PSCM19980909PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO Approved MINUTES OF MEETING HELD MONDAY, September 9, 1998 • The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m., by Chairman Patterson. Present was Committee member Aid. Woodard, Police Chief John Johnson, Officer Mrotek, Aid. Mark Slocomb, Aid. Nancy Salentine, Engineer /Building Inspection Director, Christopher Zoppa and those per the attached list. Public Works Superintendent John Loughney and Aid. Don Pionek were absent. The Committee noted that the meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law on September 4, 1998. REVIEW OF PREVIOUS MEETING MINUTES - The previous meeting minutes of August 3, 1998 were placed on file. - Yard Waste Pickup - Mr Chuck Ott was not present at the ng. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Update on status of Condemnations/Citations - Former Building Director, Chuck Dykstra provided a written report Dale Kreil DBA/Country Lakes Marine status has not changed. Update on existing forms and ordinances - No feedback has been received Status of Recycling/Refuse - John Loughney will provide a written report Complaints received for the month of August: Garbage not picked up 5, recycling not picked up 1, garbage and recycling not picked up 2, blue recycling bin not delivered 3, large item not picked up 1 Total of 12 complaints. • Status of Cable TV - Aid. Woodard has received numerous complaints regarding the interruption of service and the duration of the outages in her District. According to Chairman Patterson, the complaints are City- wide. The fiber optic conversion/enhancement appears to be the cause of the disruption. If Warner Cable is knowingly creating the interruption of service, credits to the customers should be forthcoming without the residents having to place the call to request the reimbursement on their bill. The Committee directs the Mayor's Assistant to compose a letter from this Committee under Ald. Patterson's signature to Bev Greenberg notifying her that Warner Cable must notify users in the affected area(s) before outages are to occur in the area. Additionally, Warner Cable must provide to residents who experience an interruption of service of more than 4 hours, automatic credits, when the disruption is caused by Warner Cable. The Committee would also like Ms. Greenberg notified that numerous customers are considering disconnecting from cable and are contemplating the installation of satellite dishes. Further review of existing landfill expansions - No new developments at this time. Further discussion on emergencv service and warning system - No new developments at this time Further discussion for additional buoy - Little Muskego Lake - Resident Bob Bueckers was present to discuss the need for an additional no -wake buoy to be installed 150 feet beyond the end of his 48 foot pier Mr Bueckers is concerned regarding potential injury to boaters/skiers approaching extremely close to his pier The Lake District and LML Assn., representatives stated that there is concern over the precedent that the installation of a buoy off of a private pier will set with the rest of the residents on the lake. The resident •has indicated that he will pay for the buoy if necessary. The City Attorney was directed at the last meeting to explore the liability issue of a private citizen paying for this type of equipment may have. To -date, the City Attorney has yet to respond. The resident requested that before the Committee members vote to reject his request they perform a site visit to see for themselves. Aid. Woodard moved to direct Officer Mrotek to perform a site visit at the area in question to determine the potential for a safety hazard and to Public Services Committee Meeting - September 9, 1998 Page 2 report to this Committee his findings at next months Public Services meeting. Seconded by Aid. Patterson. Carried by all. • Further discussion on request for stop sign - Garden Terrace - Resident Jerry Kubash is requesting that a stop sign or other means to slow down traffic and keep the traffic on the right side of the road be performed due to the potential for an accident on Garden Terrace. The Police Department performed a traffic count in the area and determined that out of over 1,100 cars, only 18 were over the acceptable speed limit in the area. The posted speed is 25 MPH. A yellow stripe along the road has been painted to help keep motorists in the correct lane. At this time, the Police Department does not recommend a stop sign for the intersection. NEW BUSINESS Review correspondence from City Attorney on BFI Contract for Yard Waste - No response has been received from the City Attorney regarding this contract. Discuss patrolling of lakes/Discuss citizens concerns with police response (combined agenda items -related to ics - Numerous residents were on hand to discuss these two related issues. Chief John Johnson provided a written report regarding boat patrol hours (attached) and examples of metro -area lakes and the water patrol hours they provided in comparison with the City of Muskego. The Chief explained how the time is reported and that due to equipment malfunctions, some scheduled patrol hours were not used, but almost at the same level of time spent on the water with other municipalities in the area. The Chief believes that the lakes are getting a substantial amount of police presence versus the total population of the City as a whole. Due to the need voiced by the residents, the Department will be receiving refresher training regarding boat and water statutes. Aid. Salentine suggested that perhaps officers who are off -duty may wish to volunteer/donate their time to assist in the patrolling of the lakes. The Chief will look into the logistics of this •suggestion. Aid. Salentine suggested that if the need is genuine, adding a person during this budget process may be necessary. Officer Gary Mrotek directed those in the audience that if they personally experience a violation on the water, they should call the department and a representative from the department will investigate the incident, even if it was not witnessed by a member of the department. Ken Fries (Little Muskego Lake Assn.) informed the audience as to how they are working with the Police Department to assist each other in achieving the mutual goals of both groups with favorable results. Regarding the need to additional buoys, slow -no -wake zones and directional signs the two representative from the Lake District and the Little Muskego Lake Assn., both indicated that at this time additional rules and restrictions should not be imposed due to the misuse of a minority of users of the lake. The discussion then moved to a recent situation where residents unaware of the rescue mission taking place on the Lake, were (in their opinion) not given an acceptable response by the dispatcher when making calls regarding an extremely large bonfire. The Chief informed the group that if they or anyone experiences what they would perceive poor service from any of his employees, they should contact him immediately and he will (if provided with the day/time and nature of the call) review the tape of the telephone call (with the resident if necessary) to determine if the situation needs to be addressed with the staff person. The Chief also reminded the citizens that one individual handles all calls, 911 and non -emergency on 11 in -coming lines and may not be able to provide a lengthy explanation to the non -emergency caller as to the status of their complaint. Review request for stop sign at intersection of Jimmy Demaret Drive & Champions Drive at Champions Village - Aid. Slocomb is requesting a stop sign installation at the corner of Jimmy Demaret Drive and Champions Drive. According to Chief Johnson, the intersection fits within the criteria for the placement of a stop sign. Aid. Woodard moved to approve the installation of a stop sign at the corner of Jimmy • Demaret Drive and Champions Drive. Seconded by Aid. Patterson. Carried by all. Review request for curve signs or curve arrow signs on North Shore Drive - Aid. Salentine has requested either signage for this area. Cars have been overshooting the curve and ending up on the residents yard or Public Services Committee Meeting - September 9, 1998 Page 3 driveway. Aid. Woodard moved to approve the installation of curve delineation arrows on North Shore Drive. Seconded by Aid. Patterson. Carried by all. • Review request for two "Slow Children Playing Signs' - Ryan Drive - Ald. Slocomb is requesting the installation of these two signs due to the amount of children in the area. Aid. Woodard moved to approve the installation of two "Slow Children Playing" signs. One sign on the west bound lane of Ryan Drive and the second on the south bound lane of Groveway. Seconded by Aid. Patterson. Carried by all. COMMUNICATIONS AND ANY OTHER BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW - None ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to discuss, Aid. Woodard moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:55 P.M. Seconded by Aid. Patterson. Carried by all. Respectfully submitted, - f Linda Gulgowski Recording Secretary • 0 SSG M- t413--*t' Z. -A 3 MUSKEGO POLICE DEPARTMENT 679-4112 TO: Mayor David De Angelis Alderman Patterson - Chairperson Public Service Committee Members FROM: Chief John Johnson RE: Boat Patrol Hours W t83 58150 Racine Avenue Muskego, Wisconsin 53150 September 3, 1998 Per your request I have identified some examples of metro area lakes and the amount of water patrol hours they provide. Municipality 1997 Total Hours Patrol Hours/Arrests Chenequa, Village 194 10.30 Delafield, City 221 4.52 • East Troy, Town 415 4.28 Little Cedar Lake 142 5.27 Norway, Town 710 6.46 Oconomowoc, City 244 3.35 Oconomowoc Lake, Village 128 6.43 Silver lake, Village 458 3.94 Summit, Town 240 7.07 Pewaukee, Town 1,388 7.93 Three Lakes, Town 280 9.05 Waterford, Town 368.75 13.17 Muskego, City (1998) 345.5* 7.82 State Wide Average (91 Lakes) 324 7.86 *Includes 32 hours safety class and 16 hours maintenance Does not include September hours which is estimated at 24 hours Attached please find the 1998 monthly reports less September hours We schedule hours of patrol on Saturday, Sunday and Holidays, June through the first half of September Our liaison officers are assigned to Waterpatrol weekdays, usually until 8:OOPM. These hours are subject to weather conditions and maintenance of equipment down time • cc: Alderperson Salentine • CITY OF MUSKEGO MEETING GUEST SIGN -IN SHEET MEETING SERJicgs— SE,PTg—Mi3r_R gjcicia NAME (Please AGENDA ITEM lel 2 PoL/cz— W�p"rg-