PSCM19990908PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE —CITY OF MUSKEGO APPROVED • MINUTES OF MEETING HELD WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1999 The meeting was called to order at 7:07 P.M. by Chairman Patterson. Present were Committee Members Aid. Pionek and Aid. Chiaverotti, Aid. Le Doux (arrived at 7:56 p.m.), and Deputy Building Director Al Biwer and Public Works Supt. Wayne Delikat. Chairman Patterson noted that the meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. REVIEW OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING: The Committee reviewed the minutes of the August 2, 1999 meeting and had them placed on file. Update on Status of Condemnations/Citations: Al Biwer stated there is nothing to report at this time regarding condemnations and/or citations. Aid. Pionek stated he has received numerous phone calls regarding mall and pond complaints. Chairman Patterson stated both these items were actually issues to be handled by other departments. Final Review of Demolition Ordinance: Discussion was held regarding Ordinance and everything seemed to be in order Al Biwer defined a portion of the Ordinance that Aid. Chiaverotti questioned regarding Section 30.811(3). Also she required clarification of Section 30.081.D(c). Al Biwer is moved Section regarding demolition of structures of Building Code. Aid. Chiaverotti moved to accept Ordinance content with numbering conforming to correct numbering of Building Code. Aid. Pionek seconded. Motion carried 3 to 0. Upon further discussion, Aid. Chiaverotti moved to amend her previous motion to include definition of demolition as opposed to razing in the definitions of Building Code. Aid. Pionek seconded. Motion to amend was withdrawn, with approval of the second. Discussion continued regarding definition and clarification of razing. Aid. Chiaverotti requested Al Biwer to provide clarification of definitions of razing and demolition for review at the next Committee meeting. Update on Existing Forms and Ordinances - Proposed Building Code: After clarification of definition of razing and demolition, update with be discussed on existing forms and Ordinances. Status of Recycling/Refuse — Establish rates for 2000: Discussion was held regarding percentage on worksheets. Aid. Chiaverotti moved to accept Sheet No. 2 as recommended by the Finance Director which is 3% increase in fees to $82.40/unit for residential units containing five (5) units or less and $70.00/unit for residential units containing six (6) units and over Aid. Pionek seconded. Motion carried 3 to 0. Status of Cable TV: • Nothing to report at this time. Public Services Committee Minutes of Meeting Held September 8, 1999 Page 2 • • • August Recycling/Garbage Complaints: List of 12 complaints was submitted by Wayne Delikat as follows: Damaged Recycling Bin 1 Garbage Pickup Missed 2 White Goods Not Picked Up 3 Recycling Bin Not Received 2 Recycling Not Picked Up 2 Garbage Cans Not Returned Properly 2 Review of Existing Landfill Expansions: Brief discussion was held regarding expansion of existing landfill. Letter was submitted from Police Chief John Johnson regarding reimbursable costs for coverage for Operation While Under the Influence. Chairman Patterson deferred item until the next meeting awaiting feedback from Chief. Discuss Criteria for Land Divisions of Lakefront Properties: Chairman Patterson deferred item until the October 4th meeting awaiting information from Plan Office regarding land divisions of lakefront properties. Further review of Draft Ordinance on Prohibition on keepina of wild animals: Item was deferred until next meeting awaiting Attorney clarification. Further Discussion of signs requiring dog litter clean up along Moorland Road: Wayne Delikat stated there was no problem with signs. Committee requests Parks & Rec Department to respond to Committee regarding type of sign for "pickup' reminder and cost per sign. At this point, Aid. Le Doux arrived (7:56 p.m.). NEW BUSINESS Review of Proposed Amendment to "Slow No -Wake" Ordinance for Little Muskego Lake Discussion was held regarding "Slow No -Wake" Ordinance. Ald. Le Doux suggested time to coincide with sunset and sunrise, rather than the current 8:30 P.M. and 8:00 A.M. speed restriction. There was lengthy discussion concerning this request. Some of the concerns were that "sunrise and sunset' were not exact times but very open to individual opinion in enforcement; that sunrise would allow high speed boating very early in the morning; and would cause problems for neighbors. There was some question if there has been any safety problems due to darkness and 8:30 PM as daylight changes. Committee requests the Police Chief submit report regarding lake accidents especially during dark hours for further discussion, with copy to Aid. Le Doux. Committee did not feel the times should be changed, so no action was taken. It will again be reviewed when the report from the Police Chief is received. COMMUNICATIONS AND OTHER BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW: No new communications or other business was noted. Public Services Committee Minutes of Meeting Held September 8, 1999 Page 3 ID ADJOURNMENT- Being no further business to discuss, Aid. Chiaverotti moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:15 P.M., seconded by Aid. Pionek. Carried by all. Respectfully submitted, Pat Reilly Recording Secretary 11 •