, Dawn Gunderson, along with worksheets with projections for the refuse/recycling program for 2001 Her recommendation would be to increase rates for 2001 by at least 3% to $84.90 and $72.10; up from the $82.40 and $70.00 rates for 2000, stating that the City will still be 40 subsidizing the refuse expenses by $6,295 and using $65,528.34 of the State's Recycling fund balance. Aid. Wichgers moved to defer to next month's meeting to receive clarification from the Finance Director. Seconded by Chairman Patterson. Motion carried unanimously. COMMUNCIATIONS AND ANY OTHER BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW: Nothing. ADJOURNMENT: Being no further business to discuss, Ald. Wichgers moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Chairman Patterson. Carried by all and meeting adjourned at 10:35 PM. Respectfully Submitted, Kellie Renk • Recording Secretary t:l �n �-O� Off I 14-�z