The meeting was called to order at 7:04PM by Alderman Butch Le Doux.
Present were Committee Member Aid. Wichgurs and Public Works Supt. Delikat.
Also present was Aid. Slocum and City Engineering/Bldg. Inspection Director
McMullen. and attached list of attendees. Chairman Patterson was absent.
Aid. Le Doux noted the meeting was posted in accordance with the Open
Meeting Law.
minutes of the June 5, 2000 meeting. A motion was made by Aid. Wichgurs
to approve the minutes as presented, seconded by Aid. Le Doux. Motion
carried unanimously.
Discuss College Court Drop-off Center - Mr Chuck Ott of Superior (BFI) was
present and explained the only items that can be dropped off at the College Ct.
location will be oil and yard waste with no cost incurred for large amounts.
There will be dumpsters available at the landfill site for recyclables with separate
ones for glass, aluminum, and plastic. Also available will be drop sites for tires,
• scrap metal, and yard waste. A motion was made by Aid. Wichgurs to have
the Mayor discontinue the paid drop off at the College Court site and to
collect only oil, yard waste, and compost at that site. Seconded by Aid. Le
Doux, motion carried unanimously.
Review Request for "No Parking" signs - Lakeview Drive - Captain Daley of the
Police Department was present and explained the situation on Lakeview Drive
reference cars parking on both sides of the road on both sides of the crest of the
hill. This creates a dangerous situation as cars move out of their lanes due to
the parked cars and do not see approaching cars. Aid. Le Doux made a
motion to recommend placing "No Parking" signs on the east and west
sides of Lakeview Drive from Ridge Road to the approximate area of W199
S7503 Lakeview. Aid. Wichgurs seconded and motion carried
Discuss Noise Ordinance - a resident asked that the language in #9.05 be
changed. He would like to see an actual time instead of "sunset' being used.
Captain Daley explained this ordinance pertains to construction equipment and
not lawn mowers etc. Aid. Wichgurs made a recommendation to keep this
ordinance as is, Aid. Le Doux seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
• Report from Supt. Delikat on what items the landfill accepts - Covered above.
Public Services Committee Page 2
July 6, 2000
• Renaming Lakes Parkway to Martin Drive - Director McMullen advised the
Planning Commission would like the 600 foot stretch of Lakes Parkway be
renamed to Martin Drive due to the rerouting of the present Martin Drive to align
with Lakes Parkway. A motion was made by Aid. Wichgurs to recommend
renaming Lakes Parkway to Martin Drive, seconded by Aid. Le Doux.
Motion carried unanimously.
Review of Salvage and Recycling Permits - Nothing at this time.
Review request for "Slow/Children at Play" sign on Hale Park Drive - The
Committee was advised signs had been posted prior to the meeting.
Review HAWS Agreement - New agreement circulated. A motion was made by
Aid. Le Doux to recommend accdoting the 2000-2001 HAWS Agreement,
seconded by Aid. Wichgurs. Motion carried unanimously.
Discuss 2000 Trick or Treat Hours - Deferred to next month's meeting.
Review requirement for submittal of Plat of Survey - Director McMullen
recommends changing the plat of survey due to drawings coming into for
approval and they are not accurate and this creates a liability problem for the
City. McMullen explained the plat of survey should show everything such as
• easements, drainage easements, 100 year flood plain etc. and for property
having older homes on them the City does not have that information. Director
McMullen is asking that when permits are issued have a registered surveyor do
the survey. This will protect residents from acquiring flood insurance where not
needed and protects the City from liability costs and any future lawsuits.
McMullen recommends this applies only to existing subdivisions with lots three
(3) acres or greater or at the discretion of the City Engineer, and that information
obtained from Waukesha County Courthouse is also acceptable. A motion was
made by Aid. Le Doux to recommend approval of this and seconded by
Aid. Wichgurs. Motion carried unanimously.
Update on Status of Condemnations/Citations - nothing
Update on Existing Forms and Ordinances - nothing.
Status of Cable TV emergency Broadcasting - nothing.
Review of Existing Landfill Expansions - nothing
Public Services Committee
July 6, 2000
Page 3
Status of Recycling/Refuse - Supt. Delikat advised there were the following
• complaints for June:
Garbage not picked up - 5
Garbage left in yard - 1
Garbage left in road - 1
Recycling container not emptied - 1
Carpet not taken - 1
Wrong recycling bin delivered - 1
Aid. Le Doux asked if there are pick-ups planned from the storm of July 2nd
Supt. Delikat stated starting on Monday, July 10th, the city will be picking up
brush and wood from storm damaged trees.
Final Review of Commercial Property Maintenance Standards - Ald. Wichgurs
made a motion to defer this until next month's meeting. Aid. Le Doux
seconded and motion passed unanimously.
Further Review of "Application for Franchise Authority Consent to Assignment or
Transfer of Control of Cable Television Franchise - nothing.
Being no further business to discuss, Ald. Wichgurs moved to adjourn the
meeting, seconded by Ald. Le Doux. Carried by all and meeting adjourned at
Respectfully Submitted,
Ann E. Wissing
Recording Secretary