PSCM20000306PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE -CITY OF MUSKEGO UNAPPROVED MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON MONDAY, MARCH 6, 2000 The meeting was called to order at 7:07PM by Chairman Patterson., Present were is committee members Aid. Chiaverotti, Aid. Pionek, Public Works Supt. Wayne Delikat, and Deputy Bldg. Director AI Biwer (Cable was not functioning therefore the meeting was voice recorded). REVIEW PROPOSED ORDINANCE -CHAPTER 12.16 SWIMMING POOLS TO ESTABISH FEE BT RESOLUTION Al Biwer explained how there is conflicting information in the ordinance and asked that the minimum fee of $30.00 and $7.00/$1000 be deleted from the ordinance. Aid. Pionek recommended forwarding the changes to Common Council for adoption. Seconded by Aid. Chiaverotti. Carried, 3-0. Aid. Pionek asked Al Biwer about the underground electrical changes and Biwer reported the ordinance has been sent to Attorney Molter for approval and then it will be sent to the Common Council. Al Biwer excused himself at this time. STATUS OF RECYCLING/REFUSE Supt. Delikat stated there were a total of four (4) complaints for February: white goods not picked up - 2; garbage not picked up - 1, and garbage cans not returned properly - 1 Supt. Delikat explained about a potential problem that may arise on Mystic Drive, in particular the four homes that are located beyond the locked gate. The four homeowners paved the drive and it is too narrow for pick-up. At the present time one homeowner allows the trucks to turn around in his driveway but this may be terminated. Delikat is working on having pick-up at the gate. Aid. Patterson requested that if this cannot be worked out, Delikat will send a letter to the four homeowners stating they must bring their refuse to the locked gate area. STATUS OF PARKING SITUATION AT MUSKEGO HIGH SCHOOL Supt. Delikat stated an additional parking lot will be built later this year and students will be charged a higher fee for the privilege of parking on school property. Racine Avenue has been posted "No Parking" in the area where students had been parking and they are now reported to be parking further south on Racine Avenue with no problems reported at this time. DISCUSS CHANGES TO REFUSE AGREEMENT Aid. Patterson stated he had received a request from BFI to eliminate some of their newsletters. At present time they send out four (4) newsletters per year BFI feels the newsletters are repetitious Aid. Pionek feels that the newsletter with the yearly schedule and information on recycling items is adequate while Aid. Patterson and Chiaverotti feel there should be at least two newsletters, possibly beginning the year and then in late Summer Aid. Pionek asked if the City could hold off until the contract is finalized with Emerald Park and we know the hours for drop off etc. The Committee asked that the Mayor's secretary send a letter to BFI informing them that the City is receptive to eliminating one to two newsletters and they wish to wait until Emerald Park is fully operational before any decisions are made. Public Services Committee Page 2 March 6, 2000 REVIEW "APPLICATION FOR FRANCHISE AUTHORITY CONSENT TO ASSIGNMENT OR TRANSFER OF CONTROL OF CABLE TELEVISION FRANCHISE Aid. Patterson received information that the Digital Committee has concerns on going digital. He feels it might be best if the City holds off signing the contract. AOL does not have a proven track record and wishes additional information on protecting rights of the City with the AOL take-over Aid. Pionek asked that matter be deferred, Aid. Chiaverotti seconded. Motion passed, 3-0. A letter will be sent to Bev Greenburg of AOL explaining the decision and that it will be further discussed at the next meeting. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Update on Status of Condemnations/Citations - Nothing to report. Update on Existing Forms and Ordinances - Nothing to report. Further Review of Commercial Property Maintenance Standards - Matter deferred pending further review from the City Attorney. COMMUNICATIONS AND ANY OTHER MATTERS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW Aid. Pionek stated there have been numerous positive comments on the signs placed on the walk/bike path on Moorland Road. REVIEW OF MINUTES FROM PREVIOUS MEETING: The Committee reviewed the minutes from the February 71", 2000 meeting. A motion was made by Aid. Chiaverotti to approve the minutes as presented, seconded by Aid. Pionek. Motion carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT - Being no further business to discuss Aid. Chiaverotti moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Aid. Pionek. Carried by all and meeting adjourned at 7:40PM. Respectfully Submitted, Ann E. Wissing Recording Secretary S.