PSCM19990201PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO Approved/Corrected MINUTES OF MEETING HELD MONDAY, February 1, 1999 • The meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM by Chairman Patterson. Present was Committee members Aid. Pionek, Aid. Woodard, Police Chief John Johnson, City Engineer Christopher Zoppa, DPW Director Wayne Delikat and those per the attached sheet. Chairman Patterson noted that the meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law on January 29, 1999. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Update on status of Condemnations/Citations - None. Update on existing forms and ordinances/Demolition and Business Occupancy Registration - Chris Zoppa provided a final revised copy of the Demolition Ordinance. The changes suggested by the Committee at last months meeting were incorporated as well as the State Statutes. The fee structure is 2 cents per square foot for structures under 5,000 square feet and 4 cents per square foot for structures 5,000 square feet and larger Liability insurance levels and bonds for ensuring completion were reviewed. The Committee discussed item 30.081.E(3) regarding the $50,000 tax value for structures over 50 years old and requested that the dollar amount be removed leaving the age of the structure as the only criteria for consideration regarding historical building demolition. Aid. Woodard moved to forward the Ordinance to the City Attorney for review and forward Ordinance with Attorney commentary to Council for review and adoption. Seconded by Aid. Pionek. Carried by all. •Status of Recycling/Refuse - Continued discussion on yard waste pickup - Complaints for the month of January were 11 in total (a higher number due to the recent large amount of snowfall). Recycling not picked up 2, Garbage not picked up 4, Garbage and recycling not picked up 1, Christmas tree not picked up 3, and white goods not picked up 1 Resident contacted Wayne's department questioning if the new owners of a home with a damaged recycling container would be given a replacement or would be required to purchase a replacement at a cost to the new homeowner of $85 00 $57.00 The Committee determined that with the ownership of homes comes the costs associated with them, including replacing damaged, broken items, including, if necessary, the recycling containers. Discussion regarding the past yard waste pickup performed by BFI. Pat Shanders of BFI reported that participation was spotty/weak for the City of Muskego as a whole. Many factors may have played into this but he felt that they could provide a revised cost estimate for performing the task, if the City would like to do another yard waste pickup in the near future. Additionally, Mr Shanders will be requested to provide the total tonnage of material removed during the clean -sweep program. Chris Zoppa reported that he is still waiting for the City of Ripon to provide a cost estimate for the rental of the vacuum. He reminded the Committee that this initial attempt will be a "worst case" scenario due to the moisture content of the leaves. Usually, leaf pickup is performed in the fall, when the leaves are dry. This test will be leaves only, no brush or grass clippings. Status of Cable TV - Nothing to report. Review of existing landfill expansions - Chairman Patterson reports that representatives from Muskego will be traveling to Madison regarding the Emerald Park landfill on February 3, 1999. •Further discussion on waiving of refuse/recycling fees - Vid-Com Engineering - The Committee requested the City Assessor to provide data regarding the Vid-Com situation. Due to the uniqueness of the situation, the Assessor reported that there was no way to know what type of structures would fall into the regulations of the "garage" type structures within the City that are habitable. Requiring additional information, the Committee directs Aid. Pionek to discuss the issue with the City Assessor to ensure correct action is to be taken by this Committee on this situation. Aid. Pionek will report back to Public Services Committee Meeting - February L. 1999 Page 2 this Committee at next months meeting. The Mayor's office reports that Inspector Al Biwer has been •given the telephone numbers for the property owners and is attempting to contact him to receive permission to gain access to the building. Further discussion of massage therapy businesses - Kristen Segio (Gentle Touch at TLC Salon) and Pat Bauer (Hair Magic Salon) were present to provide their insight on this matter and their impressions of the current Ordinance used in Brookfield and under consideration for Muskego. Ms. Bauer indicated that as of today, the State requires all massage therapists to be licensed with a renewal process every 2 years. Additionally 500 hours of schooling is required. The Committee reviewed Brookfield's Ordinance and determined that Muskego's Ordinance only needs to cover the individual massage therapist and not the business due to the recently adopted Business Registration Ordinance. Police Chief John Johnson feels that a criminal background check should be performed with every applicant and would like to have the current therapists in the City "grandfathered" in the Ordinance and place the Ordinance requirements with subsequent applicants. Ms. Bauer will provide the State criteria to Chief Johnson, who will edit the Ordinance to encompass only individuals and will develop a fee schedule that includes a one-time fee to cover the license application paperwork process and the criminal back- ground check. Further discussion on "Adopt -a -Road" program - Chief Johnson reports that at last months Lions Club meeting, the funding for their participation in the program would not be available. The Mayors office provided information from the Waukesha County program and had contacted the Secretary for the Chamber of Commerce, a representative will appear at the March 1, 1999 meeting to discuss this program. The terms and conditions of the Waukesha County program were reviewed by the Committee. Wayne will provide the cost for a 30 x 30 sign. The length of the portion of the road to be adopted needs to be determined along with the actual roads that this Committee would like "adopted" • Supplies, vest and bags will need to be provided to the participants Further discussion on naming and signage for STH 36 - Wayne Delikat reported that a portion of Old Loomis Road that has become "Loomis Drive" needs to be extended east of Champions Village. The State had, in error, named the road "Loomis Street" The State has informed Wayne that they are removing the Loomis Street signs but will retain the HWY G signs. The extended Loomis Drive does not need to be done until the Jurisdictional Transfer occurs in November, but he and the Committee agree that the residents affected (12) need to be contacted regarding the upcoming change for their address correction needs. Additionally, a cul-de-sac on Loomis Drive which extends into Franklin to a dead-end needs to be named. The Committee is in agreement that the cul-de-sac, since it is a dead- end should not be named Loomis Drive, but should be called "Loomis Court" One individual resides on the street at this time. Wayne's department will contact this resident to inform them about this upcoming change Review proposed Ordinance language in regard to operating a motor boat with a given amount of shoreline - Section 20.02(3) - Chief Johnson is requesting the following change in the existing Ordinance to eliminate the confusing language. Present 20.02(3): Except for ingress and egress for docking purposes or for purposes of bona fide straight line (point to point) navigation, no person shall operate any boat, motor, or otherwise, closer than 150 feet to any pier, swimming beach or other area so designated. Proposed 20.02(3): No person may operate a motorboat within 150 feet of any dock, pier or buoyed restricted area at a speed in excess of slow -no -wake speed. The Chief reported that at two Lake District and Lake District Board of Directors meetings the groups passed and then subsequently rescinded the Resolution. The Chief reported that the current State Law was the 150 feet •rule, however a resident disputed the fact that the distance was not a law and not under consideration by the State at this time. The Chief would like to see the verbiage approved so that the ability to enforce the rule can be performed by his staff. The Lake District will vote on the 200 foot distance at their annual meeting in September, until that time, they will not approve or review any changes in rules or regulations, requesting that current rules and regulations be enforced before adding new rules to the Public Services Committee Meeting - February I. 1999 Page 3 mix. Doug Aird is concerned that the 200 foot rule would essentially shut down access to several bay •and island areas on the lake. Chairman Patterson stated that this Committee has worked on this issue for at least a year and is working to ensure that all individuals using the lake have their opinions considered. Ald. Pionek advised the audience that letters were sent to both the Lake District and the Lake Association and requested that both of these groups send out a survey to their membership to determine what all of the parties would like to see in the future with regard to regulations on the lake. Aid. Pionek moved to send the revised Ordinance to the City Attorney for review, DNR if necessary, and to Council for approval. Seconded by Aid. Woodard. Carried by all. NEW BUSINESS - NONE COMMUNICATIONS AND ANY OTHER BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW - None ADJOURNMENT - Being no further business to discuss, Aid. Woodard moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:37 PM, seconded by Aid. Pionek. Carried by all. Respectfully Submitted, Linda Gulgowski, R rding Secrets 0 CITY OF MUSKEGO MEETING GUEST SIGN -IN SHEET MEETING Rjg/ rC 6�aRVICC_S /�LACL /, 1992. NAME (Please NDA ITEM rwCt r- iri (f -'- (D 1> s. p , _ ' I AV y/O m