PSCM20000207PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO Approved • MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON MONDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 2000 The meeting was called to order at 7 10PM by Chairman Patterson. Present were Committee Members Ald. Chiaverotti, Aid. Pionek, Police Chief Johnson, Public Works Supt. Wayne Delikat, and Deputy Bldg. Director Al Biwer. Chairman Patterson noted the meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. REVIEW OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING: The Committee reviewed the minutes of the January 6, 2000 meeting. A motion was made by Aid. Chiaverotti to approve the minutes as presented, seconded by Aid. Pionek. Motion carried unanimously. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Update on Status of Condemnations/Citations - Al Biwer reported there is nothing new to discuss. Update on Existing Forms and Ordinances - Nothing to report. Further discussion on underground electric connections for residential - Al Biwer handed out two proposed ways of changing Section 15.23 Underground Wiring. Biwer stated he favors the 2nd proposal. He further explained that all new subdivisions are using the underground wiring method and the cost for existing residences to have underground put in is very expensive. Biwer explained he took a poll of several surrounding cities and no one requires the overhead service to be replaced by underground. He proposed a homeowner may choose • to keep the overhead service, otherwise they are required to pay for the change. This includes all residential, commercial, and agricultural sites. A discussion ensued with Ald. Chiaverotti asking if a house is demolished and a new dwelling is erected, is this considered new construction. Biwer stated it is the intent of the ordinance that this is for new home construction or if a home is completely demolished. If a homeowner is doing remodeling, even major renovation, it would be their decision to stay with overhead or change to underground. Anyone taking out a building permit would be required to put in underground service. Aid. Pionek made a motion to use the following wording: All existing overhead electric services may be re -installed overhead. New electrical services shall be installed underground. Temporary electric service used for construction purposes only, may be installed overhead providing such service will be terminated within ninety (90) days. Aid. Chiaverotti seconded. Carried by all. Chairman Patterson requested the above be sent to the city attorney for review. If there are no changes it can go directly to the Common Council for adoption. Al Biwer excused himself at this time. NEW BUSINESS Review proposed amendments to Chapter 12 for licensing of adult -oriented establishments - Chief Johnson stated there is a question on some wording on pages 5 & 6 which may be in conflict with the current massage parlor ordinance. Also, Chief questioned why a change was not made by the city attorney reference Sunday hours and holidays (page #20). Chief • Johnson to check with city attorney for clarification on both matters. Matter deferred. Public Services Committee Page 2 February 7, 2000 Review Parking Situation at Muskego High School - Chief Johnson reported the County will be • posting Racine Avenue with "No Parking" signs from Pioneer Drive to approximately Henneberry (1800 feet south of high school). If signs are posted there is a concern about students parking on Woods Road which is considered dangerous due to the narrow road and shoulders, ditches, and the upcoming sewer construction. Chief Johnson is working on asking Calvary Church for use of their parking lot, otherwise he recommended removing the "No Parking" signs from Jean Drive. Chief stated the high school is seriously looking into enlarging the parking areas on school grounds. Therefore, a temporary solution needs to be implemented. Ald. Pionek asked if the County could be asked to hold off on the posting of the signs. Chief Johnson to check with the County on the reason for posting Racine Avenue plus he will ask the Mayor to follow up with the County and its representatives. At this time Chief Johnson excused himself. Further discussion on signage speed limit and renaming road and cul de sac - Loomis Drive. Minutes were presented from the Joint Common Council meeting held on January 31', 2000, whereby Franklin officials agreed to the renaming of that portion of the road to Loomis Drive. Further discussion followed with everyone agreeing that the dead end portion of Loomis should be a Court. Supt. Delikat will follow up with the Mayor and Alderman Slocomb. Status of Recycling/Refuse. Public Works Supt. Delikat stated there were eight (8) complaints for the month of January: Christmas trees not picked up - 4; garbage not picked up - 3; and recycling not picked up -1 Status of Cable TV - nothing. Review of existing landfill expansion - nothing. • Further review of Commercial Property Maintenance Standards - Brian Turk not present. Matter deferred pending further information from the City Attorney. COMMUNICATIONS AND ANY OTHER MATTERS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW Ald. Pionek asked about the status of signs for the walk/bike path on Moorland Road. Sup. Delikat stated signs at the entrances on Janesville and College plus the sections where there is a car pull -off for parking will be posted reference cleaning up dog waste. ADJOURNMENT - Being no further business to discuss Ald. Chiaverotti moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:55PM, seconded by Ald. Pionek. Carried by all. Respectfully ubmitted, Ann Wissing, Recording Secretary •