• The meeting was called to order at 7:08 PM by Chairman Patterson. Present was Committee
member Ald. Pionek, Police Chief John Johnson, DPW Director Wayne Delikat, Deputy Building
Director Al Biwer, Public Administration Intern David Bajkiewicz and those per the attached sheet.
Ald. Donna Woodard was absent.
Chairman Patterson noted that the meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law
on April 2, 1999.
REVIEW OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING The Committee reviewed the minutes of the
March 1, 1999 and had them placed on file.
Update on status of Condemnations/Citations - Al Biwer reports that there is nothing to discuss.
Chairman Patterson extended this Committees interest in helping him and his staff during this time
of transition.
Update on existing forms and ordinances - Proposed Building Code - Nothing to report.
Status of Recycling/Refuse - Continued discussion on yard waste pickup - Complaints for the
month of March were 14 in total. Garbage pickup missed: 5 picked up next day, 1 garbage not
out when BFI returned. 1 garbage not picked up for 2 weeks (picked up same day as complaint),
3 garbage no picked up at door (includes 1 person who had to call twice during the month). 1
recycling bin not received (BFI asked to deliver as soon as possible). 1 resident has extra
recycling bin (BFI asked to pick up same day as complaint). 2 appliances not picked up (BFI
• asked to pick up next day). The Public Works Committee has approved the leaf collection
project equipment purchase for the Fall. If the equipment fails to meet with the City's
expectations, it can be re -sold.
Status of Cable TV - The Cable Negotiating Committee prepared a proposal for Warner Cable. A
response was received by the Committee which will result in a longer negotiation process than
anticipated due to the numerous changes and deletions that were requested by Warner Cable.
Ald. Pionek also mentioned that he has been informed from individuals connected to Warner that
the fiber optic conversion has been completed. Chairman Patterson does not believe that this is
the case but would look into this.
Review of existing landfill expansions - Nothing to report.
Further discussion on waiving of refuse/recycling fees - Vid-Com Engineering - Ald. Pionek will be
working with Al Biwer on this issue. The situation may take more time than previously thought.
The Committee requests that this item be removed from subsequent agendas until further data
and progress is available.
Further discussion of massage therapy business - No opinion received from the City Attorney.
Duplicate agenda item #9 was not discussed.
Further discussion on naming and signage for STH 36 - The joint meeting between Franklin and
Muskego occurred and it was decided that both Cities would work together to determine the
correct naming at a later date. Item to be tabled until such an agreement has been reached
. regarding the naming of the Highway.
Further discussion on Regulation of Entertainment in Class B Establishments - City Attorney's
Opinion - Chief Johnson provided the written correspondence received from the City Attorney
regarding the suggested Ordinance. At this time loopholes exist in the proposed Ordinance. The
Public Services Committee Meeting - April 5, 1999
Page 2
City Attorney would like the City to obtain and review the studies that provide data to support the
"secondary effects" that this type of activity (i.e., prostitution and property value declines) may
• cause. The Chief will procure the studies for the Committee to review. Ald. Pionek questioned if
the Zoning Ordinance would have any areas that would cover these establishments and the type
of activities allowed within the premises. Al Biwer's staff will check to determine if any of the
current Zoning regulations may apply to this situation for next months meeting.
Review proposed amendment to Littering Ordinance (Chapter 10) - Dave Bajkiewicz was present
to discuss the proposed amendment. Currently there is little the City can do to encourage
business/property owners to remove "uncontained litter" The suggested amendment would make
such litter a "nuisance" thereby allowing the City to impose fines on those not complying with the
Ordinance. Residents Lisa Thomka and Jack Landrum were present to discuss this situation and
the recent decline in the overall cleanliness they have seen around several areas within the City.
Dave indicated that the City has the ability to issue citations to residents for noxious weeds but has
no power to force the clean up of litter The residents were told by Aid. Pionek that the Public
Works Committee is currently creating an Adopt -A -Highway program along with the Green Up
Muskego initiative set to begin in May. The amendment would allow a City Inspector who finds
excessive litter to write a letter to the property/business owner requesting that the litter be removed
within 10 days, if that is not done, the City will clean the area at the owner's expense. Wayne is
concerned with the lack of manpower to perform this function. Ald. Patterson is concerned about
the hazards that may occur at the clean-up sites (i.e., chemicals, medical waste). Enforcement
issues were discussed. Ald. Pionek suggested working this issue through the local Chamber of
Commerce requesting that they, as business owners police one another to maintain their areas in
lieu of developing and attempting to enforce an Ordinance. The Committee suggests that a letter
alerting the Chamber of Commerce members to this situation be sent along with possible
• promotions of those businesses that voluntarily comply with the request. Space to recognize the
business in the City newsletter or on the Cable access channel could be done. Aid. Pionek
moved to direct the Mayor to draft a letter to the local Chamber of Commerce requesting
their voluntary compliance in keeping their business litter free. Additionally, providing the
business/property owners suggestions on how the City could promote those businesses
efforts on keeping the City of Muskego clean. Seconded by Aid. Patterson. Carried by all.
ADJOURNMENT - Being no further business to discuss, Aid. Pionek moved to adjourn the
meeting at 8:10 PM, seconded by Aid. Patterson. Carried by all.
Respectful) Submitted,
Linda Gulgowski, Re -cording ry
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