PSCM19991206• PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE -CITY OF MUSKEGO APPROVED 11 • MINUTES OF MEETING HELD MONDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1999 The meeting was called to order at 7.10 P.M. by Chairman Patterson. Present were Committee members Ald. Pat Patterson, Ald. Kathy Chiaverotti, Aid. Don Pionek (arrived at 7-12) and Deputy Building Director Al Biwer and Public Works Superintendent Wayne Delikat. Also present were Police Chief Johnson and Planning Director Brian Turk. Chairman Patterson noted that the meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. REVIEW OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS minutes of the November 1, 1999 meeting. to approve the minutes as presented, approved unanimously. MEETING: The Committee reviewed the A motion was made by Aid. Chiaverotti seconded by Aid. Patterson. Motion NEW BUSINESS Renaming of Walter Hagen Drive Police Chief Johnson discussed Burke Properties' request to rename Walter Hagen Drive to Scott Krause Dr Brian Turk stated renaming the looped street of Walter Hagen Drive to Scott Krause Drive and the south end stub to Scott Krause Court would alleviate confusion and difficulty finding the court, both by emergency personnel and general public. At this time, Aid. Pionek arrived. Ald. Chiaverotti moved to approve the renaming of Walter Hagen Drive as stated in the Police Chiefs memorandum as Version No. 2 and as noted above. Ald. Pionek seconded. Motion carried. Discussion of Request from Little Muskego Lake District for Expansion of Slow/No Wake Discussion was held regarding restriction of 'time" to "half-hour after sunset" Chief Johnson stated the average boater may not be aware of the actual time of sunset, and stated he feels there is no real problem with current time restrictions. Aid. Chiaverotti suggested approving Little Muskego Lake District's request, but felt recommendations from the Public Services Committee should be forwarded to the District. Ald. Patterson directed Cathie Anderson to invite representative of Little Muskego Lake District to attend the next Public Service Committee meeting in January to discuss this request in further detail. At this time, Chief Johnson left for the evening. Public Services Committee Page 2 Monday, December 6, 1999 Update on Status of Condemnations/Citations: Al Biwer stated one (1) citation that was previously issued (#M-244553 to Raymond Morris of W180 S6663 Muskego Drive) for sump pump discharge; fine was paid and situation corrected. Review of Adopted Ordinance #1007 - Regulations for Moving Buildings Al Biwer stated the Chapter for moving buildings was inadvertently left out of the Municipal Code. He stated he read through the amendment to the Ordinance, and did not feel there is any problem with this amendment. Aid. Chiaverotti moved to reflect that the Committee reviewed the Ordinance #1007 and forward that motion to Council. Ald. Pionek seconded. Motion carried. Status on Recycling/Refuse: Wayne Delikat presented the Committee with list of 14 complaints that were received in the month of November They were missed recycling pickup (4), garbage containers not returned properly(2), recycling bin not received (2), garbage pickup not made (5) and large item not picked up (1). Aid. Patterson directed Wayne to check into replacement cost of recycling containers if container is damaged by use of garage service equipment and not because of citizen • responsibility. Aid. Pionek requested due to weather conditions, the garbage company turn the containers over to prevent snow or rain deposits. Discuss Criteria for Land Divisions of Lakefront Properties Brian Turk discussed the possible changes to the Land Division Ordinance in order to limit high-density/small lot land divisions. The amendment would change the Ordinance to require all land divisions which are proposed after the date of adoption of this Code amendment and which are within either the OLS or OED overlay districts to adhere to the area and width requirements of the underlying zoning district. Aid. Pionek moved to direct Brian Turk to write recommendation of the amendment and forward to the Council for action. Ald. Chiaverotti seconded. Motion carried. Discussion on Underground Electric Connections for Residential Al Biwer stated there was nothing at this time. This item was deferred until the next meeting. Review Commercial Property Maintenance Standards Brian Turk discussed the draft of an Ordinance which outlines the minimum maintenance standards for non-residential property regarding regulating the screening of dumpster enclosures, grass height and storage issues. The Ordinance is drafted to be enforced on a complaint only basis; two written complaints from aggrieved citizens, • or one from the Mayor or Alderman would initiate an enforcement action. Public Services Committee Page 3 Monday, December 6, 1999 • Ald. Pionek moved to have Brian Turk forward draft to City Attorney for wording. Aid. Chiaverotti seconded. Motion carried. At this time, Brian Turk, Al Biwer and Wayne Delikat left for the evening. Update on Existing Forms and Ordinances: None. Status of Cable TV Nothing to report at this time, but Aid. Chiaverotti noted concern regarding problems with Warner Cable service. It was noted that Cathie Anderson, Mayor's Administrative Assistant will be the person through which any service complaints will be routed. Aid. Pionek stated he noticed scrolling and 'blank out' problems. Committee directed Cathie Anderson to check with Aid. Pionek for detail, and then with Warner Cable regarding the Alderman's stated problems with scrolling and 'blank out' Review of Existing Landfill Expansions None. COMMUNICATIONS AND ANY OTHER BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW None. • ADJOURNMENT Being no further business to discuss, Aid. Chiaverotti moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:08 p.m., seconded by Aid Pionek. Motion unanimously approved. Respectfully submitted, Pat Reilly Recording Secretary 11