The meeting was called to order at 7, 10PM by Chairman Patterson. Present were Committee
• Members Aid. Le Doux, Aid. Wichgers, Police Chief Johnson, and Public Works Supt. Delikat.
Also present were City Engineering/Bldg. Inspection Director McMullen, Planning Director
Brian Turk, and attached list of attendees.
Chairman Patterson noted the meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law.
REVIEW OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING: The Committee reviewed the minutes of
the May 10, 2000 meeting. A motion was made by Aid. Le Doux to approve the minutes as
presented, seconded by Aid. Wichgers. Motion carried unanimously.
PERSONAL APPEARANCE: Mr. Chuck Ott of Superior Onyx Waste Services (BFI)
explained it costs Superior approximately $10,000 a year to distribute four issues of the
newsletter per their contract. A discussion ensued. Mayor De Angelis stated he had talked
with the manager of the landfill, Gene Kramer, and Mr Kramer is interested in the idea of
sharing the responsibility of the newsletters. Superior Onyx Waste would do the January and
Fall issues, and Superi-drEmerald Park would do the Spring and Summer issue. Mayor De
Angelis asked Mr Ott to speak with Gene Kramer and work on a plan, and when they have
something worked out they are asked to present it to the Committee.
Discussion of Racine Avenue & Pioneer Drive Intersection - Aid. Salentine spoke on behalf of
citizen Nora Schneider who requested installation of traffic lights at the intersection of Racine
Avenue and Pioneer Drive due to accidents occurring at that intersection. They had copies of
five accident reports from the last five years of which two were at the intersection, and the
remaining three were further south on Racine Avenue, which were due to student high school
• parking. Chief Johnson advised the City had the county check into stop lights and reducing
the speed limit in the area a few years ago and it was denied. Pioneer Drive comes in at an
angle to Racine Avenue and it should be changed to have it coming in straight to Racine
Avenue. Sean McMullen stated that project would cost the City approximately $65.000 to
$90,000. Chief Johnson asked the Committee to wait until next year and see about the number
of accidents after the high school has developed additional parking.
Review of Salvage and Recycling Permits - A memo was presented to the Committee from
Dustin Wolff reference the renewal of the license for Kohne Salvage. The memo stated that
the site had been inspected and everything was well kept and orderly in appearance, and
there have been no complaints received over the past year regarding the property. Aid.
Wichgers made a motion to approve the renewal of the license with Aid. Le Doux
seconding. Carried by all.
Update on Status of Condemnations/Citations - Engineer Sean McMullen stated there were
four citations issued for erosion control. Turk also stated Erdmann Motors and Muskego Movie
Theater are working with the City to comply so he will recommend dismissal of their citations.
Update on Existing Forms and Ordinances - nothing.
Status of Recycling/Refuse - Public Works Supt. Delikat stated the majority of phone calls are
from residents voicing their concern in the change over of BFI and Superior. Delikat stated
• everything is running smoothly and he expects no problems. The Committee asked Delikat to
Public Services Committee
June 5, 2000
Page 2
put more useful information on the Public Works web page to assist residents. Complaints for
• May were garbage pick-up missed - 8; and recycling pick-up missed - 1 The Committee
asked Delikat to check with the landfill and get more clarification on what items the
landfill will take. Item to placed on the agenda for next month.
Status of Cable TV -Emergency Broadcasting - Chairman Patterson stated he has been in
contact with the cable company and severe weather warnings can be broadcast three different
ways. Mayor De Angelis asked how long before we get digital because the weather warning
system will not be operational any longer at that point. It was the consensus that Chairman
Patterson is to check on the price for the ticker on the bottom of the TV screen and audio
alerts, and bring that information back to the Committee for further discussion. He is
also to try and determine how long this system would be available to the City.
Review of Existing Landfill Expansions - nothing.
Further Review of Commercial Propertv Maintenance Standards - Planning Director Turk
stated the City Attorney warits to make some changes in the ordinance. Turk explained that
this ordinance will be in effect for offenders who refuse to comply. Turk stated most residents
comply and clear up the violations. Ordinance will be put into final ordinance form for review
by the Committee.
Further Review of "Application for Franchise Authority Consent to Assignment or Transfer to
Control of Cable Television Franchise' - nothing.
Status of Chapter 4 of the Municipal Code - Police & Fire Commission - Chief Johnson stated
the City Attorney made three modifications with the ordinance being put into statute language
and the Committee will send it to the Common Council for adoption.
A concern was brought to the Committee reference posting "No Parking" signs on Lakeview
near to and at the crest of the hill in the area of W199 S7503 Lakeview. With vehicles parking
in the area, drivers have to go into the other lane of travel as they approach the crest of the hill
and a collision could result as both drivers lose sight momentarily. The Committee decided to
take this directly to the Common Council for approval. Chairman Patterson said he was
to bring it directly to the Council for approval, due to the inability to add this item to this
meeting's agenda.
Being no further business to discuss, Aid. Le Doux moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded
by Aid. Wichgers. Carried by all and meeting adjourned at 8:35PM.
Respectfully S mitted,
. 4V,4f
Ann E. Wissing
Recording Secretary
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