PSCM19990301PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO Approved MINUTES OF MEETING HELD MONDAY, March 1, 1999 • The meeting was called to order at 7:02 PM by acting Chairman Woodard. Present was Committee member Aid. Pionek, Police Chief John Johnson, City Engineer Christopher Zoppa, DPW Director Wayne Delikat and those per the attached sheet. Chairman Patterson was excused. Acting Chairman Woodard noted that the meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. REVIEW OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING The Committee reviewed the minutes of the February 1, 1999 meeting and requested that the dollar amount for the recycling container which was stated as $85.00 be corrected to $57.00. Additionally, the January 4, 1999 meeting minutes paragraph discussing the naming of STH 36 was requested to be removed by the Common Council due to clarification on the paragraph being needed. A meeting will be held this month with the City of Franklin to ensure that the naming of the road is agreed upon by Franklin as well. Aid. Pionek moved to remove the STH 36 Naming paragraph from the January 4, 1999 minutes until the joint meeting between Muskego and Franklin occurs. Seconded by Aid. Woodard. Carried by all. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Update on status of Condemnations/Citations - Chris Zoppa reports that Mr Dyer has begun to tear down his building as of today. Tom Chiconas is supervising the project on behalf of the City. Update on existing forms and ordinances - Proposed Building Code - Chris Zoppa provided a final • revised copy of the entire Building Code without the Demolition Ordinance portion which is still with the City Attorney for review. A brief discussion regarding Section 30.08 (a) and the time frame for completion of the project (12 or 18 months). The Committee felt that it is necessary to have 18 months for the very small percentage of individuals who require extra time due to varying circumstances. Until the Demolition portion is returned by the City Attorney, this Committee will not approve and forward to the Common Council for their adoption. Status of Recycling/Refuse - Continued discussion on yard waste pickup - Complaints for the month of February were 14 in total. Garbage not picked up 4, Garbage and recycling not picked up 1, Christmas tree not picked up 3, and white goods not picked up 1 Improper placement of empty containers 1 Recycling bin damaged by BFI 1 Carpeting not picked up 1 Recycling bins not delivered 2. Chris and Wayne have been working on the leaf collection project with the City of Ripon. At this time, due to the small amount of leaf material that was picked up last fall in the City (25 tons) going up to Ripon to pick up the equipment would not justify the cost of performing a test in the spring when there will be considerably less leaf material to pick up. Wayne and Chris suggest purchasing a fabricated unit, use it in the fall within a limited area (1-1'/ square miles), and then either resell the unit or expand the area of service. This equipment will cost approximately $25,000. Aid. Pionek moved to place this item on the Public Works agenda requesting funds for this equipment. Seconded by Aid. Woodard. Carried by all. Status of Cable TV - The contract is currently with the City Attorney. Mr James Soneberg from the Village of Big Bend was present to discuss the current problem between the City of Muskego and the Village of Big Bend. In their initial contract with Ingersoll, Big Bend was given channel 15 for their public access. The City of Muskego was also given channel 15. The School District of • Muskego has been using the channel almost daily (the original agreement was for the School District to use the channel on Monday and Tuesdays only). Big Bend would like to find a way for both municipalities to use the channel until both contracts are finalized. Aid. Patterson telephoned the Aldermen's Room and requested that Mr Soneberg provide a written listing of the days and times when Big Bend will need to use the channel in question and a letter will be sent to the Public Services Committee Meeting - March 1, 1999 Page 2 School District reminding them that until the contracts are settled, channel 15 will be a shared channel. • Review of existing landfill expansions - Chris Zoppa reports that an action will be going to the Plan Commission on March 2, 1999 regarding this issue, until that time, he is unable to comment. Further discussion on waiving of refuse/recycling fees - Vid-Com Engineering - Ald. Pionek, working with the City Assessor, ran a listing of all properties within the City that had parcels with improvements on them in the amount of $5,000 or less. After that list was compiled it was researched which of those properties pay the refuse/recycling fees. It was found that most of the properties do not pay the fee. The Committee will run another report with properties with improvements in the $5-10,000 range and determine if fee payment is also inconsistent. The Vid- Com situation will not be decided upon until the additional report is compared and access is gained to the property for a site inspection. To -date, access has not been gained. Once these reports are completed, they will be turned over to the Inspection Department for them to begin site visits to determine what type of structures are on the properties that do not pay the fees. Further discussion of massage therapy business - Chief Johnson after researching the issue proposes that an ordinance be adopted that would require any person in the business of massage, bodywork, or massage therapy be officially registered with the State of Wisconsin as a massage therapist in order for them to provide that service or run that type of business in the City of Muskego. The ordinance would require those wishing to provide this type of service to fill out an application and a background check would be completed by the State. A $500.00 fine would be imposed to those individuals who practice this type of bodywork without the required registration. Aid. Pionek moved to send the proposed ordinance to the City Attorney for review with final review to be performed by this Committee after the Attorney has had the opportunity to • make comments. Seconded by Aid. Woodard. Carried by all. Further discussion on "Adopt -a -Road" program/Chamber of Commerce Representative - Wayne reports that the signage that is used for designating the portion of road that is sponsored by an individual or company can cost over $200.00. This would be for a triple sign (three signs on one post). Due to the size of the signs being overly large for the City's needs, Wayne proposed a single post/single sign model that would cost approximately $80.00. He believes that there would be enough funds in his budget to cover the cost of the signage. A representative from the Chamber of Commerce was not present at this evenings meeting. Wayne will place an article in the upcoming City newsletter explaining the project and will have anyone interested in participating, contact his office. Further discussion on naming and signage for STH 36 - Until the joint meeting between Franklin and Muskego is completed, this item is removed from discussion. NEW BUSINESS Regulation of Entertainment in Class B Establishments - Chief Johnson gave an historical perspective on the need for an "Entertainment' in Class B Establishments Ordinance, with regard to nude dancing. The ordinance would be only for dancing in bars and would not cover plays or other types of venues where nudity may occur under the guise of "art" At this time, no ordinance exists for this type of entertainment and is necessary in order to prohibit this type of activity in bars in Muskego. Aid. Woodard moved to send the proposed ordinance to the City Attorney for • review, with this Committee performing a final review once the Attorney has made commentary. Seconded by Aid. Pionek. Carried by all. Public Services Committee Meeting - March 1, 1999 Page 3 Review of 1998 Recycle/Trash Collection Report - Wayne provided a written report which detailed the activity within the City for the year ending 1998. Recycling was down 2% with almost all other data being identical to 1997 Review request for two Pedestrian/Traffic Signs - Big Muskego Lake Boat Launch - Craig Anderson provided a written request for this signage. Wayne will work with Craig to ensure that his needs are met. COMMUNICATIONS AND ANY OTHER BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW - None ADJOURNMENT - Being no further business to discuss, Aid. Pionek moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:02 PM, seconded by Aid. Woodard. Carried by all. Respectfully Submitted, ( -✓�"—`�. mda Gulgowski, Recording Secretary 0 n U MEETIN CITY OF MUSKEGO MEETING GUEST SIGN -IN SHEET / /9 9 NAME (Please Print) AGENDA ITEM