PSCM19990607PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO Approved MINUTES OF MEETING HELD MONDAY, June 7, 1999 The meeting was called to order at 7-10 PM by Chairman Patterson. Present were Committee •member Ald. Pionek, Police Chief John Johnson, DPW Director Wayne Delikat, and Deputy Building Director Al Biwer Ald. Kathy Chiaverotti was excused. Chairman Patterson noted that the meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law on June 4, 1999. REVIEW OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING The Committee reviewed the minutes of the May 3, 1999 and had them placed on file. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Update on status of Condemnations/Citations - Al Biwer reports that there is nothing new to discuss Update on existing forms and ordinances - Proposed Building Code - Al Biwer reports that the Demolition Ordinance feedback is due from the City Attorney for discussion at next month's meeting. Al also provided two samples of forms that his department would like to begin using. A proposed Erosion Control Notice has been suggested for implementation and used to alert contractors to problems that exist on their work sites with respect to erosion. The 8'/2 x 11 yellow colored card would be posted and a description of the problem would be included on the notice. Al also has prepared a insert that alerts builders to the necessity of OSHA Approved Ladders for access to basements. The Committee is in favor of these new forms and applauds Al's efforts. Status of Recycling/Refuse - Continued discussion on yard waste pickup - Complaints for the month of May were 6 in total. Missed white goods pickup 2, garbage flying out of top of garbage is truck 2, recycling bin not received 1, and garbage thrown into ditch. Additionally, Ald. Patterson received a telephone call from a resident unsatisfied with the hours and days yard waste and brush can be dropped off at BFI. The caller would like to see more days for access to the service. Ald. Patterson told the individual of the efforts of this Committee regarding alternatives to dropping off yard waste. Status of Cable TV - Ald. Patterson provided a copy (attached) of the franchise fee payment for the three months ending March 31, 1999. Total cost to the City was $17,940.92 Review of existing landfill expansions - Nothing to report. Further discussion on Regulation of Entertainment in Class B Establishments - Chief Johnson provided a proposed sample Ordinance used by the City of Jefferson. This document also follows the League of Municipalities format for an Ordinance for this type of activity. Chief Johnson would like to see an Ordinance covering this type of business before a nude/partially nude establishment is in the City. With an Ordinance on the books that does not allow this type of activity, the City has a better chance of deterring an individual. For a person to come in and try to fight the Ordinance, would cost that individual thousands of dollars. Aid. Pionek moved to request the City Attorney review the proposed sample Ordinance from the City of Jefferson for adoption by the City of Muskego. Seconded by Aid. Patterson. Carried by all. NEW BUSINESS Review request for stop sign on Gregory Drive and Jacob Court - Due to numerous citizen .complaints at the suggestion of Wayne Delikat, Chief Johnson made a site visit to the intersections in question. Both streets go onto Parkland Drive. There is no yield or stop signs for those motorists. No accidents have occurred but the Committee wants to ensure consistent signing along Parkland Drive and these are the only two streets without stop signs. Chief Johnson is in Public Services Committee Meeting - June 7, 1999 Page 2 favor of the additional signage. Aid. Pionek recommends to Council the installation of stop signs on Gregory Drive and Jacob Court where they intersect Parkland Drive. • Additionally, Aid. Patterson received in writing, a request for "No Parking" signs along Parkland Drive from the end of Gregory Drive, north along Parkland Drive to cease autos from parking along the crest of the hill and obstructing the view of those attempting to turn onto Parkland Drive. The Chief estimates that approximately 120 feet of area will be signed "No Parking" Aid. Pionek moved to approve the installation of No Parking signs along Parkland Drive from Gregory Drive, approximately 120 feet to the north. Seconded by Aid. Patterson. Carried by all. Salvage & Recycling Permit - Kohne - The Committee reviewed the permit request submitted by Dustin Wolff. A site inspection was conducted and it appears well kept and orderly in appearance. No complaints have been received regarding the property in the past year Aid. Pionek moved to recommend approve of the Salvage & Recycling Permit for Kohne. Seconded by Aid. Patterson. Carried by all. Discuss Criteria for Land Divisions of Lakefront Properties - No information is available at this time. Request for a Stop Sign at Pasadena & Tyler Drive (Aid. Chiaverotti) - Chief Johnson performed a site visit to the intersection in question. At this time it is an uncontrolled intersection and confusion as to who has the right-of-way has created numerous near -misses. In lieu of the stop sign installation, the Chief suggests that yield signs be installed on both sides of Tyler Drive to alert motorists to the traffic on Pasadena. Aid. Pionek moved to approve the installation of yield signs on both sides of Tyler Drive at the Pasadena intersection. Seconded by Aid. Patterson. Carried by all. • COMMUNICATIONS AND ANY OTHER BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW - Aid. Pionek questioned the existence of any law regarding the admittance of individuals under the age of 17 who enter "R" rated movies. Chief Johnson stated that there is no law here prohibiting access to those under 17, it is rather a guideline set up the motion picture industry. The Committee discussed the merits of such a law and determined that policing such a law would be difficult at best. Aid. Patterson brought up a recent situation with a resident housing an "exotic' animal within the City. At this time, no such Ordinance exists that would prevent additional situations such as this other than the Safety Nuisance Ordinance. The Committee will look into the adoption of a formal Ordinance covering exotic animals that can pose safety issues to the residents and law enforcement individuals who may be called to "recapture" escaped animals. Chief Johnson will explore the existence of any such Ordinances. ADJOURNMENT - Being no further business to discuss, Aid. Pionek moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:45 PM, seconded by Aid. Patterson. Carried by all. Respectfully Submitted, Y. Linda Gulgowski, Re ordinary •