PSCM19980302PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD MONDAY, March 2, 1998 •The meeting was called to order at 7.10 p.m., by Chairman Patterson. Also present were Committee members Aid. Slocomb, Aid. Pionek, Building Director Chuck Dykstra, Police Chief John Johnson, Public Works Superintendent John Loughney, and those per the attached list. The Committee noted that the meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law on February 27, 1998. The Committee reviewed the minutes of the previous meeting held February 2, 1998. Ald. Slocomb moved to adopt the minutes. Seconded by Aid. Pionek. Vote 3-0, carried by all. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Update on status of Condemnations/Citations - Building Director Dykstra provided a written report (attached) with current activity in boldface type. Recent activity on the Thode Drive issue has resulted in the jury trial scheduled in February being canceled. The judge will be hearing testimony in April and will be making the final decision without a jury. Dykstra also reported that the wording regarding the Business Registration issue is still being worked on by the Attorney. Revised Building Code - Corrections, additions and deletions were made in the draft. Document review will continue at next months meeting. Additional review will be made by Committee members regarding building code for sheds and pole buildings, with the topic revisited at next months meeting. Upon completion of all edits, Dykstra will provide a copy of the entire proposed ordinance in strike -out and • underline format for final review. Status of Recycling/Refuse - Continued Discussion On Yard Waste Pickup - Public Works Superintendent John Loughney stated that 12 complaints were received for the month of February. 5 Christmas trees not picked up, 3 recycling bins not received, 1 garbage not picked up at the door, 1 garbage not picked up and 2 white goods pick ups missed. BFI has provided response on all of the complaints. John Loughney read a response from Chuck Ott (BFI) regarding this Committee's request to provide pricing for yard waste pick up. Mr Ott stated that a fair per bag price could not be calculated due to the lack of resident participation level knowledge. Mr Ott indicated that a "Clean Sweep Program" would cost approximately $23,640 plus the cost of disposal ($26.00 per ton). This cost includes the price of $120.00 per hour for a 2-man crew taking 197 hours to complete the process. John is instructed to research this service further and benchmark with similar activities in other communities. Frequency of service was discussed as well as a one-time trial run of the program to determine level of interest within the community. John provided a report on the City of Muskego recycle/trash collection for 1997 (attached). 70.3% of waste tonnage was trash with 29.7% of the tonnage attributed to recycling. The State requires that 25% of the waste be recycled in order to qualify for State grant funding. This report does not include yard waste, tires or oil waste. The State grant funds for recycling has dropped approximately $20,000 for 1998. Discussion on need to fund program was discussed. •Status of Cable TV - Chairman Patterson informed the Committee that he has received complaints regarding a Warner Cable program where individuals are offered a free cable magazine and are subsequently billed for future copies until the individual cancels the magazine. This practice was thought to be illegal. Chief John Johnson was contacted on this matter and found this practice to be legal. Bev Greenberg of Warner Cable was called about the issue. She is currently out of town. The Cable Committee will be meeting later this month. Until the group meets, he has nothing new to report. Aid. Public Services Committee Meeting - March 2, 1998 Page 2 Slocomb mentioned that he experienced a lapse of service for approximately 3-4 hours during a recent storm. Chairman Patterson instructed Aid. Slocomb and any residents who experience a similar • interruption of service, for a minimum of 3 hours to contact Warner Cable for a rebate. If residents receive no satisfaction from Warner Cable, they are instructed to contact City Hall. Further review of existing landfill expansions - Aid. Slocomb reported that Emerald Park has presented a revised siting plan with the landfill size being reduced to 13.5 million cubic yards, 196 feet in height and 55 horizontal acres in width. The revised plan also has no impact on surrounding wetlands. This proposal would service southeastern Wisconsin only and no out-of-state waste would be allowed. An independent consultant has been retained to review the revised feasibility study. Further review of lighting at entrance to Culvers on Racine Avenue - Chief Johnson has been in contact with the owner of Culvers. He (the owner) has promised that he will contact his electrician this week and will report back to Chief Johnson. Chief Johnson suggests that if this does not occur, the City should go ahead and install the light due to the safety concerns the lack of lighting may pose. Further Review Parade Regulation (Chapter 12 Section 12.17) - This item was tabled at the 2/2/98 meeting. Please remove from agenda until feedback is supplied by the Festival Committee. Further review of proposed Duck Blind Ordinance - Resident Leonard Pilak was present to discuss his recent findings on this proposed ordinance. Due to the length of time it will take to put this proposal into a State Statute, Leonard questioned if there would be another vehicle available to restrict the installation of permanent duck blinds. The conflict is with the DNR and the "hunting" regulations they are vested with. It was suggested that the terminology "duck blind" or any mention of "hunting" within the context of the City of Muskego Ordinance be removed and perhaps a "debris left in the lake" Ordinance be used in isorder to facilitate the passage of this Ordinance and not infringe on hunting rights. Aid. Slocomb indicated that this is a safety issue, not a hunting restriction issue. Leonard will be talking with individuals at the State Capital on this subject and will report to the Committee at next month's meeting on his findings. NEW BUSINESS Holding Tank Agreement - Payne & Dolan - A holding tank request has been received by the City from Payne & Dolan due to the lack of the necessary sanitary facilities and a expansion of the buildings located on the property (tax key #MSKC 2230996), on Crowbar Road. Aid. Slocomb moved to recommend approval of a temporary waste -water collection and holding tank for Payne & Dolan. Seconded by Aid. Pionek. Vote 3-0, carried by all. Review request for Signage - Bluhm Court - Aid. Slocomb and resident Brad May request the installation of two signs on one post indicating "SLOW Children Playing" and "No Thru Street" (attached). The sign would be installed on the North side of Bluhm Court approximately 50 feet East of Bluhm Drive. Due to the number of drivers observed, expecting a thru street, speeding out of the area once they discover that the street does not connect to any main artery. Aid. Pionek moved to approve the installation of the sign on Bluhm Court. Seconded by Aid. Slocomb. Vote 3-0, carried by all. COMMUNICATIONS AND ANY OTHER BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW - None ADJOURNMENT - Being no further business to discuss, Aid. Slocomb moved to adjourn at 9:52 p.m. Aid. Pionek seconded. Vote 3-0, carried by all. • Respectfully submitted, Li Guli, Recording ecretary • CITY OF MUSKEGO MEETING GUEST SIGN -IN SHEET MEETING NAME (Please Pri AGENDA ITEM �C� REPORT BY CHUCK DYKSTRA, SR. • TO THE PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE MARCH, 1998 CITATIONS W188 S8276 Mercury Dr. -Dale Kreil DBA/Country Lakes Marine #244520 & 255624 Performing construction alterations without a permit and performing alterations to plumbing without a permit. City appealing decision on plumbing citation to Circuit Court and Kreil appealing guilty verdict on construction citation. Parties have stipulated to consolidate these two cases and one Plan Dept. case into one court. Jury trial scheduled December 17th. City filed motion with court for an injunction to stop Kreil from doing business until site is in compliance. Judge Mawdsley allowing 30 day extensions providing progress realized each 30 days. Attorney Trindl attempting to get hearing with Judge Mawdsley prior to December 17th trial to revisit injunction possibilities, since last deadline missed. December 17th trial rescheduled to January 7, 1997, and bumped to April 29, 1997 Injunction hearing tentatively scheduled for January 13, 1997 Judge Mawdsley on 1-13-97 required Kreil to reappear in court on February 24, 1997 and report progress made in addressing code violations.,Continuing progress required. Kriel's architect submitted plans and permit application within allotted time - issue to be revisited in 30 days by Judge Mawdsley. No permits • obtained to date, Attorney Trindl working to schedule new hearing regarding lack of progress. May 1, 1997, hearing rescheduled to May 13, 1997 Stipulation agreement in final stages. Stipulation agreement has not been received, Kreil's attorney fails to return Attorney Trindl's calls. Attorney Trindl to request court date. September 18, 1997, Judge Mawdsley approved order for Kreil to cease operation and remove all boats, trailers and commercial vehicles from property by October 13, 1997 On October 29, 1997, Kriel was found in contempt for not removing boats and ceasing operations by required date. Judge Mawdsley authorized the City to remove the boats from the property and secure the premises free from continuing business operations. Mayor and Attorney Trindl arranged for Mr Kreil to be completely out of building by December 1st. Inspection performed 1211/97 revealed site is not in compliance. Matt Sadowski inspected the property on 12/10/97, he observed 31 motors (some mounted on boats) 20 boats (assorted, some with motors), 3 snowmobiles and assorted parts. 1/30/98 Carlos Trejo inspected the property reporting the exterior is cleared, however, full of snow ground cover Some materials remain along the east lot line. Was not allowed inside of building without owner present. 2-18-98 Chuck Dykstra was granted access to the interior of the structure by a potential buyer who was concerned about requirements to bring building into compliance. Mr. Kriel apparently continued to modify interior of building, without permits, even while City was prosecuting him for similar violations. Due to Mr. Kriel's blatant disregard for City regulations, the City will pursue more substantial forfeitures • from Mr. Kriel. City Attorney currently working on resolution to forfeiture aspect of this case. • W151 S10282 Thode Dr. -Robert Haffner #244523 Performing land disturbing activities without a valid permit. $999.88 citation paid 10- 10-95 to County Court Judge stayed $10,172.12 balance. City appealing Judge's ability to stay forfeiture. DNR permit approved, local permit issued February 29, 1996. Forfeiture issue not yet resolved by Court. Judge Murphy (Circuit Court) sent matter back to Judge Lenz; Judge Murphy ruled case not yet ripe for appeal. Scheduled to be heard in Muskego Court September 7, 1996. Parties could not agree on forfeiture matter set for trial October 5, 1996.Payment forwarded from County received 9-17-96 999.88 Adjourned from October 5th due to DNR staff schedule conflict, new date December 14, 1996. 12/14/96 trial, Judge Lenz upheld prior decision and maintained original forfeiture of $11,172. Haffner appealed decision January 3, 1997 Pretrial at county not yet scheduled. Judge Lenz required $1,000 bond be posted during appeal process. Status conference scheduled July 25, 1997, jury trial scheduled for August 4, 1997 Jury trial rescheduled for December 2, 1997 Jury trial rescheduled to February. Testimony from several City employees and others to be taken on April 6, 1998. Msw/aSAFETY CJ FEB-19-1999 14:40 B.. F I 414 t?9 &:` 'B F. 021'02, • • D 2 LL O 0 ` 1 U VT7 co r a In N G] co d O FI 1I HL 1'U_' CITY OF MUSKEGO - COMMITTEE REOUESTED ACTION FORM 4ATE: February 22, 1998 TO: PUBLIC SERVICES FROM: ALD. MARK SLOCOMB AUTHOR: Brad May - Blum Ct. / Mark Slocomb ISSUE: Visiting traffic unaware of the number of young children playing in the neighborhood. REOUESTED ACTION: Install "SLOW Children Plavine" & "NO Thru Street" sign on same post on the north side of Blum Ct approximately 50 ft. East of Blum Dr. RATIONAL: Notify visiting motor vehicle drivers of the potential of young children playing in the area and thus to reduce their speed and increase their attention. Reduce number of drivers expecting a thru • street. FISCAL IMPACT: Cost of sign and installation— $100.00 INCLUDED EXHIBITS: (Hand sketch below or attach to form) i Install sign in ROW approximately 50 ft. East of I b I1 / Blum Dr DISPOSITION (Use reverse side if necessary) DATE: approx sign location • • • TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTERI. GENERAL SECTION 30.00 SECTION 30.01 SECTION 30.02 SECTION 30.03 SECTION 30.04 CHAPTER II. DEFINITIONS Scope Title Application of "Wisconsin Administrative Code' Application of "Wisconsin Uniform Dwelling Code' Application of "Muskego Municipal Building Code" SECTION 30.05 General CHAPTER III. BUILDING INSPECTOR AND PERMITS SECTION 30.06 Building Inspector SECTION 30.07 Permits SECTION 30.08 Approved Plans SECTION 30.09 Razing of Buildings SECTION 30.10 Inspections SECTION 30.11 Stop -Work Order SECTION 30.12 Certificate of Occupancy CHAPTER IV. DESIGN SECTION 30.13 General Requirements CHAPTER V, ACCESSORY BUILDINGS AND GARAGES SECTION 30.14 Accessory Buildings SECTION 30.15 Garages CHAPTER VI • • DECKS SECTION 30.16 Decks CHAPTER VII. FOUNDATION REPAIR SECTION 30.18 General CHAPTER Vlll. MISCELLANEOUS AND VIOLATIONS SECTION 30.19 SECTION 30.20 SECTION 30.21 SECTION 30.22 SECTION 30.23 SECTION 30.24 SECTION 30.00 SCOPE New Materials & Methods Tests Identification of Products Validity of Past Violations Failure to Obtain Permit The provisions of the MUSKEGO MUNICIPAL BUILDING CODE (THIS CODE) shall govern the design, construction, alteration, and demolition of all buildings and structures within the City of Muskego, except that THIS CODE shall not apply to AGRICULTURAL BUILDINGS as defined by Chapter 30, Section 30.12(1.) other than farm residences. SECTION 30.01 TITLE These regulations shall be known and cited as "Muskego Municipal Building Code" and shall be construed to secure their expressed intent and to ensure public safety, health and welfare insofar as they are dependent upon building construction. SECTION 30.02 APPLICATION OF "WISCONSIN ADMINISTRATIVE BUILDING AND HEATING, VENTILATING AND AIR CONDITIONING CODE" The Wisconsin Administrative Building and Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning Code, Chapter ILHR 50 through 64, 66 and 69, all inclusive and all amendments thereto, are hereby made a part of THIS CODE by reference with respect to those classes of buildings to which such provisions apply. A copy of said code is on file in the office of the Clerk Treasurer • • SECTION 30.03 APPLICATION OF "WISCONSIN UNIFORM DWELLING CODE" The Wisconsin Uniform Dwelling Code, Chapters 20 through 25, inclusive and all amendments thereto, are hereby made a part of THIS CODE by reference and shall apply to all one and two family dwellings and alterations and additions thereto. For purposes of THIS CODE the Wisconsin Uniform Dwelling Code shall also apply to alterations and additions to all one and two family dwellings constructed prior to the effective date of the Wisconsin Uniform Dwelling Code. (see also Section 30.12 - Definitions) A copy of said code is on file in the office of the Clerk Treasurer. SECTION 30.04 APPLICATION OF "IVIUSKEGO MU141CIPAL BUILDING CODE". All buildings and structures hereafter erected, altered, repaired, moved or demolished that are used or designed to be used for the purpose herein defined shall comply in full with the requirements of THIS CODE. (1.) ZONING LAWS - No provision of THIS CODE shall be construed to repeal, modify or constitute an alternative to any lawful zoning regulations. (2.) NEW BUILDINGS - The conslructon requirements of the Muskego Municipal Building Code shall apply to all buildings not covered under Section 30.02, with the exception of AGRICULTURAL BUILDINGS (see Section 30.00 - SCOPE). (3.) EXISTING BUILDINGS - THIS CODE shall also apply to buildings and conditions described in this section. (a.) CONVERSION TO ONE OR I -WO FAMILY DWELLING - An existing building to be occupies' 3s a one or two family dwelling which building was not previously so occupied. (b.) REPAIR OF AN EXISTING_ STRUCTURE - An existing structure that is repaired, when the cost of such repairs during the life of the structure exceeds fifty (50) percent of the equalized value of the structure, said value to be determined by the assessor Note: Repair work w .Ic,i does not exceed 59% of the equalized value of the existing structure shall be required to comply with the code_ that was in effect when the component or work was oriqinallv constructed. In cases where the exact date of construction cannot be determined or in the event a copy of the code for that particular period cannot be located, the Building Inspecto- shall determine the applicable code. When determining cost of repairs, only structural work which extends the life of the structure shall be included, such as. rafters decking headers foundations, studs, etc. Items which are non-structural such as doors. windows, plumbing electrical, carpet, paint and trim, shall not be included. (c.) ADDITIONS AND ALTE_RA T IONS - Additions and alterations, regardless of cost, made to an existing building shall comply with the requirements of THIS CODE. The provisions of subsection (4) of this section shad aiso apply. (d.) ROOF COVERINGS - Roof Cc,rerings - Whenever more than twenty-five (25) percent of • the roof covering of a building is replaced in any twelve-month period, all roof covering shall be in conformity with applicable seciions of THIS CODE. •J r] • (4.) ALTERATIONS AND REPAIRS - The following provisions shall apply to buildings altered or repaired: (a.) Alterations - Alterations to any existing building or structure, accommodating a legal occupancy and use, but of non -conforming type of construction which involves either the structural members of floors or roofs, beams, girders, columns, bearing or other walls, room arrangement, heating and air conditioning systems, insulation or energy efficiency, auaagemeat, light and ventilation, changes in location of exit stairways or exits or any of the above, shall be made to conform to the minimum requirements of THIS CODE, applicable to such occupancy and use and yiven type of construction. (b.) Repairs - Repairs for purposes of maintenance, or replacements in any existing building or structure which do not involve the structural portions (load bearing or non -load bearing) of the buiiding or structure, or which do not effect room arrangement, er light and ventilation, ar access to or efficiency of any exit stairways or exits, sr fire protection,ar heating or air conditioning, insulation or energy efficiency, &r plumbing, er electrical, or exterior aesthetic appearance and which do not increase a given occupancy and use, shall be deemed minor repairs, exempt from plan submittal requirements. (c.) Alterations and Repairs Required - When any of the structural members of any building or structure have deteriorated irom any cause whatsoever, to less than their required strength. the owner of such a building or structure shall cause such structural members to be restored ru uneir required streng.th; failing In which the building or structure shall be considered a menace to public safe'.y and shall be vacated and thereafter no further occupan,:v or Use of the same si a6 be perrrutteo until the regulations of THIS CODE are cornplieu Mtn. (d.) Extent of Deterioration - The amount and extent of deterioration of any existing building or structure shall be determined by the Building Inspector (e.) Use of Unsanitary Building - :'r ;hall be unlaw`ui to occupy or use or permit the occuparury or use of any buildi. -j or structure that s unsanitary or dilapidated, or deteriorated, or out of repair, theist y being unfit tar i�urnan haoitation, occupancy or use until the mgulatons of THIS CODE save been cornpked Mth. CHAPTER II. • DEFINITIONS SECTION 30.05 - General DEFINITIONS: - For purposes ormis CODE, ;he definitions fisted below and those found in ILHR 20.07 shall ap;;l /. Exc ption: Al! deli„•'loos found in ILHR 20.07 referencing DWELLING" or "DWELLING Gidl-i ", shall a -so apply ro ail other non dwt;lli rg, non commercial or non agricultural structures with.rr t' e City. (1.) AGRICUL-i b,_1'AL IS1 RUCTURE - A wilding located on a parcel of 35 acres or more of contiguous land which is devoted primarily to agricultural use as defined by s.91.01(1), Wis.Stats., • and whicn during the year preceding, produced gross farm profits, as defined in s.71.58(4), Wis.Stats., of not less than $6,000 or which, during the 3 years preceding, produced gross farm 4 C� \( v V profits, as defined in s.71.58(4), VVis.Stats., of not less than $18,000, or a parcel of 35 or more acres of which at least 35 acres are enrolled in the farmland preservation program. Note: In addition to the above criteria, commentary issued from time to time by DILHR may also be utilized when determining qualifications for agricultural structure exempt status. (2.) BUILDING - Any structure used, designed or intended for the roofed bwolt fQP the SwpPort, shelter, ec en•�losure or protection of persons, animals or property of any kind. (3.) BUILDING INSPECTOR - The Director of Building Inspection or other duly authorized individual. (4.) COST OF PROPOSED WORK - See 'Value of proposed work"_ (5.) EQUIPMENT - As specifically regulated by THIS CODE, includes heating, cooling, air conditioning, and ventilation systems, p:urnbirig and saititaiy systems; electric44W and power systems; telepi,cne, electronic and radio signal and annunciator systems; dry cleaning, dyeing and washing machines; elevators and dumb waiters; gas pipe systems; standpipes; sprinkler systems; fire protection apparatus, fire extinquishers, and pumps. o.l burners, stokers, and conveyors; refrigerating systems; devices, machinery and apparatus of every description; furnace(s), boiler(s); high or low prey Lire steam systems. gasoline pumps, all movable or portable containers of every description; all au pressure vesseis or other tanks; and all oiher self-contained systems used in conjunction with buildings or structures. (6.) STRUCTURE - As specitically reg.jiaied by THIS CODE, feaadafieaec+�r_use uGgpipoRi Faaacy�cyg fQAG Aq Structure shall have the i reani �g as defined ay It.e Muskego N u l� ipai Code, Chapter 17, Section 2.02 (59) and COMM: 5'.1=5). (7.) VALUE OF rR' iF,)SED WORK - For purposes of THIS CODE, cost shall mean the fair market or retail value of the work as would be charge contractor if comretitive bids were obiained In no case shall value of pro proposed woii•_r':ean ihc- actual cost . th:: property ov.nar or uermit app materials and pedurrn the work. value of cant to cost of a.; In ine ,ase : `a non-confGi_r_�g Struchre affe3tc7 by the 50% equalized value rule, [see', 30.04 (3.'_Lu ), t is value of the work shall include only structural work which extends the life of the structure such_ as rafters. decks headers, foundations_ studs, etc. Items which are non-structural sucn as doors, 'windows piurnbing electrical carpet paint and trim, shall not be mclucE- Jd (8.) WRECK 1N - =cr r,urp , .es of 1'H' }: C CIDEi, wracking she : include demolition, dismantling or tearing down cr teaming merrioers, whether weight bearing or not, and shall not include the removal of gypsum waiihoard p3nelinq or other =,miler surface coverings. 5 CHAPTER III. - BUILDING INSPECTOR AND PERMITS • SECTION 30.06 - BUILDING INSPEC `OR There is hereby created the Department of Building Inspection. The Director of Building Inspection, hereafter referred to as Building Inspector, appointed by the Municipality, shall act as head of this department. (1.) DUTIES - The Building Inspector s vested with the authority and responsibility to enforce all laws controlling z a e bL,iloing construc,ion. he shall make inspections at the site of buildings damaged, by any cause whatsoever to oetermine the safety of buildings affected thereby,The Fire Inspector shall �.ave p� unary resporsib,idv to make perodic inspection of existing public buildings to determine their safety. (2.) AUTHOR' fY - The Building Inspeulor, of his duly authorized agent, shall have the power and authority, at all reasonable hours, for any proper purpose, to enter upon any public or private premises and make inspection thereof and to require the production of the permit for any building, or plumbing, or elr;ctrc: al, or heating, r,r aU con&ioni to avork being done, or the required license therefore. No :erson shall interfere MT, or refuse to permit access to any such premises to the above descrbed re orr.:,erita Ives of th- r 1•,nicipality vvt-,;ie in the performance of their duties see 30.07 5 a.)7j In cases where access s has been denier' the Buildincglnspector may obtain a special inspection warrant or a criminal search warrant as applicable (see 30.102)]. • (3.) RECORDS Y,nere shsi; be kepi. i t`,a Department c', I;u;lding Inspection, a record of all applications for n l', in:: pef-ui s ,ii j. b,: k fo argil p�ror;se and each permit shall be regularly numbered in tha oraer of its issue. Als,). a record shoo•atu the number, description size of all buildings erec. I i. Idic75n;• the �ii J r,r r .: serials useo unc the cost of each building and aggregate cost of ali buiAirgs in the various classes, shall be kept There shall be kept, in the Department of Building Inspection, a -ecord of all inspectiors made of al! removal and condemnation of buildings and arecord o =:; `ees , n'•e,:aed sho r,ro the date o, t.telr racaipt. The Building Inspector shall make a written annual ieooit io the governing body of the municipality relative to these matters. SECTION 30.U" - YcfT:A11'f3 (1.) PERMITS No bl-616 ::e or structure, of � iY part thereof, shall hereafter be built, enlarged, alt- - l or d,=. r..:.:s.led a Gr r, cl., n-cniclpality or moved into, within or out of the municipa,ity exce•,;t as ,ereinafter provided, unless a permit therefore shall first be obtained by the owner or his a:;ec;t ficni the Building Permits required are as fo„ors: (a.) Building (b.) Air cot jan, rig (c.) y6`r6c,ril!lg, u<i111oiikL)n 0. ra:_IIIU �I(ICI! des Je3!'inq or non-bearinq JJalls (d.) Hea'-1nq 9 • • (e.) Occucaricy (f.) Re-rocTing an residing (g.) Other permits as requiredby governing municipality and/or as listed in the Table No. 1 permit fee schedule (2.) APPLICATION FOR PERMITS - Application for a building permit shall be made in writing upon a blank form to be furnished by the Building Inspector and shall state the name and address of the owner of the buiin ric end the owner or the land on which wed the work is to be performed, the name and address of tf,e contractor, the house number thereof and such other information as Lhe 3uiiuiny Inspector n-:ay require. With such application, there shall be submitted, to the Building ;nspectnr three (3) cnrinlete sets of plans, specifications and three (3) copies of a survey (commerial projects) and two (;"I complele sets of plans, specifications and two (2) copies of a survey uiren-ents of Muskeqo Municipal Code, Chapter 17, Section I( J Slate e� t di be+�aiaaila.- ai �.; . ••r.,rra b' ac cl : a€Ta ti dale .�L as,au� .61421, also slaea-lkws�:a++w:t�: i-. :,nF•- aY ar: e;zH�wcxs, wacky is a 6-1 ade aa� settaa6k ai ad}if adjaGoAt IQ! is vaGapt, swl ^mit .....-,:+«.:�.�«-rJ-iw:�;iT-Ora-ea•saraa_s✓{a-c�€lke-read. 2-a table 'r.:V^.T��'.['•1..ih'NYb•..d.,t':•�_..��'`MIJM•��IdFT�^!� �n hra-...r` ue.+.1•e-.�vd.rc', 'i�H:1aJ-c4fA•i�tir+d•FH ..-:3dlil7••�eiC�flaEK-d�+9✓- r:w�eh-•b:�Fr#�.VibtiNFi131i.vGr' v�-az',-j-:w-�biitd.e.n+e:�eK.,e��+i �dileN?a.-d-rl.ie-W p'b � 94 P•• ••� '� f...,� .�4.... ,.. 1L.o flc�r`t-6�Aa�'36iE� • - �...5'.gal_3b1rT6i4jFk'i4y-s, .-�`. .:.yAW �9F. V (b.) Plans and Specifications - All plans shall be drawn to a scale not less than one-fourth (1l4) inch ;,r-r foot, on'paper or cloth in ink, or by some other process that will not fade or obliterate, and shall disclose the existing and proposed provisions for water supply, sanitary sewer conoertk?ns and surface wtiter drainage. All dimensions shall be accurately figured. Drawings. `'-,_�t dry not show all �e�ec�sary detail steal! be rejected. A complete set of plans for residential construction shall consist of: A'! elevations. 2. All floor plans. 3. r=ooting to root wall cu?away, including foundation wall height. 5 ream type, size anu -, aner sizes. 6 C)oer:abie area of wincows and glass area. / Door sizes and swwo cirection. 8 Intended room use labeled - example: bedroom, utility, etc. 9 imner type - exam-,)'- SPF Douglas Fir, etc. and Fb rating -- example: 1200, • e'c. ;c'ula;r: lrorr„ur: bar supplier). 41 ,, ,•:licro-lam - or .car similar component - provide: manufacturer and size. 11 1'i:e;;10ce retails f"1 .n:�'n per foot) showing rross section of fireplace and Flues. 2 a• of c-;raga rage is 5 be h, i,it immediately or location of garage when it is to be built at a !titer dale. ill : arr.a sha;i rernain on Fde in the office of the Building Inspector until at least one y:�ar after the compie, m of the building, after which time the Building Inspector rnaq f E .urri the same co the owner, may keep them for public record or may destroy 0-iE„" (3.) WAIVER OF SOME RECUIRPIE'JTS - At the option of the Building Inspector, plans, data, specifications ❑ri,, s;.: r r! .e" :ct .-. :n'aec with ao application for permit to execute minor alterations am) r:pairs'o any building, stricture or equipment, provided the proposed construction is sufficiently :iee:.ribed in the anpfiaih: -1 for permit. (4.) DRAINAGE I>e guvernEc .:, ,luskeo f tun cipal Code, Chapter 17, Section 6.01(2) 1Mhi6✓•}dt G 1:7E}-t+'6iiFflFl8 iI.1Aq PGFA4;4 an11 ..f fhc •l:,m..ve":crdli•eit.i'�J+f.Wyj..t?KddEi.-E'-l::rt;Fs.��6121.1t�i:.�t:li�!�-A''!faGg C� F. , ii6t6F�r'i1�M'•:�,'�tE1F�t:�tVA:i•6%•t �,. tb6-IdkHk�;.rlti}��-NJ-aG13ae�r-0�?SE�S��l+,�1; �ji • fpQPA a6@-Qf adjo 14 Aq Pp6j eF stee RI-Qh flew-Y spate be (5.) INSPECT.—.1-1 ;°.'f REVOKE-'E!?fvIITS. (a.) The Lu,;dIr q i, ispeciur rcay f evoke any pecan:,, certificate of occupancy or approval issued u u'a L,,e requia lu'ilb 01 i rii:i CODE and n ay stop construction, demolition or use of approveu i,ioiei,als, equipmen[, 1116lhoos of construction, devices or appliances for any of the folio, ,,., red:,61 is. ioi sere is a •i;,,iodUl1 of drly reywatio: i of THIS CODE or of any other ordinance, law or lawfui orders or Wisconsin Statute relating to the same subject IA-enaver the continuance of anv construction of demolition becomes dangerous Cl l-r.'r,r;r, ;'.;ar mere is any violation of any condition or provision of theapp"raWA permit. of t'ne Builaii g Inspector, there is inadequate • s-;pa ;15lon provided of the iob site. -?M! fgic' ..' ^.'rillsr-r)ie,;cntatlon has been made in the nxrnit. rl-i—, drawings data, specifications or certified lot or plot plan ;,,h hr issuance -'h' oerrr;t or ac-.-ovail was based. n,-,,, .,er 1riece is a I `nir=tion c'r ary of the conditions of an approval or occupancy given by the Ei d'ding Inspector for the use of any new materials, or appliances. h° _r'-_ e p_c� t; ovmer `ails to allow reasonable inspections of the property. (b.) Th(, c., r.y pa:,;,.., :1ifi t if c:, up: icy Or approval shall be in writing and th, ar : fu: 1,he mii, oavnar of Era premises and his agent, if any, anc z!i the ;:erson having charge of construction. (c.) A re.cc.a n placard ;haC &;i ;D `ce pcs!ed upo,t the building s;rurture, equipment or premisei :,y :,a.;,,,,iny inspector (d.) Afh nC;Ivor is. >e .r:I,' ._>?I. ,lie p sons. s aforesaid and po ted, it shall be unlawful is it-; person to proceeu inereafter wiih any construction or demolition operation whatsoc,v.e; ,n ir,:: p;e : isas gnu dig peI1. —11L whit,) tide ueen so ravohed shall be null and • void an. u, :i:: r r:y ctrns[ruaio 1 or cpera[ior, is again resumed, a new permit, as required I by THIS C"'DE, sha!! i;= prc c_ira;. a::d feez paid therefore and thereafter the resumption of • any cor•h ..,., `or, or operatiun s, r ,: oe in compliance with the regulation of THIS CODE. _/ (6.) FEES - E-1,--i : r --niving a hui::ilrrc; !.;errrit, tl e nvr, r ur his agent shall pay the fee specified in Table 1 In a,pplOng, ti?e provisions or l rf,S CODE, in respect to new work, existing buildings, alterations and repairs, the vaiue of ri':u work sisal be uelerrnined by the Building Inspector on the basis of cuire:11 r.,:,irl, coeLa. (7.) MUNICIPAL PROJECI S - Fees are waived for all municipal funded projects. (8.) NO PERVi .5 TG VIOLA rJRS - r,pphcants naving outstanding orders, or notices, or unpaid fees or forfeihires, relative to this Chapter or other Chapters enforced by the City shall not be issued an•r af we. rri it;i, (ii1C+ !.c:UCh ii(u'Ea S. yr IIUtIi;eS, JY unpaid fees Or forfeitures being con�.c.a -.I 1,r !.paid io irie ouiidir,q inspac6on Deuaitments satisfaction. (a.) Exc,ep',:,n I he 6-iiiding In-_jocior may issue uennits to applicants with outstanding orders, or r-,tice_�. or unpaid fees or forfeitures, when the permit is required to comply with an outstandinq orde, o, notice. SECTION 30.i:S - AFPROVED PLAN',-, (1.) A weather S .(:-. (aWr5 Jr.-!(! d 'in or, inUicatw9 the permit has been issued shall b - r d : ' c? sit 13. t �r,,"„(.t' , Ir r issuar, a of e building permit, the approved plar! sr-a•.i n(;! he altered i:r,l rss any proposed r!":ange is first approved by the Building • Inspector as c. r r,;,d :o ')e P:cvls;,. , o TWIS Ci;DE (2.) EXPIRA I.)' : . `-'EI?r,'!l (a.) Exi; ing owidings anu any alrerations or additions thereto, new commercial buildings, accesse ,; '' i! r ,a -:,d = tm-titres. The bu:;:.,.,,, ,:;rr. !; s. LI; , L,.; E op,: -1' ( ; , s are ce. rm(:ncad within four (4) mons:hs r d .,l :h,-, pe.-r,,:', ,> Issuec o- it tilis iwiid,.,g or work authorized by such permit is su�,pc r:ed w any ti ie aster wore s ;;cr imenced, for a period of more than sixty (60) days .-,;l :vo'k shaii be car',pie!ed within twelve (42 18 ) months from the date the perrnir is ,ss icd. r:.r,a pe:icds ,�:.ecanced ne:ein rcay be extended by the Building Inspec`.c ' '.'i c '?e!av v,ci i iu:, 1, x-:rditions beycnd tn•e control of the applicant. No additional permits fer the same work will be issued unless a timetable of completion is agreed .ip(. ;, , . _ .. ;r'.! 19 :r - - ,;1' z:.!.:ra 'o :.on.oly with the agreed upon timetable may result Ir'. 'h" 'e"CCL!(!J: c 1, p'<, `11 and `.ilc issi3i'.ce of a citation for the offense. The: but o' o o� n sir shall expire ae1,ty4ow (24) after issuance if the dwelling extenor ha, iiot been connpleted (new one or two fart?I v Construction only (3.) Before ar.; ;:•ork is cr r.rnencau of ecornmenced a',ter the on iy nal permit has lapsed or been revoked, a ne , t ,,tFi , =. E _' o `ir: c' r Ee-4ta (a,y a ciitional proration of the • fee shall nc,t f,c: r;,l, Writ o !n 'n n-aa' all exoire E n (nths from date of issue. 10 c, • (4.) Non-transferani'ity of Permits - Permits issued under THIS CODE shall be non -transferable from one perm I hAd= io ancln=r Ir• ,:. ses where a coa+.motor has applied for and obtained a permit, comni:. ,.sa :,Onsil "c'ien z: ; i r ;any reason whals.oever has aeaodoned or ceased activity on the project. ci as 1-cen rernevcd `rc,l the project by the property owner, a new permit must be obtained by th,� rnntractor hire l to fiinl i. the work. Upon the property owners written request for a new permit. a :+ -ic ' u:: ,I:: 'f ,ill"•" nllniJ. the property owner must schedule an inspection to ! <'I taus )r iob :L —,e time fhe contractors (permit applicants) were switched. In aii such situations, theie snap be no refund of the original tee. The new applicant shall make applicalior ' r ar, purchase permit, which shall be assessed fees identical to those assessed for ine crrgir,al permit ipro-ration of the ree sI all riot oe permitted). (5.) Consent iU u l p .:ur o: r`P.rriL:'.'.UI (unions I nc ai C,ptance by ao applicant of any permit issued under 3+us CC',E s.loll )urlsG '. co tir,e consent by such appiicant and, if different, the owner or owners thee.-r_ to ar:, inspeciions ,- r_�yuifed or parmiaed under THia CODE or any permit conditions Imi. j" 7J c-5 „� ,. -('.: /�.: ul ifrtJ'pa'r,'d., ur Gif:c' aNr)li;;able legal requirements. SECTION 30.Zr9 RAZING OF UU'L U"4GS (1.) RAZING O_ ',UILDING:: - The Bu,lo+rig Inspector is hereby authorized to act for the municipality urIo "r :a pro /i : oils n1 Sp(,tinn 66.05 of the Wisconsin Statutes, relating to the razing of buildings anti :,r: aces arne:ncaiory t`,c rent ana supple:rnentary thereto. hhe Clerk Treasurer is authorized io U'di.e''"",c aoad3aTlon a!I,i coliecf tree special tax as therein provided. • (2.) Before a c. nu .r ) -r!,r moved � owner of aqi=nt, snail notify all utilities having service. v I b Idirg s ri a wate electric, gas, sewer and other connection., - ^r; m! ;o ':,e, ,nrl.;t o, ernove a buiL'ino shall not be issued until it is ascertained that service c Ir.c ai °,r. a, -i n;s)rh.:: aquidment, zecr -s meters and regulators, have been removed or I6• )Iu;,;;­J in morn<r Exc2/ai,ons siiall he fiGed with solid fill to match lot grade w,thl /:, :' r the strac '.ur( Ar-.v excavakc I, ;hall be protected with appropriate fe: s .=,,,r , . <. S'+a Iasi;: r,)t. ,n =.trail he perfd med pursuant to City of Muskego M%rir '.:I; .-I ,+.. i..i %IOIF:' , .. _Ii1510❑ Control �)i dinarc:' re0H-ergents. SECTION :30 N' - :_1 r: a . (1.) Requirac , . " r t.: ,rsp,r. 1. ,= Fol:c Aiing tie rs,)ance of any permit under THIS CODE, specificlnSpc 4 ``- r8 J� cc II;${.. tin C; for r)a ticular projects can be obtained fror:, I, ul y e 'i zr nic'�l up.n IE,.a>t a Building Inspector may, with cr c r of;:. me t. _. ' at e,.,y :,r, e inspect the work which is the subject of i,!. as r ` io r.:, ;, e v,ork • J"l a c.irz or ,:xecuted in compliance with THIS CODE and all , t-.,. ..'c_ ,`, I,,la! n F.,.;,3r.-; (2.) Permit H , rwt r: )lder or authorized agent shad notify thepiRrlor Buildin Ca � o Gal Inspect on Derr<,rrr jer,; rI` sc ,:., ::-• rs''e a a inspection is required under THIS CODE. ,--IIl F@ t� ---- - �l,r.a{�:,c;,r�:-:::.��-�;s:k-�.-ala-�:per;�:�,•i.+t-ai-aJ=�aaaity=-�14 _ All (adders, scaffolds and other equip;ner .:e id ,:cc s:..r' _ .: ua to be a Is actad shall be provided by the property • owner, per,n:i' -r n Lour, c t nr u"(I ail, �spectiDrl It is found that a required Inspection r.arl ' ):i ? 'lj i:Lu °"��I. ru De li)Jpccl J 'Ins been coverer or concealed, the • • • 1 (i property ovmer, r:erml+. holder or authoriz"d agent shall uncover the wcrk, as directed by the Building Inspt!r;`or :: 0�•"0Eli 'l':/( rP,d Of cnn --I work shall be. given until the required inspection !,an h. I1), a�•�: ;'.: n:' the ori :cc,;!i=s ,vith t`c r ( ' Jsions of THIS CODE and other applicable stat, (3.) Inspection R: ,16'a T'^.e `'ui1T _i-ispector sh=sl: respond to inspection requests without unreasonable clay. U;aun inspection, t;-a;: Euilding 1:ispectof shall notify the property owner, permit holder or authorized agent of any defects found, approve the work or waive the inspection (action to waive the in I acti.xt , ,ai :)4: W %M-;lirr.D by the Uu'.Iding inspector). (4.) Resjlte 1'' a.1 i property ozdner, permit holder or authorized ag. . -. ._ of r_p c.�i - Jr• :hE : ennit St,GKer which shall be posted on the prerus a. ar j,.:s ki 1,U.1a:,1C ;c: _ticker piacernerd such as footings, foundations or other similar surfacer::nay ra.0 i,-- the usr ,.f I_ nbe.r rayons, p-r-nanent makers or other means to record results. t Mete Li 1� . ; swta:.e suitable tir ine place, neiii of stickers and where the use of toms;el erayoins or perinanerri maiKeis would be delrimentai to the surface, the results shall be forward el'i r:r verbabY or 6, :ri: ily tc ir.c piopeify owner, permit holder or authorized agent. In all cal ::e io_,y or i1-6 uts:,, r,: or resu�is silai; be placed in the permanent records of the Building Deoa;i,,-,�,' (5.) Existino c•In .,tu i r nL•IlJlrlu !, ;',reCtof Shall na Ne aulhoilty to MaKe Inspections from time to time, oras 4vi c : qw, a Dy f it a;00E, of all cxiStir u rionr-coicm. rc,al structures to ascertain wh-- Ir,r-. ;,-,a ra•n: n-ar•; _ lo D(,,ucAll, _;/ is .1 <Wcordance witri all applicable requirements. ! nic ;'•spaclu• 0 iary res00ns1(,,„ y :or inspection of existing commercial applications. (6.) Re-InspE�c eXI.:L iha Pi operty owner, permit holder or a ti d -,h,,l' irnd cn'ar."^r s 'o he made and shall contact the Building Insne, "o ': =r, -..r.."o a- r>n = f ;r fe- "'s^a a'nn of the wc•r!, Fac required inspection is allotted one ; r.pa .:,u s I! •esul in t,la assessment of a re - inspection rae " tc 5me es.:ai, !`:a.i cv 'sc,'•-I!6=•r o' the Ccmrnun Council and listed in TABLE 41 5: r 11 r .... L:I e _e , , oa n p ,.. ; Ier le-.r'so ' ons of the work. (7.) Final Inspection - I_loon comoleti,n i env bu'ding. strurture, equipment or other work for which a permit has o d h=`ore =' is o.r.l i;! :rr csed. a final inspection shall be made by the Buiidiny C.:.Lc.aO:, oilU _a -,hi Sl,Cll J!J !.11lI�, 5,::..;i: �,„ c J pm nt U .`.likes wC; for which a permit r,as a ;;.'I:: I> r .,wirer•;: r ;s o` 1-HIS CODE and terms of the pe, rr it roc! _ - (id 10 p )::y shall be maintained. (a) If a .,:.. ;rcl :_c•: or anal a s,-;:•.: .",, [ne cons ir,Jcton or other work with ni .:...- ..__, i (;eri r,.:, cccupti.ri_:; snali be issued, until Such '.!`1'. as !ll:^.. arcn:iei Of :;J:!leEf of reccfd IIas provided a certificate of compliance o: cc 2 it ;,a' ; ,le nl .c -r '3L:ik1i: g Ir s_ _f,::r The certificare or statement shall certify that ! ur r : a:J Ic rr'_r.l li :: z r :' or enginee- has been completed in ar;p,-,- �. ',%-;;n a;l ine fuirn5 rind DDr,dIL01`;s permr,, -,ne approved plans and all ($,) Fa11ufF' TC {;•;I' yq r r`S('?C; r!f; - F:-il' -? t) egi.le!•t -iw r�red inspections in a timely manner, or allowing wo-k c CrlDf P :. J 1 ioF:, It'E o3sGb3lil._"1 or a penalty fee against the permit holder, or owner of record; said penalty fee to be as from time to time • established by resolution of the Common Council and listed in Table #1 (9.) Special Inspection Warrant - In addition to the inspection powers of the Department under this Section, the Building Inspector or his duly authorized agent(s) and the Fire Inspector(s) of the City are authorized to obtain special inspection warrants as provided in Sections 66.122 and 66.123, Wis. Stats., to ascertain violations under this Chapter, other subject Chapters and other applicable legal requirements. (10.) BOARD OF APPEALS - Any person feeling h R;gelf aggrieved by any order or ruling of the Building Inspector may appeal 4om such ruling to the Board of Appeals within twenty (20) days after written notice of such ruling shall have been delivered to him. Such appeal is to be in writing, setting forth the order appealed from and the respects in which said person feeling h M&W aggrieved claims that said order ea or ruling is erroneous or illegal. Said notice of appeal shall be filed with the Planning Director or his duly authorized representative, who shall thereupon notify the Building Inspector of said appeal, and the appeal shall be heard at the next meeting of the Board of Appeals. The said Board of Appeals, after consideration thereof, shall affirm, reverse or modify said order or ruling . The ruling or order of the Inspector shall be enforced until changed by said Board of Appeals. SECTION 30.11 - STOP WORK ORDER Whenever the provisions of THIS CODE or of the plans approved thereunder are not complied with, a stop work order shall be serveo on the owner or his representative and a copy thereof shall • be posted at the site of the construction. Such stop work order shall not be removed except by written notice of the Building Inspector after satisfactory evidence has been supplied that the violation has been corrected. In the event that work continues or stops and then again resumes after the stop work order has beers posted and before —the Building Inspector has provided written notice that work ma resume, each day that work continues shall constitute a separate offense and the Building Inspector shall not be required to continually re -post the site. SECTION 30.12 - CER'IIFICAIE OF OCCUPANCY (1.) INSPECI IONS (a.) The Buiidi, ig Inspector shall snake a final irsPection of all new buildings, additions and alterations. If no violations of this or any other ordinance can be found the Building Inspecto, rxray shall issue a cedificate of occupancy, stating the purpose for which the building s to ce used (see also 30,i0(7)(a) —d 30 0'7(5)(a) (b.) No building, nor part tne;eo`, snall be utilized or otherwise put into service, until such final inspection has been approved and certificate of occupancy has been issued, nor shall any building be. utilized in any manner which conflicts with the conditions set forth in the certificate of occupancy. (2.) USE GISCONTINUED • (a.) Whenever any building or po ;ion thereof is being used or occupied contrary to the provisions of THIS CODE, the F)wlding Inspector shall order such use or occupancy 13 discontinued and the building, or portion thereof, vacated by notice served on any person • using or causing such use or occupancy to be continued and such person shall vacate such building or portion thereof within ten (10) days after receipt of the notice or make the building, or portion thereof, comply with the requirements of THIS CODE. (b.) Any building, structure or premises, or any part thereof, hereafter vacated or damaged by any cause whatsoever so as to jeopardize public safety or health, shall not hereafter be occupied or used under an existing certificate of occupancy or without the same, until an application has been filed and a new certificate of occupancy issued. (3.) CHANGE - I[ shall be unlawful to change the use of any building, structure, premises or part thereof, without first obtaining, trorn the Building Inspector and Planning Director, an approval of such change in the occupancy or use and a certificate of occupancy therefore. See also Muskego Municipal Code, Chapter 33_00, Business Occupancy Registration Ordinance. (4.) HARDSHiP - The Building Inspector shall have the authority and power to permit the occupancy of any building or structure in the municipality, prior to issuance of any occupancy certificate, in ali such cases of hardship, as in his judgment arid discretion, warrant occupancy before final stage of completion as set forth in THIS CODE. Before granting such permission, the Building InspectioKshall first examina ilia premises and determine if it is safe and sanitary. The Building Inspector shall determine the iime within which such building or structure can be completed. Such time should not exceed one hundred 'oNenty (120) days. • CHAPTER IV. - DESIGN SECTION 30.13 • General Reclwramw,ts DESIGN REQi_ l J-Nl' N-f S - Vino I mu ;now loaci, •�, loaf, dead load, soil bearing classifications. slopes. Clear arw�!s a ar,y other applicable load aridro: design requirements shall be as required by iLHR 20 - 25 or 30 - 64, 66 & 69. CHAPTER V. A(7CESSOR.Y BUILDINGS AND GARAGES SECTION 30.14 • Accessory Buildinijs (1.) ACCES`,UF'•'I Mi ::.DING� „:reel -nean a det_iched, non-commercial, or non -dwelling, o, r.n-ga!ana :a utter. (a.) STORAGE SHED - A strut, ,ie conforming to the height and area limitations of Muskego Municipal ?cning Ordinance, Ch 3pter 17, Sectior 4.05(2)G. (i ) Foundation t, he -nmimum of 4" stone placed under pressure treated lumber, es�`la' fl:,orin„ sealed -enc,-ete block cr concrete with anchor bolts at each corner and every 6 feet o/c to secure treated bottom plate to foundation or 2 -16D common J. shall not be used for anchorage to 14 (2.) Roof and Wali framing to be minimum 2x4 #2 or better in accordance with c is construction requirements of 30.15(5.) (b.) POLE BUILDiNG - A structure using post and beam construction in place of conventional 2x4 or 2r.6 framing All such buildings shall comply with the following design criteria regardless of the oui!dings intendec use. (1.) Wisconsin registered architect or engineer shall stamp and sign all plans for pole buildings (regardless of size) verifying the structure has been designed to support DEAD LOADS in accordance with ILHR 53.10, SNOW LOADS in accordance with ILI­IR 53.11 WIND LOADS in accordance with ILHR 53.12 and that the design meets or exceeds the design requirements of ILHR 53.28 for pole type foundations. (;:. l Firi•:>! surl`aces lc hu concrete in accordance with 30.15(4.) Exception - concrete floors shall not 'oe required in stable areas and/or riding areas of detached accessory structures usE:d for housing equine (pole foundation must be designed arxo:dinrliv ;r) c-ee? res r-31nt requirements) SECTION 30. � 5 - Garages (1.) GARAGE t:)-F!MED - Garage sha!I nDan either alta&ed or detached private non-commercial garage. (a.) An r+ h d :mvat gar qn hall mean ^ priwite garage attached directly to the • principa' h �. 3Ff i '? 1 ­aDs of ,:-zed or open breezeway, porch, terrace or vestiL,..I.. c a pr.v ate i-ir..gn ccnsli u. 'e(1 to form an integral part of the principal building. (b.) A 8 r`:, c' ori• _ --- ga a r < !_:'! mean a orhrafa garage entirely separated from the principa; ,r:iidl! 1. (2.) LOCATIC ! ]r: _,she•' ;aragf:>, sir!ii be gDv^.!necl by the following unless otherwise provided for it ilk :na: �o:J-- • (a.) Ga, t. s ;:f • rv:d fry :e ua. n oria�i bt located not less than ten (10) feet from any residence budding, except that such distance may be reduced to not less than five (5) feet N,'�e tha 1 ;- nt wail is protected as required for attached garages in ILHR 21.08(5). Such sr:, r,r: ai;v .; sna,, b r•e< s, _' as tl ie o r,;e.nriicu,ar distance from the exterior dwelling va:i io the closest exterior garage or accessory building wall. (3.) FOUNCA - ,v ;ND i`u::'i ir.v:> - Foundations ivr attaolned and uetacned private garages shall be consir,,ia:aa, .ri vviiti (a.) and lb.) oelow. (a.) Atiac::::; ph•.,,:u gL,n.,iles a prceided .:nh. the same typ,., wotings and foundations as required here'n for the principal building. Concrete Floors shall be not less than four (4) a i- (b.) Detached private garages may be built with a continuous floating slab of reinforced • concrete not less than four (4) inr_hes in thickness. Reinforcement shall be a minimum of number 10 six by six (6 X 6) inch •,,ire mesh. The slab shall be provided with a thickened edge all around, twelve (12) inches wide and twelve (12) inches below the top of the slab. Exterior mall curbs shall be. provided not less than four (4) inches above the finished ground grade adiac;mt to the garage. Bolts three -eighths B/8) inches in diameter with nuts and washers .:)tte:cf ed, six (61 inches long, shall be en, -:bedded three (3) inches in the raised concrete cu: b of detached garages, no more than 18 inches from corners and shall have a maximur 1 sc,acing of eight (8) feel on centers. (4.) FLOOR SJ�7c ACE - The floor ,r: aJ private Salayes Shall oe of concrete construction and sloped toward taxu! garaghe oo-,! i openir:g at a ra r of 1/8 inch drop per foot of run. No openings or pill d:e fluor shalt r)el milted, except Tor drainage. Note: Floor drains placed within garages shall 'u= d_ais`3d to meel al; -r apkable plurru:r:g_codes and shall discharge to daylight, see plumbing a,: or additi� oils. (5.) CONSTR�G f ICN - Private garages shall be constructed as follows: (a.) Load iw.ar.rq tou..datjon wrii:s and partitions shall be constructed per 30.18(3) above. (b.) Fily n gobgrib oI v. uG irrf :c con511 l:_,lion Si,nil be constructed with the following reouire:ii�nt3 for wall ;;err •:, sr:;ll be a minimurn of 2 x 4, with a maximum spacing of • tv:'er',ry-,'cur (24) inches on centers. Bottom c-ate(s) in contact with masonry or c,r:crate snail be of t,'_-!.,-A-naierial Top plate(s) shall be doubled with end joints srae ar a minlrnum cr 1.9 inches. 2 hiaoon,31 corner br ^ nr• shall be insia"ed on both walls at each corner Diagonal tr; inu :ros,• ua a fed on tr:e inch :-- ,o, lace of st,jds (plywood let -in 1 X 4's e!-,"al 1-strip13 !esir this purpose are acceptable as corner bracing). NosL> rn ;y �.c:: !: ; of two (2 ) ^' Ly fJur (2 X 4) inch studs or a single four llu:i teams o. :uiS:_ ,::`le top olat,i and collar ties in the upper one third of the and :. =Ji V.W1 a maximum ;,::zcrc of forty-eight (48) inches on center l:ollar ties shall be at least two by four lnc:ies per UA. A one by six (1 X 6) ,r roo` , f: ;; ( )inches re, foot or greater lr., e routs sf:a!I :rnec accurJarice, w1th the anp!icaole requirements of ecLi ''..I iR 2 5 CHAPTER VI. - D_7i,K; • SECTION 30. 3 JFiG^:S 16 t (1.) DECK - G , I. t :rr) Ir;ean Fri strcrture which serves as a raised horizontal platform or floor • constructed of wood or other materials, without enclosing walls Q Beef, either attached or detached. (a.) Attact neck: Any deck which is physically connected to the principal building or accessol j .;Lruct;.re- (b.) De[o-, hid pack:: any dack vv',-, ch is not p`lysically attached to the principal building or accessory s''ru *ure. (2.) FOUNDA! 1GA': - Dt ck faunaat,�mz; shall be of aoaquate bearing area to safely distribute all live and dead loan;, to the supportiriD soil without exceeding the bearing capacity of the soil. (a.) Detac:, .o uecK foundations - supponing pad size, post size and post spacing to provide a'- uate bearing. for ar nllcable loads in conjunction with soil bearing conditions. (b.) Atlac'+ed cecm foundations - shall be designed n accordance with ILHR 21.225(1), (2), (3), (4),,t ,(, i (3.) FRAMING:: UecK !laming shai, .o accordance with ILHR 21 19. 21.22, 21.225(5) & (6) CHAPTER Vh. �:C"IIVDATION REP'I'IRS 30.18 - MUNI-- !;.;N REPAif:S At' :)ANIP i'r'tvOFifac. • (1.) Applicant -, iv shal, :ncluda ; statement -if :he existing defects, and an analysis of the cause of thos:: e;:-, defects to erruoe that all ccndi,;ors responsible for foundation defects are corrected. (2.) Plans an(•Iu; :;p=crfications rnt-s. submitted for approval prior to Issuance of a permit. LJ (3.) General F,-, - r n Requirements (a.) Wr,',, a•" not plu;ra ." c; h1 reinf:,rced If s;oported by engineering data showing benefit,-, t ,' ',s : epalcr, a r on of a m.31I that I•ss deflected more. than h/240 (where „! ' of w. a:i in c • s 1 r: orn plumb, thot portion must be excavated. Example t; F,qi,, wall X ,'c incl„s :e, ft = 96 incoea, i igh divided oy 240 = .4 or 3/8 inch - aa r,u:c, penmJad ae?i _,_tlon (.125 = '8', 25 = v<", .375 = .3/8 .5 ='h .625 = 5, ,. �- .di, G`.G af`c'•aei: -i.µ._ I. 1Ciild'a'.i ccr'.:h�:; :)I' sloops, 'ouppoi i for same shall el -.:;I .cllh frost protection requirements of the UDC. (b.) Thu e*,;:.. to vva!i i :, i. ,:hared, I tsc- t.-,rg', .g reroved• cracks and parging must be repaired Type M rnoaa -r equal, and v:&I,s made plurnb and damp proofed with one coat of n ;; i o a rnat : al r .r approved rnatarials. 17 (c.) If d,ai ,:ie is -lot > esent i, 11 affected area, a drain, tile system must be installed and • terminal e , -- ,,evvly ins?alled sump with pump os in a properly functioning existing drain collection system provided that it does not discharge to the sanitary sewer (d.) Prici Eo bacr.fi!I, an inspe- c:i is requuad by the department after which backfill with number one • e :'' e!1 stain s`raP t:;= provided to Aithin eighteen inches of final grade. (e.) Fina' -:raon ir:ust ensure drainage away from the foundation. (f.) Pilanter:, must ue maoe Integiel with the exterior wall and reinforced with at least two number :i„Fe rods a.id filleo wi!ii JUG PSI cement grout material. Pilasters must be a maximw-,i cr fo•ir feel apart. (g.) Any 7:' sr o m o'r rein fo c n,; wail require eng�neeied data to be submitted at the time of permit ai,pW: ,o include c,. i,,. fete system anaiys1s. (h.) Affa:: u ,aii,� to be ;epair._i shai -lave loose or cracked n-iortarjoints cleaned to a minimum I -,nth �f 1l2" and fiir'k •-,in'ed with type M mortar or eq!.ial (i.) When in.;taln:,g vvecP nol" in foundation woes, care must be taken to provide adequate drainaga fr:. aea'r. _::; to L al ti'e by either s?one or mechanical means. No more than one rnec'i-,i cai!t driller' weer `cle is permitted -a- cell. Wher the floor is replaced, a minirnui c:oncrr:le shag! j_: t,aced over drain tile and a minimum of 2" of concrei-- c looting. Latara! suppon must Lc maintained at the floor level. An • exceptio t rat .h the Pxist nn-mcrete floor levej is allowed. (1.) Crn t ` .c- - th ap,• _,wed type not less than 3" o� area in diamc' nc r7 r all he c,nv P . pith number 1 washed stone connected to a proper sump with uurito cr n e:usiing rity, s o, rr �,.ater system Ail exposed Lieeders must be open. The sump p1• G •n c;. rr:a; ce wici lvius•.<:g, Municipal Code, Chapter 16, Section 16.2G CHAPTER V10, - :ld:ii-ELLAKEO11'; iND VIOLA'rlJl43 SECTION 30.19 - NEW MATERIALS AND METHODS ALTERNA 1= ,i, _. - Li ur,:: n'I' II'i : f?f)'E Is ,:,sanded tc prohibit or prevent the use of any alteria r , c. i a or m -�thod of c:mstructcn not spec,iicatly rnenc;orjed in THIS CODE. Requests fur approve,; .3.,all be actor ,o-:ruac by evidem e snovvutg t'nat the alternate material or method cf corstn1c:lion r•-r erns in a • mrner enua; to t`rr:eterlal or method required by THIS CODE. SECTION 30._.° - T'r'ir "5 The Building it s;_:e:cro! may raciuest er!,�,:neering calculations or other tests to substantiate the alternate prof:.•,: r_ .:;.;iti s',=,I ,o J �,.,.ener tc th:,i •i.,,:r.: egUirad by YI-i'IS CODE. The cost of r I' ;;, Lo. - t:v t',e c:.iron rec ues!� ,l :rie a, ioval. such veriacdi, ; _ I pN (1.) The test method used to determine she performance shall be one that is a nationally • recognized standard. (2.) If no nati:, ial -e.;egnized standaro exists, past performance or recognized engineering analysis may r..-'.«'; ''') del�­:- I ne ;, Llbill}y. (3.) Ungraded cr used bui,:& ig materials may be used or reused as long as the material posses the essential r rep ;rti;;s necessary L. -,riieve the level of performance required by THIS CODE for the intended use. The municipa!ity enforcing THIS COOS may require tests In accordance with this Section. SECTION 30 ?S M IRNTIFIC 11 TK)N 07, PROD.IC'-S All maleria,s s:,al 7e by tf:c e,,.prc,ved label: ire grade mark, .he trade mark or by other approved mania .ursr'.3 id.?;. i ;c tinn SECTION 30.t1 - JA.L;01"Vi S If any section, subsect:or paragrauh, clause or provision of THIS CODE shall be adjudged invalid, such adjudica icy s'-all apply only to 'he provisions so adjudged and the rest of THIS CODE shall remain valid and erf( ctive. SECTION 30.2.5 It shall be unl�.vrul ro, any pa: =on :cl, use, occt:,av :)r ; -iai:itain any bonding or structure in • violaticr of ' T or to z ii. of s_ffe. an; such violations to be committed. F. , i ,icL•: '� ny provi :or._ THIS CODE shall, upon conviction, be subject to a fore: lure u not less marl t:l!y dollars ($50) or more than live hundred dollars ($500), together wiih I cws:•, j prosec;ut,on anu, in delault of payment thereof, shall be imprisoned for a period of nor.:= =s e r?149" r! - nre Char sir l9: Tonths or until such forfeiture and costs are paid. It shall b._ tic resucnsibihty of fr•o offender to abase the violation as expeditiously as possible and eac" c `- ! , i •,. ,_ ;s I. ; t ec to cci tin.-c sn,.l! _onstitute a separate offense. If, in any action, a t.errii •n ,ie is•� :::c is sr. i'i not constitute defense nor shall any error, oversight or dereliction of .n. i\' JrJr itIZ oaf [:'i the L,, ulrig nspe ,;r : ,risticute a deler,se. SECTION 30.;, L;!RE 7i.' 0 F."i A") PE7N,IT It shall be unlc i ui cornrn:;n(;e ��orK p: for to ubtaini rig a permit41heretare. Penalty fees as from time to limo cz.L'a, • s L / 'e _ J C�ir ri.) . cunci! and listed ;n TABLE #1 shall be charged if wa_ s ,urr.;:1Pr1CLil Crior in toe Issuance Of !1 permit. • 2 �v :i • h:\cd\ordinance,i-idg045arev -Last revised 04\20\98 - cd v/ Strikeout & Ur! k!rl n--s added b� 2ddrass Public �e wcas concerns, highlighted or shaded areas represent are, = : i:,g ndd!tior,?' -P-::,asion per Pu'Ac Services. • ►.J 20 1\ • Alternative Footprint No. 3.1 This alternative, as shown on Figure 15-5, averts direct impacts to Wetland No. 4, which is located at the southern boundary of the Expansion. This footprint includes an area of 121 acres within the limits of waste and has an approximate design capacity of 22,800,000 cubic yards. The total area of wetlands directly impacted by this footprint is 5.02 acres as compared to 5.48 acres for the proposed Expansion. The reduction in volume that results from Alternative Footprint No. 3.1 as compared to the proposed Expansion is approximately 1,915,000 cubic yards. This reduction is approximately 7.7 percent of the design capacity of the proposed Expansion. Based on the waste generation rate (see Appendix B-1), this represents 1.5 months of disposal capacity for the service area. Based on a 15-year site life for the proposed Expansion, this volume reduction would reduce the proposed Expansion life by approximately 1 year. Facility developmental costs associated with this reconfigured footprint would be approximately equal. to that of the proposed Expansion on a cubic yard basis. However, due to the loss of disposal capacity, there would be an economic impact on the host • community due to the loss of payments associated with the loss in disposal capacity. In addition, waste producers would find it necessary to find alternative disposal options due to the shortened site life. Alternate Footprint No. 3.2 This altemative, as shown on Figure 15-6, averts direct impacts to Wetlands No. 4, No. 8, and No. 9, which are located at the southern and western boundaries of the Expansion. This footprint includes an area of 114acres within the limits of waste and has an approximate design capacity of 21,000,000 cubic yards. The total area of wetlands directly impacted by this footprint is 1.90 acres as compared to 5.48 acres for the proposed Expansion. The reduction in volume that results from Alternative Footprint No. 3.2 as -compared to the proposed Expansion is approximately 3,715,000 cubic yards, which represents 15.0 percent of the volume of the proposed Expansion. Based on the waste generation rate (see Appendix B-1), this represents 3 months of disposal capacity for the service area. Based on a 15-year site life for the proposed Expansion, this volume reduction would reduce the proposed Expansion life by approximately 2 years. Facility developmental costs associated with this reconfigured footprint would be • approximately equal to that of the proposed Expansion on a cubic yard basis. However, due to the loss of disposal capacity, there would be an economic impact on the host RAITT, Inc. 15-18 Superior Emerald Park Landfill, 1nc.oQ4R i:IIIPA ISN1 Prrl M02655141 1 Z600:655.4I0 Final September 1997 community due to the loss of payments. In addition, waste producers would find it necessary to find alternative disposal options due to the shortened site life. Alternative Footprint No. 3.3 This alternative, as shown on Figure 15-7, averts direct impacts to Wetlands No. 4, No. 5, No. 8, and No. 9, located at the southern and western boundaries of the Expansion. This footprint includes an area of 100 acres within the limits of waste and has an approximate design capacity of 17,300,000 cubic yards. The total area of wetlands directly impacted by this footprint is 0.85 acre as compared to 5.48 acres for the proposed Expansion. The reduction in volume that results from Alternative Footprint No. 3.3 as compared to the proposed Expansion is approximately 7,415,000 cubic yards, which represents approximately 30.0 percent of the volume of the proposed Expansion. Based on the waste generation rate (see Appendix B-1), this represents 6 months of disposal capacity for the service area. Based on a 15-year site life for the proposed Expansion, this volume reduction would reduce the proposed Expansion life by approximately 4.5 years. Facility developmental costs associated with this reconfigured footprint would be slightly increased to that of the proposed Expansion on a cubic yard basis. Due to the loss of disposal capacity, there would be an economic impact on the host community from the loss of payments. In addition, waste producers would find it necessary to find alternative disposal options due to the shortened site life. Alternative Footprint No. 3.4 This alternative, as shown on Figure 15-8, averts direct impacts to Wetlands No. 4, No. 5, No. 6, No. 7, No. 8, and No. 9, located at the southern and western boundaries of the Expansion. This footprint includes an area of 90 acres within the limits of waste and has an approximate design capacity of 14,200,000 cubic yards. No wetlands would be directly impacted by this footprint. The reduction in volume that results from Alternative Footprint No. 3.4 as compared to the proposed Expansion is approximately 10,515,000 cubic yards. This represents approximately 42.5 percent of the volume of the proposed Expansion. Based on the waste generation rate (see Appendix B-1), this represents 9 months of disposal capacity for the service area. Based on a 15-year site life for the proposed Expansion, this volume reduction would reduce the site life by approximately 6.4 years. Facility developmental costs associated with this reconfigured footprint would be Slightly increased to that of the proposed Expansion. Due to the loss of disposal PMT, Inc. 15-19 Superior Emerald Park Landfill, Inc. I:11 %PMSN I PM 0"26551121 ZOM265.5.42D Final S,epfember 1997 C� • M a3 I • capacity, there would be a slight economic impact on the host community from the loss of payments. In addition, waste producers would find it necessary to find alternative disposal options due to the shortened site life. Available disposal capacity for the service area will be reduced to approximately 6 to 8 years with Alternative Footprint No. 3.4. Permitting Time Requirements for Alternative Footprints The actual time required to permit an alternative footprint is likely to depend upon the time required to sufficiently address comments regarding locational, construction, and operational concerns that reviewing agencies may have. It is expected that, as the footprint is reduced in size and impacts are minimized, the number and extent of issues that could potentially delay agency approval will also be reduced. Facility Development Costs The two categories of cost for Alternative No. 3 include permitting and construction. Permitting costs include preparation of the Feasibility Report and Plan of Operation (with review fees), and legal and administrative fees. Permitting costs, as itemized in Appendix P, are estimated at $800,000. The actual permitting costs for an alternative footprint and the proposed Expansion will depend upon the time and effort required to • address agency comments. 1 Construction costs include site preparation, excavation, composite clay/synthetic liner J placement, leachate management system, and construction documentation. The total cost of these items for the alternative footprints and the proposed Expansion are expected to be similar on a cost per cubic yard of disposal capacity. 15.3.5 Alternative No. 4 - Proceed with SEPLI Landfill Expansion as Currently Proposed Introduction , The fourth alternative involves proceeding with the SEPLI Landfill Expansion as proposed, as shown on Plan Sheets 24, 25, and 26 (RMT,1996). The analysis of this alternative includes the evaluation of impacts, permitting time considerations, and facility development costs. The proposed Expansion as designed has small impacts to Wetlands No. 4, No. 5, No. 6, No. 7, No. 8, and No. 9, located at the southern and western boundaries of the Expansion. The footprint for the proposed Expansion includes an area of 125 acres within the limits of waste and has an approximate design capacity of 24,715,000 cubic RMT, Inc. ,: l i %P.H sN I Pm ao-0a0s u n Z W 02655. J 21) 4-�y 15-20 Superior Emerald Park Landfill, Inc. -Final September 1997 yards. The total area of wetlands directly impacted by this footprint is 5.48 acres. The proposed development also includes the development and restoration of approximately 10 acres of wetland as discussed in Appendix D (RMT,1996). The 10 acres of restored and enhanced wetlands will be considered high quality as compared to the 5.48 acres which are generally of low quality and impacted by agricultural practices. The volume of the proposed Expansion is expected to have a site life of approximately 15 years, but may vary depending on the future availability of other waste disposal facilities. Based on the waste generation rate (see Appendix B-1), this represents approximately 2 years of disposal capacity for the service area. Permitting Time Requirements The permitting time components of this alternative include satisfactorily addressing NR 103, preparing the feasibility report and plan of operation and obtaining regulatory approval, constructing the landfill, and obtaining regulatory approval to begin filling operations. Facility Development Costs The two categories of cost for Alternative No. 4 include permitting and construction. Permitting costs include preparation of the feasibility report and plan of operation (with review fees), and legal and administrative fees. Permitting costs for the proposed Expansion are estimated to be approximately the same as those for Alternative No. 3. The actual cost for obtaining the necessary permits will depend upon the complexity of issues raised by regulatory agencies, or if a contested case hearing is involved. Construction costs include site preparation, excavation, composite clay/synthetic liner placement, leachate management system installation, and construction documentation. The total cost of these items is estimated at $22,875,600. The total cost for permitting and construction was estimated at $23,152,600 or $0.94/cubic yard. Alternative No. 4, which involves proceeding with the SEPLI Landfill Expansion as currently proposed, would provide a facility that provides needed disposal capacity for the projected service area. This alternative would utilize the existing support infrastructure, and a design configured to minimize impacts to the surrounding environment. It is projected that the facility could be constructed and available for waste disposal prior to when the existing disposal capacity at SEPLI is depleted. RMT, Inc. 15-21 Superior Emerald Park Landfill, Inc. I:II%VA I5N I PIT100-02051421 Z"2655.42D Final September 1997 •I L �J i