PSCM19990503PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO Approved MINUTES OF MEETING HELD MONDAY, May 3, 1999 • The meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM by Chairman Patterson. Present were Committee members Aid. Pionek, Aid. Kathy Chiaverotti, Police Chief John Johnson, DPW Director Wayne Delikat, and Deputy Building Director Al Biwer Chairman Patterson noted that the meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law on April 30, 1999. REVIEW OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING The Committee reviewed the minutes of the April 5, 1999 and had them placed on file. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Update on status of Condemnations/Citations - Al Biwer reports that there is nothing new to discuss. Aid. Chiaverotti questioned the issue of the signage at Parkland Mall. Al stated that the Zoning Department issued a citation and that this issue would be going to court on May 19, 1999. Update on existing forms and ordinances - Proposed Building Code - Nothing to report. Status of Recycling/Refuse - Continued discussion on yard waste pickup - Complaints for the month of April were 10 in total. Recycling pickup missed: 4, missed garbage pickup 4, missed white goods pickup 1 and 1 complaint of garbage flying out of top of garbage truck. BFI was contacted regarding the flying garbage. Status of Cable TV - Aid. Patterson read a letter he received from Bev Greenburg which states that effective for the June billing the cable fees will drop from 4 cents to 3 cents for the FCC. Also • on June 30, 1999 the Home and Garden Network will be added to the lineup. Aid. Patterson questioned the Committee regarding the addition of this channel when in the past Warner Cable stated that they lacked the room. Additionally, at a past meeting, the City of Big Bend requested the sharing of the City's channel 15 for their use. Aid. Patterson discussed the issue with the schools and they will give the City of Big Bend all day use of channel 15 on Wednesday's and Thursday's in the spirit of cooperation until the new contract is signed. The Committee thanks the schools for making this concession. A formal letter will be drafted to notify Big Bend. Review of existing landfill expansions - Nothing to report. Further discussion of massage therapy business - Opinion from the City Attorney has been received. A few minor changes in the wording were made by the Attorney. Police Chief Johnson has no concerns with the changes made. Minor errors will be corrected in the numerals of the document. The ordinance will provide some protection to the City regarding non -legitimate massage businesses. The ordinance is structured toward the provider (individual) of the service and not the owner of the business Aid. Pionek recommends forwarding the ordinance to Council for adoption. Seconded by Aid. Chiaverotti. Carried by all. Further discussion on Regulation of Entertainment in Class B Establishments - Chief Johnson provided the secondary affects study as requested by the City Attorney. The study proves that these type of establishments (nude dancing in taverns) do have an adverse affect within the community. This ordinance is constitutionally defensible, but significant money would be • expended defending it if it was ever challenged in court and made it to the Supreme Court. Al searched all of the current zoning regulations within Muskego and found no zoning restrictions to prevent this type of business in Muskego. Chief Johnson reports that several communities within the League of Municipalities have adopted similar ordinances. Aid. Patterson suggests one ordinance that includes both nude and partial nudity guidelines be developed because he feels Public Services Committee Meeting - May 3, 1999 Page 2 that both types of activity adversely affect the community in which it is located. Chief Johnson will • look into how the wording could be created to encompass both types of situations. NEW BUSINESS Review request for stop sign on Steeplechase Drive at Gold Drive (Chief Johnson) - Due to a citizen complaint Chief Johnson checked the intersection in question. The road is an extension of the original Steeplechase Drive. The stop sign should have been included in the Subdivider's Agreement with the developer paying for the stop sign. This did not occur Chief Johnson feels that the installation of a stop sign is warranted at this intersection. Aid. Chiaverotti moved to recommend to Council the development of a resolution to install a stop sign on Steeplechase Drive at Gold Drive. Seconded by Aid. Pionek. Carried by all. Review reauest for sianaae - Pedestrian Crossina (Recreation Trail on Durham) - Parks and Recreation Director, Craig Anderson requested that this Committee approve and post two signs where the recreation trail intersects at Durham. Several phone calls have come in stating that it is a severe safety issue for people crossing Durham. The Committee sends this request back to the Parks and Recreation Department with their approval of installing the signage with Parks and Recreation paying for the signs, Wayne can provide posts and any assistance they may require installing the signs. COMMUNICATIONS AND ANY OTHER BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW - Ald. Pionek questioned the Proposed Building Code status. According to the March 1, 1999 meeting minutes, the City Attorney was to provide their opinion on the Demolition ordinance portion of the code. Io- date this has not been returned to this Committee for review. The Committee requests that the City Attorney provide a status report and anticipated completion date for the review of the material. • Ald. Pionek also questioned the status of the Adopt -a -Road program. Wayne reports that after meeting with the Mayor, a policy drafted by the Public Works Committee be provided first that outlines the program (safety vests provided, signage provided, road designation, age limits, liability waver, etc..) and volunteer coordination. Council will then need to approve the program. Wayne has been working with the County Adopt -a -Road representative to develop Muskego's program. Aid. Pionek on behalf of the Public Works Committee will work with Wayne to create the policy and subsequent program. ADJOURNMENT - Being no further business to discuss, Aid. Chiaverotti, moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:40 PM, seconded by Aid. Pionek. Carried by all. Respectfully Submitted, J� `t GY.Ct Linda Gulgowski, Recording Secretary • I . It, I U ne i/uml Sorg ✓ — " `~ � Mrkrc. W/ 51]/'-39NO 7i,1 JM-?77 -?77401111 /)u 414-114 6155 TIME WARNER CABLE April 30, 1999 Mayor David DeAngelis City of Muskego W182 S8200 Racine Avenue Muskego, Wl 53150 Dear Mayor DeAngelis: Enclosed is our franchise fee payment for the three months ended March 31, 1999, summarized as follows: •YTD Cross Receipts $ 598,030.80 Franchise Fee Rate 3% YTD Franchise Fees Due $ 17,940.92 YTD Payments $ 0.00 Current Franchise Fees Due $ 17.940.92 Please do not hesitate to call me if you have any questions or comments. Respectfully submitted, Karl Theile Controller Milwaukee Division RECEIVE® • MAY C 5 1999 Mayor's Office L • ATTACHMENT Warner Cable Communications, a Division of Time Warner Entertainment Company, L.P City of Muskego Franchise Fee Calculation For the Three Months Ended March 31, 1999 Revenues Basic Tier Revenue Standard Tier Service Premium Channel Service Premium Access Charge Channel Guide Service Converter Rentals Other Revenue -Remotes Pay -Per -View Services Adjustments Advertising Sales Production Revenue Bad Debt Expense Gross Revenues Per Franchise Agreement Franchise Fee Rate Franchise Fees Due and Payable Payments to Date Current Franchise Fees Due Quarterly Year -to -Date Revenues Revenues $150,116.12 $150,116.12 294,854.69 294,854.69 84,114.16 84,114.16 2,861.57 2,861.57 5,823.06 5,823.06 18,250.77 18,250.77 2,128.89 2,128.89 9,491.48 9,491.48 31,032.53 31,032.53 486.60 486.60 (1,129.07) (1,129.07) $598,030.80 $598,030.80 3% 3% 17,940.92 17,940.92 0.00 0.00 $17,940.92 $17,940.92