PSCM19981102PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO Approved MINUTES OF MEETING HELD MONDAY, November 2, 1998 • The meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM by Chairman Patterson. Present was Committee members Aid. Pionek, Aid. Woodard, Police Chief John Johnson, City Engineer Christopher Zoppa, acting DPW Director Wayne Delikat, and those per the attached list. Chairman Patterson noted that the meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law on October 29, 1998. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Update on status of Condemnations/Citations - Nothing to report. Update on existing forms and ordinances/Demolition - Chris Zoppa provided a draft outline copy of the proposed Demolition ordinance. The Committee reviewed the initial draft and made several suggested changes. Chris will complete the entire document and present it to the Committee in draft form for additional edits and enhancements. Status of Recycling/Refuse - Continued discussion on yard waste pickup - Acting DPW Superintendent Wayne Delikat reported that flyers went out for fall leaf and yard waste pickup. Bags for yard waste may be purchased or trash cans can be used for for pickup. Discussion regarding the viability of using the vacuum for subsequent leaf pickups. The ratio of curb and gutter and ditch properties was discussed along with the potential for challenges in utilizing the vacuum these properties pose. Chris Zoppa to obtain a videotape from Ripon, Wisconsin to show how this process works. Chris also informed the Committee that the City of Ripon does lease out their equipment to other communities. The City of Muskego may wish to lease their vacuum for next year's pickup to determine if the equipment is well suited for the City of Muskego. The • amount of manpower necessary to complete such a task will also be computed by Chris. Recycling complaints for month of October - Wayne reported that a total of 6 complaints were logged. 2 individuals did not have their garbage picked up. 3 recycling pickups missed. 1 recycling bin not received. Status of Cable TV - The City has hired an outside individual to evaluate and review the new proposed cable contract. The Committee would like to be assured that any enforcement of the new contract will reside with this Committee. Aid. Woodard has received several complaints about poor reception with several of her constituents on Channel 12. This has occurred since the fiber optic cable installation. Cable customers are reminded to contact Warner cable if they experience any interruption of service as well as any continual clarity problems with their reception. Aid. Patterson mentioned a situation which occurred on Channel 7 where an individual had taped an ESPN auto race and had rebroadcast it on Channel 7, complete with commercials. Cable access is not allowed to have any commercials. Additionally, the Committee is concerned regarding the legality of re -airing a potentially licensed event on another television station. Aid. Patterson will look into the matter Review of existing landfill expansions - Nothing new to report. Chris Zoppa is now a member of that Committee. Further discussion for additional buoy - Little Muskego Lake - Clarification was requested on this item. Chief Johnson reported that Officer Mrotek had placed the extra buoy on Kingston Bay. Due to the length of the Bay, this additional buoy is allowed. Aid. Salentine was present to discuss the rules governing the distance of personal water craft, speedboats, fishing boats, etc., to the shoreline. Officer Mrotek has been meeting • with the Lake District and the Little Muskego Lake Association to determine the best method for making any changes in the current distance limits and rules on the lake. this item will be on next month's agenda with Officer Mrotek providing the input he has received from both of these concerned groups. Public Services Committee Meeting - November 2, 1998 Page 2 Further discussion on waiving of refuse/recycling fees - Vid-Com Engineering - Mr Jorgen May was present on behalf of Vid-Com Engineering. He is requesting that the City waive the recycling/refuse collection fees •for the property that houses a structure. The structure was previously inhabited (illegally) by an individual. The structure has no running water, sanitary service or power The "garage' is in a residentially zoned area. The owners contend that this structure is not a cottage and should not nor, never should had been inhabited. Aid. Pionek questioned whether this policy was by ordinance or just Committee policy. Mr May is not opposed to paying the fees if in fact all residents who have similar structures on their property also pay the fees. He thought that he was an anomaly. The Committee will clarify the exact specifications of habitable structures, zoning regulations and the tax definitions of such structures with the City Assessors Office. The City Assessor will provide data on the location and number of "garage" type structures in the City. If the Assessor has any questions, Aid. Patterson will be the contact person on behalf of this Committee. Aid. Woodard moved to defer this item until next months meeting. Seconded by Aid. Pionek. Carried by all. NEW BUSINESS Discuss request for "No Thru Street" signs for Mystic Drive (Foxboro Subdivision) - Aid. Sanders was present to request that this Committee review the request for the signage. The residents circulated a petition for the signs in an attempt to discourage drivers from using the subdivision as an apparent shortcut to the Aud Mar Supper Club. Aid. Salentine informed Aid. Sanders that requests such as this are not required to be approved by Committee. Wayne will install the signs at Foxboro subdivision just north of Roger Drive. Discuss request for "No Parking' - Parkland South - Aid. Woodard received several calls regarding this issue. Currently, no speed limit signs are posted on the new portion of road in question. Currently, parking •occurs on both sides of the road, primarily when soccer games are held. At that time, no more than one car can pass at a time and no emergency vehicles could pass if the need arose. Chief Johnson will perform a site visit and will measure the road to determine the width of the "No Parking" area. Aid. Woodard moved to install "No Parking" signs on the east side of Parkland South at a width to be determined by Chief Johnson and Wayne Delikat. Seconded by Aid. Pionek. Carried by all. The Committee continued the discussion on the roadway and Aid. Woodard moved to set the speed limit on Parkland South at 25 miles per hour. Seconded by Aid. Pionek. Carried by all. Discuss request for "Stop Sign" at intersection of Bridgeport & Parkland Drive South - Aid. Woodard moved to approve the installation of a Stop Sign at the intersection of Bridgeport Way and Bridgeport Circle. Seconded by Aid. Pionek. Carried by all. Discuss request for street light at CTH L & Pasadena Drive Extended - Wayne Delikat requested that a light be installed. Chief Johnson indicated that this would be covered by City ordinance and did not require a vote of this Committee for approval. Funding for the light to come from the Subdivider's Agreement. COMMUNICATIONS AND ANY OTHER BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW - Chief Johnson stated that the lighting at Culver's has been readjusted and appears to improved. Aid. Patterson mentioned that in his subdivision, Trick or Treat went extremely well and credits the number of parents with their children as a major reason for the success and lack of problems. ADJOURNMENT - Being no further business to discuss, Aid. Woodard moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:45 PM, seconded by Aid. Pionek. Carried by all. Respectfully Submitted, Linda Gulgowski, Recording Secretary CITY OF MUSKEGO MEETING GUEST SIGN -IN SHEET MEETING _Tu 8 Li c S F gNji ccs l _6AA M oTF_0-N0VEn1%e Z, NAME (Please Print) AGENDA ITEM M t,v.0 k Nce r I �\