This is to advise that the PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE meeting scheduled for
Monday, December 7, 1998, at 7:00 PM in the Aldermen's Room has been canceled as an
agenda was not prepared or posted.
• The meeting was called to order at 7:07 PM by Chairman Patterson. Present was Committee members Aid.
Pionek, Aid. Woodard, Police Chief John Johnson, City Engineer Christopher Zoppa, and acting DPW
Director Wayne Delikat.
Chairman Patterson noted that the meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law on
December 30, 1998.
Update on status of Condemnations/Citations - Chris Zoppa reported that the Country Lakes Marine Citation
was settled out of court with Mr Kriel paying $6,500 in fines.
Update on existing forms and ordinances/Demolition and Business Occupancy Registration - Chris Zoppa
provided copies of both the proposed Demolition ordinance and the Business Occupancy Registration
Ordinance. The Common Council had already approved the Occupancy Registration Ordinance. The
Committee reviewed the initial draft of the Demolition Ordinance and made several suggested changes.
The Committee requests that Chris review and revise, if necessary, the fee schedule associated with
demolition's and would like to ensure that the fees are minimal for Type A structures. Considerable
discussion regarding the handling of potential historical structures (over 50 years old). The Common
Council will be given final say on if a particular building can be demolished. Chris will complete the entire
document and will provide it to the City's legal Council for review. The Committee will review suggested
legal changes at next months meeting.
Status of Recycling/Refuse - Continued discussion on yard waste pickup - Chris Zoppa obtained a
• videotape from Ripon, Wisconsin to show the Committee how the vacuum process works. A comparison
needs to be completed with the costs associated with the BFI program this past fall and the new program for
leaf collection suggested by Chris. According to calculations prepared by Chris, the total including labor,
truck and vacuum costs with unit modifications would be approximately $30,000 for each unit. Chris
calculated that 4 units would be necessary for a City the size of Muskego. The Committee members all
mentioned that they had received numerous complaints and negative feedback on the past BFI yard waste
program. According to Wayne Delikat the bags required for refuse pick up were sold out or the pick-ups had
already begun before the bags were available. Rough estimates place the cost at $8.00 per parcel for the
entire community for a vacuum program including all costs. The Committee questioned if the equipment
from Ripon could be rented in spring for the City of Muskego to get a feel for the ability and scope of this
equipment. Since fall is traditionally the busiest time for this equipment, a spring -time rental would not
infringe on the needs of the City if Ripon. Aid. Pionek moved to direct Chris Zoppa to contact the City
of Ripon to obtain costs and availability of vacuum equipment. Seconded by Aid. Woodard. Carried
by all.
Recycling complaints for month of October - Wayne will provide the complaints at next months meeting
Status of Cable TV - The Cable Negotiating Committing will be meeting on the 13" of January. The
Committee plans to meet with Warner after technical issues are worked out. The new contract should be on
the table within the next 60 days. Aid. Patterson discussed a recent situation with Warner Cable and the
City of Big Bend. According to Muskego's cable contract, the City was given 3 educational channels if
requested. The City currently uses only one. Warner Cable asked if Muskego would be willing to give
•(temporarily) one of their extra educational channels to Big Bend. Big Bend has thought that this was their
channel and was questioning why the City of Muskego was airing their events on Big Bends channel. This
entire situation was to be discussed this evening with a representative from Big Bend being present,
however the individual failed to show. At this juncture, the Committee is willing to continue to share the
channel with Big Bend since the new contracts are in the works and the problem will solve itself. The
representative from Big Bend will be invited to next months meeting. Aid. Pionek reminded all cable viewers
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that if they experience any problems with their cable service, they need to contact Warner Cable. If
subscribers do not receive satisfaction with Warner, they are instructed to contact City Hall or their
Review of existing landfill expansions - Nothing new to report.
Further discussion on waiving of refuse/recycling fees - Vid-Com Engineering - Mr Jorgen May is
requesting that the City waive the recycling/refuse collection fees for the property that houses a structure.
The structure was previously inhabited (illegally) by an individual. The structure has no running water,
sanitary service or power The "garage" is in a residentially zoned area. The owners contend that this
structure is not a cottage and should not nor, never should had been inhabited. The Committee was to
receive zoning regulations and the tax definitions of such structures with the City Assessors Office. The
City Assessor was to provide data on the location and number of "garage" type structures in the City. Io-
date, no response has been received from the City Assessor If the Assessor has any questions, Aid.
Patterson will be the contact person on behalf of this Committee.
Licensing of Massage Therapy Businesses - Chief Johnson was present to discuss this issue with the
Committee. The City of Brookfield (with an Ordinance on the books), earlier this year found a massage
parlor business that had been engaging in prostitution with the customers. Subsequently the City of
Brookfield has developed an Ordinance that allows legitimate business to function within the City. District
Attorney Paul Bucher recommends that all municipalities in Waukesha County consider adopting a similar
Ordinance. In the City of Muskego, two business currently do operate massage therapy (Golde's and Hair
Magic). The Committee and Chief Johnson requests that individuals from both businesses be invited to
•provide their insight and suggestions (either in person or in writing) to this Committee before next months
meeting or be present at next months meeting. The Committee also requests that a copy of the proposed
Ordinance be forwarded on to the businesses so that they may have a chance to review.
Acknowledging receipt of request for crosswalks (High School) - The Committee received the written
response from Waukesha County regarding pedestrian cross walks for the CTH Y/Woods Road
intersection. The County informed the City that they would not install cross walks unless sidewalks were
installed by the City. Until that time, the County will not install the cross walk. The Committee requested that
letters be sent to both Maxine Learned and Debbie Stefaniak explaining that the City has received a written
response from the County indicating that the County will not install a cross walk at the intersection until the
City installs sidewalks.
Discuss established an "Adopt -a -Road" program - Aid. Pionek would like to develop a program for groups or
businesses in the area. This will keep the main arterials clean. Costs for the signs were discussed and the
key areas to be covered by the "adoptees" was determined to be Woods Road, Lannon Road, Janesville
Road and Racine Avenue. The Police Chief is meeting with the Lions Club and will provide to this
Committee their level of interest on this project. The Committee also requests that a representative from the
City's Chamber of Commerce be present at next month's meeting to assist in the development of the
program and provide guidance on how to "sell" the program to the areas businesses and Civic groups. A
copy of the County's Adopt -a -Road program is requested for next months meeting and an invitation to a key
representative from the Chamber of Commerce is also requested.
Discuss naming and signage for STH 36 - Wayne Delikat requested that this Committee determine the road
•names for portions of new STH 36. After the completion of the new STH 36 (Loomis Road) the Street
previously signed Hwy G has been changed by the State to "Loomis Street" Two individuals who live on
this street have addresses that do not include "Loomis Street" Previously, it was Loomis Drive or Hwy G.
Aid. Woodard Directs Wayne to order the signage for the renamed (by the State) Loomis Street
(HWY G), changing the signs to the previous name of Loomis Drive Aid. Pionek seconded. Carried
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by all. Additionally, a 100 foot piece of roadway connecting Champions Drive which will not have any
occupants has yet to be named. Wayne suggests that continuing the Champions Drive name is the correct
•course of action. Aid. Woodard moved to name the 100 foot piece of connecting road in Champions
Village, Champions Drive. Seconded by Aid. Pionek. Carried by all.
the entire staff of Wayne Delikat for their efficient handling of the recent snowfall in the area. Many residents
were impressed with the quick work his crew made of the large amount of precipitation.
ADJOURNMENT - Being no further business to discuss, Aid. Woodard moved to adjourn the meeting at
9:00 PM, seconded by Aid. Pionek. Carried by all.
Res cffully ubmitled
a G Igowski, ording Secretary