The meeting was called to order at 7:05 P.M. by Chairman Patterson. Present %vcrc Committee Members
Aid. Chiavcrotti, Aid. Pionck, Public Works Supt. Waync Dclikat, Police Chief Johnson. Public present
Bob Bucckcrs and Paul Roppuld.
Chairman Patterson noted that the meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law.
Further discussion on request from Little Muskcgo Lake District for expansion of Slow'/No Wake.
The Committee had requested input from members of the Little Muskcgo Lake District. Representing the
District. Paul Poppuld read their proposed Resolution to modify "Slow — No Wake"hours. This resolve
read as follows:
To recommend to the City of Muskcgo that the current "Slow -No Wake hours" ordinance be revised to
implement the evening "Slow -No Wake" shutdown one-half hour after the legal sunset on an}given day:
sunset as defined in the "Wisconsin Boating Regulations" published by the Wisconsin Department of
Natural Resources.
It was noted that water skiers wanted additional time to reach their destination after they had stopped
skiing. Mr Bucckcrs explained current state law only allows skiing from sunrise to sunset and boaters must
turn on their lights at dusk.
The goal of Lake District numbers was to make the lake accessible to as many people as possible and set
' usage respective to time of %car and sunrise/sunset criteria defined by the Wisconsin Boating Regulations.
The current time of 8:30 p.m. allows no restrictions at dark during some parts of the %car,
Committee members felt sonic boaters would have difficult' determining what time sunset was. On a sunny
day, sunset would appear later than on a cloud% day The set time limit gives boaters no excuse for
violating ",Slow -No Wake hours" therefore making it easier for the Police Department to enforce. Police
Chief Johnson added there have been no accidents after sunset reported on Little Muskcgo Lake in the past
5 %cars so safe[ is not an issue.
The latest sunset time recorded in the Wisconsin Boating Regulations book was 8:37 p.m. The majority of
the %car. the sunset time was earlier than the current 8:30 limit. The Committee discussed the possibility of
varying the hours during different times of the year, but again this could create an enforcement problem.
Lake residents arc interested in having time to boat when the lake would be less crowded.
Alderman Pionck moved to accept the resolution presented to the Committee using the sunset times as
published in the Wisconsin Boating Regulation book. Motion was seconded by Alderman Chiavcrotti. The
motion was denied on a 1-2 vote.
The Committee felt comfortable ]caving the ordinance how it currently stands with the Slow -No Wake
period starting at 8:30 p.m.
Police Chief Johnson stated the biggest complaint he receives is high power motor boats with sub -standard
exhaust s%stems.
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01 /06/00
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REVIEW OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING: The Committee reviewed the minutes of the
December 6. 1999 meeting. A motion was made by Aid. Chiavcrotti to approve the minutes as presented,
seconded by Aid. Pionck. Motion approved unanimouslN
Status of Rcc%cling and Refuse:
Public Works Supt. Dclikat said the City had received I I complaints for the month of December. Aid.
Patterson reminded Supt. Dclikat that BFI should be forwarding complaints to the City Supt. Dclikat said
he would make sure that this is being accomplished.
Discussion followed on the replacement of recycling bins. If bins arc damaged by BFI, BFI will replace
them. If a new recycling bin is needed for any other reason, it must be purchased from the City.
Rcvicw of signagc, speed limit, and renaming road and cul-de-sac - Loomis Drive
This issue will be discussed at thcjoint City of Muskcgo-City of Franklin meeting later this month. Supt.
Dclikat would like to sec no trucking signs on Loomis Road south of Highway 36, as well as, Speed Limit
35 signs.
Police Chief Johnson will check old ordinances on file to sec what speed limit is currently on file.
A motion was made by Aid. Chiavcrotti to approve the placement of the No Trucking and Speed Limit 35
signs on both sides of Loomis Road South of Highway 36. Motion was seconded by Aid. Pionck.
Unanimously approved.
% The Committee also understood that sonic ordinance changes may need to be made to accomplish this task.
Rcvic%v rcaucst for signagc on Tans Drive
A request for signagc on Tans Driwc %%as made to Chief Johnson. He noted that there have been 18
reportable accidents and 5 non -reportable accidents on this street in the last %car This is an extremely large
number of accidents for a roadway with no intersection.
Chevron type signagc has successfulh reduced accidents on College Avenue and Woods Road.
Approximatch 12 signs would be needed to properh put signagc on Tans Drive.
A motion %%as made by Aid. Chiavcrotti to place these signs as needed. Seconded by Aid. Pionck. Motion
unanimoush approved.
Communication and nit% other business
Aid. Pionck asked Supt. Dclikat the status of dog refuse signagc on the Moorland Road walkway. Supt
Dclikat said he would make sure this signagc was in place by the next Public Services Committee meeting
Supt. Dclikat left at this time (8:00).
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01 /06/00
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Rcvicmv of draft ordinance for adult -oriented establishments.
• Police Chief Johnson stated a Supreme Court ruling that prevents municipalities from outlawing such
establishments in the community The City does have control in regulating such business.
One way is to limit the areas where such establishments could be placed is by zoning restrictions. Chief
Johnson reviewed the zoning ordinance proposed by the City Attorney It would allow adult-oricntcd
establishments in 13-1 zoning only and such establishments should be at least 1.000 feet from any
residential district lino. playground lot line or public park line. any structure used as a residence, place of
religious worship. public or private school, or youth facility. an% other structure housing an adult-oricntcd
establishment: and amstructure housing an establishment which holds a current alcohol beverage license.
Aid. Chiavcrotti made a motion to send this draft ordinance. as is, to the Planning Commission for review
and/or hearing on their next agenda. Seconded by Aid. Pionck. Motion unanimously approved.
Another way of limiting adult-oricntcd establishments is by creating licensing and operating regulations.
Police Chief Johnson rcvicmwcd the draft Ordinance from the City Attorney mwith the Committee, noting
some areas that should be changed. The Committee agreed the following areas should be changed to read:
Pg. 7(19&,19) should be amended to read "pubic hair" rather than "public hair
Pg. 9 Change of Name Fee to be $10.00.
Pg. I O(C)(2) Age notation should be added.
Pg. 13(f) $300.00 fec. Keep licensing regulations the same as taverns. Legal maximum is $500.00.
Pg. 15(c) Date of birth is needed.
Pg. 16 License fee for each individual should be $50.00 and follow the same licensing procedures required
for bartenders.
Pg. 19 Rencwal fees should be the same price as the initial fee for facility and individual licenses.
Pg. 20(6)(1) Remove operating restriction of Sunday and legal holidays and make the same restrictions that
taverns follow,
Pg. 21(6) Leave the 3-foot-distance as is.
Pg. 21(1 1) "in the City of Muskcgo' needs to be added.
Pg. 24(2)(c) ''unless limits are waived by both parties" is to be added.
Pg. 25(b) $500.00 maximum.
Pg. 26 Correct I%po of Section to read Sec. 12.01(f)(h).
Aid. Chiavcrotti made a motion that once these changes arc made the draft ordinance should be forwarded
to the Planning Commission for their review and/or hearing. Motion seconded by Aid. Pionck.
Unanimously approved.
Update on status of Condemnations/Citations
Update existing forms and ordinances
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01 /06/00
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• Status of Cable TV
Revicw of cxistina landfill expansion
Further discussion on undereround electric connections for residential
Al is putting this information together for the next meeting.
Further review of Commercial Property Maintenance Standards
Being no further business to discuss. Aid. Patterson moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:28 p.m., seconded
by Aid. Chiavcrotti. Motion unammoush approved.
Respectfullc submitted.
Jodi Ambrose
Recording Secretary
MEETING Puac_jc, SERVICES - /--6-00
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