PSCM19990802PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE — CITY OF MUSKEGO Unapproved • MINUTES OF MEETING HELD MONDAY, AUGUST 2, 1999 The meeting was called to order at 7:05 P.M. by Chairman Alderman Pat Patterson. Present were Committee Members Alderman Don Pionek, Police Chief John Johnson, and Deputy Building Director Al Biwer Also present were Alderman David Sanders and Plan Director Brian Turk. Excused were Alderman Kathy Chiaverotti and Public Works Supt. Wayne Delikat. Chairman Patterson noted that the meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. REVIEW OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS: The Committee reviewed the minutes of the June 7, 1999 meeting and the June 22, 1999 meeting and had them placed on file. Review requirement for concrete floors in second garage structures: Alderman Sanders spoke on behalf of citizen, Erik Treba, to allow a dirt floor in his pole building on his agricultural zoned property for housing of horses. Chairman Patterson questioned if only horses would be kept in pole building. Mr Treba replied equipment also would be housed in the building, but would be kept on the concrete portion of the building. Brian Turk recommended provision to allow exception for dirt floor in portion of pole building where animals will be housed to be brought to Plan Commission level • for review. He explained it should be considered a building issue. The applicant could go to the Board of Appeals. Mr Turk read from the Code regarding this issue. Deputy Building Inspector Biwer stated possibility of Code change should be placed in file for further reference. Alderman Pionek questioned if issue was listed in Building Code Book. He stated that three (3) years ago it was questioned regarding policy of the Building Code. Ald. Pionek recalled an Appeals case that he felt he would like to further review. Chairman suggested that motion be made to Plan Commission and Common Council to change Code policy. Aid. Pionek moved, in agreement with others to allow dirt floors, only in areas where animals are kept. Chairman Patterson seconded. Motion carried. At this point, Alderman Sanders excused himself for the evening. Discussion of criteria for land divisions of lakefront properties: Chairman Patterson discussed criteria information submitted from Plan Director Brian Turk for land divisions of lakefront properties. Plan Director Turk explained existing lot criteria jointing two separate lots based on 4 criteria issues and the issue of straight -up land division for sites located on Muskego Lake. His recommendation is to eliminate requirements for legal lot status. He discussed the 5-part regulation listing for land divisions. Chairman Patterson asked if there were questions or ideas from the Committee. He stated the issue should be carried over to the following meeting for further review. He asked Plan Director Turk if there were any further suggestions on this item --establishing certain • criteria or eliminating all together He was directed to write out his suggestions for next meeting on how to tighten up legal lot status or eliminate. At this time, Brian excused himself from the meeting. Public Services Commillee - August 2. 1999 Page 2 • Request review of proposed Ordinance to cover costs for Operation While Under the Influence: Chief Johnson discussed the memorandum from the Mayor's office concerning passing the cost of blood testing and jail costs onto each individual arrested. He presented examples of an Ordinance in effect in Big Bend. Our present costs are $80.00 for blood test and $7.00/hour jail cost. This averages approximately $2,200.00 per year Currently, the fine charged is between $300.00-$400.00 per arrest. These fines could be used to cover cost. Chief Johnson discussed memorandum regarding Village of Big Bend Ordinance from the Mayor's Office with costs totaling approximately $1,500.00 per year Invoicing was discussed. He is awaiting replies from City Attorney and Judge Lentz and suggested tabling this until replies are received. Aid. Pionek moved to defer until the issue is reviewed by City Attorney and reply on cost coverage received, allowing Chief Johnson take for further review and report to the Committee. Aid. Patterson seconded. Motion carried. Request review of Draft Ordinance on— Prohibition on keeping of wild animals: Chief Johnson reported on Ordinances referenced in letters he had received from other Cities. He drafted on Ordinance consistent with the League of Municipalities with the exception of animals such as --bison, deer or shark, and suggested additions, such as —ostriches. He questioned the wording of some listed animals —such as monkeys, etc. He recommends his proposed Ordinance by reviewed by the Common Council. Chairman Patterson directed Recording Secretary to forward memo to Attorney Molter • to review wording regarding regulation of proposed Animals Ordinance, as changed on document for options by next month's meeting. Alderman Pionek questioned some of the wording, such as "circus animals" Chief Johnson stated "circus animals" or other wording could be added, or changed as needed. Committee added allowing animals used during entertainment presentations. Chief Johnson excused himself at this point. Request review of Demolition Ordinance — Deputy Building Director Al Biwer discussed submitted memorandum dated August 2, 1999 from Arenz, Molter, Macy & Riffle, S.C. regarding demolition code. Ald. Pionek stated this should be included in Building Code. Chairman Patterson suggested this item return to next month's meeting regarding memorandum review. Update of status of Condemnations/Citations — Deputy Building Director AI Biwer stated there is nothing to report. Update of existing forms and Ordinances — Proposed Building Code: Deputy Building Director Al Biwer stated there is nothing to report on Ordinances. Forms are working out well. Mailing will be sent to contractors. Mr Biwer excused himself at this time. Status of Recycling/Refuse — Establish rates for 2000: Chairman Patterson suggested this item be carried over to the next month's meeting. • Complaints for the month of July were 8 in total: 3 missed garbage pickup, 1 recycling pickup missed, 2 missed white goods pickup and 2 large furniture not picked up. All were rectified on a timely basis. Public Services Commillcc - Augusl 2. 1999 Page 3 • Status of Cable TV. Ald. Patterson stated Time Warner Cable made their quarterly payment--$18,748.58. Discussion was held regarding update of cable contract negotiations. There are continued attempts to eliminate on -going problems with restoration and clean-up of construction sites. Review of existing landfill expansions. Nothing to report. NEW BUSINESS Discussion of signs requiring dog litter clean up along Moorland Road: Ald. Pionek received numerous complaints regarding dog litter in areas down Janesville and Moorland Road. Chief Johnson placed article in newsletter as a reminder to residents to pick up after dogs. Ald. Pionek reported he had spoken to County Supervisor regarding leashing and pickups. Ald. Pionek stated that City Clerk/Treasurer Jean Marenda informed him that licensing fees go directly to County; but it may be possible to add additional costs to licenses to cover the costs of needed signage. Ald. Pionek suggested signage as reminder of pickup. Chairman Patterson directed Recording Secretary to ask Park & Rec Dept. to respond to Committee regarding type of sign used for "pickup" reminder and the cost per sign. Also recommendation from DPW Supt. Wayne Delikat for his recommendation on signage. • COMMUNICATIONS AND OTHER BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW. No new communications or other business was noted. ADJOURNMENT Being no further business to discuss, Ald. Pionek moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:05 P.M., seconded by Chairman Patterson. Carried by all. Respectfully submitted, Pa Reilly YPI_ Recording Secretary