The meeting was called to order at 7 10PM by Chairman Patterson. Present were
iscommittee members Aid. Le Doux, Aid. Wichgers, Chief John Johnson, and those per
attached sheet. Deputy Bldg. Director Biwer and Public Works Supt. Delikat were
Chairman Patterson noted the meeting was posted in accordance with the Open
Meeting Law.
minutes from the April 3, 2000 meeting. Aid. Le Doux made a motion to approve the
minutes as presented, seconded by Aid. Wichgers. Motion carried 3-0.
Review Request for "No Parking' Signs on College Court - Mike Barrett, representative
of BFI, was present to address concerns of vehicles being parked on the roadway.
Barrett stated this is a safety issue due to 90% of the traffic being trucks. When
vehicles are parked on the street this causes congestion and presents a potential of
damage to parked vehicles. Barrett stated there is plenty of parking for the businesses
located on College Court in their parking lots. Aid. Le Doux suggested erecting signs
with time limits for parking. Chief Johnson replied that signs are erected when there is
a great safety concern and he has had officers checking the area and they are
reporting there is no problem at this time. Chief Johnson further stated if the court was
posted, the entire court would have to be posted as just posting on the end of the cul-
• de -sac would have vehicles parking further up the street where the street narrows and
this would cause a problem with the large trucks coming down the street. The City will
write a letter to the businesses located on College Court stating the problem, and
as a safety precaution, ask employees to use the designated parking lots.
Chairman Patterson used this time to tell Barrett what a good job BFI is doing and to
keep up the good line of communication. Barrett was asked if there were any
suggestions to help BFI and Barrett stated if customers would tie the bags of garbage
this would prevent the garbage from blowing around, and also 45 gallon garbage cans
are becoming very popular and this presents a weight problem at times. Barrett stated
there is a weight limit of 85 pounds on each garbage can. It was suggested that this
information be put in BFI's quarterly newsletter
Other concerns were the possibility of curb side pick up of dirt and sod. Barrett
responded that the issue is weight and most communities do not pick these articles up
for that reason. Barrett was asked if scrap metal could be placed at the curb for pick-
up and he responded that all items that do not go to the landfill such as appliances,
batteries, large amounts of scrap metal etc. should have a special collection pick up
which can be arranged by calling BFI.
Review of Chapter 4 of the Municipal Code - Chief Johnson stated sections of this code
are contrary to statutes and outdated. Chapter 4 will be forwarded to the City
• Attorney for review.
Public Services Committee Page 2
May 10, 2000
• Review of Traffic Signs at the Public Library - Chief Johnson stated there should be
"Stop" and "No Through" signs posted at the entrances and exits of the library, both on
Janesville Road and Parkland Drive. Aid. Le Doux made a motion to post the traffic
signs and Aid. Wichgers seconded. Carried, 3-0.
Further Review of Commercial Property Maintenance Standards - Deferred to next
Update on Status of Condemnations/Citations - Nothing to report.
Update on Existing Forms and Ordinances - Nothing to report.
Status of Recycling/Refuse - No complaints received.
Status of Cable TV -Emergency Broadcasting - Warner Cable not able to attend and
asked if they could have representatives at the June meeting. Chairman Patterson
updated the two new committee members as to what has been happening.
Review of Existing Landfill Expansions - Nothing to report.
Further Review of "Application for Franchise Authority Consent to Assignment or
Transfer of Control of Cable Television Franchise - Chairman Patterson updated the
• two new committee members and stated the committee should have information on the
contract signing by the next meeting.
Discuss Future Meeting Dates - Chairman Patterson, with all committee members
approval, will ask Public Utilities if they would be willing to switch their meetings from
the 3`d Monday to the 1 s' Monday of the month and we would assume their 3rd Monday
of the month meeting time. This change would alleviate the problem of other
commitments for the 1 5' Monday meeting date.
Chairman Patterson presented a letter from a constituent reference concerns on the
landfill and recycling. These concerns had been discussed with Barrett earlier
Chairman Patterson will call and discuss these concerns with the constituent.
Being no further business to discuss Ald. Wichgers moved to adjourn the meeting,
seconded by Ald. Le Doux. Carried by all and meeting adjourned at 8:20PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
• Ann E. Wissing
Recording Secretary
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