PSCM20000222• PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE -CITY OF MUSKEGO UNAPPROVED MINUTES OF MEETING HELD TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2000 The meeting was called to order at 7:09 P.M. by Acting Chairman Chiaverotti. Also present were Committee Member Aid. Pionek and Clerk -Treasurer Marenda. Chairman Patterson was absent. It was noted that the meeting was noticed in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. REVIEW OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING: The Committee reviewed the minutes of the February 7, 2000 meeting. Aid. Pionek moved for approval. Aid. Chiaverotti seconded. Motion carried 2-0. NEW BUSINESS Final review of draft ordinance for adult -oriented establishments Aid. Chiaverotti reported she discussed this matter with Police Chief Johnson who advised her the city attorney has reviewed the ordinance and recommendations of the committee and made no changes. It was noted in conjunction with the ordinance the deposit and forfeiture schedule needed to be amended. Aid. Pionek moved to recommend amendment to the deposit and forfeiture schedule to delete reference to 12.01(8)(f) Nude Dancing in Licensed Establishments and amend 12.20 • Adult Establishments from $150 to $500. Aid. Chiaverotti seconded. Motion carried 2-0. Aid. Pionek moved to recommend adoption of amendments to Chapter 12 as proposed in Ordinance #1018. Aid. Chiaverotti seconded. Motion carried 2-0. ADJOURNMENT Being no further business to discuss, Aid. Pionek moved to adjourn at 7:14 p.m., seconded by Aid. Chiaverotti. Motion carried 2-0. Respectfully submitted, J K. Marenda, CMC erk-Treasurer n U