The meeting was called to order at 7:07 p.m., by Chairman Patterson. Also present were
Committee members Aid. Slocomb, Aid Pionek, Building Director Chuck Dykstra, Police Chief
John Johnson, Public Works Superintendent John Loughney and those per the attached list.
The Committee noted that the meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law.
The Committee reviewed minutes of the previous meeting held September 3, 1997 Aid.
Slocomb moved to approve the minutes. Seconded by Aid. Pionek. Vote 3-0, carried by
Update on status of Condemnations/Citations: Building Director Dykstra updated the Committee
on the status of condemnations and citations, as attached.
on existing forms and ordinances - DISCUSS REVISED BUILDING CODE: Aid. Pionek
requested deferral to next month's meeting to allow time for an in-depth review of the materials
by the Committee members. Dykstra discussed the Point of Sale Ordinance and that it is in use
and that several title companies have been provided with a copy of the entire Ordinance. The
brochure created outlining what is required is being used. Additionally, Dykstra will place the
entire Point of Sale text on the City's Website.
• Status of Recycling/Refuse - Review of Recycling Grant Submitted: Chairman Patterson stated
that this years grant was calculated and submitted using the same formulas as had had been
used in prior years. These formulas have been approved previously by State audits.
Status of Cable TV: Chairman Patterson discussed the demonstration of the new capabilities
from Warner Cable. Some radical changes will be in the future with regard to the product
provided by Warner Patterson read the letter received from Beverly Greenberg (Warner Cable
- attached) regarding the paying of a franchise fee on the franchise fee. Aid. Slocomb moved
to not collect franchise fees on the franchise fee. Aid. Pionek seconded. Vote 3-0,
carried by all.
Chairman Patterson discussed a possible interruption in reception to cable customers in the
past week caused by "sun outages", these could continue through October 16, 1997
Customers should wait until this celestial occurrence subsides before customers call the cable
company with problems.
Status of Landfill Agreement: See New Business #2
"No Parking" sign/Racine & Red Oak Court: Police Chief
Further discussion of dog ordinance: The Council has sent back to this Committee their
• recommendation for keeping the number of dogs allowed in the City of Muskego to two. Council
would like the Committee to reconsider. Chief Johnson discussed his concerns and outlined
Public Services Committee Meeting - City of Muskego
October 15, 1997
Page 2
some instances involving dogs with the current limit of just two. Adding dogs will only add to a
• problem that his force has to deal with. He is not in favor of a law change at this time. Aid.
Slocomb has three individuals in his District that are currently in violation of the Ordinance.
Constituents are concerned about losing their pets if the current Ordinance is enforced. The
Committee discussed the possibility of a correlation with the number of dogs allowed with the
number of acres the resident has. Aid. Pionek concerned with the policing of an "acreage'
allowance and feels the Ordinance should be a straight -forward limit. Aid. Slocomb moved to
allow three dogs per owner in the City of Muskego. Chairman Patterson seconded for
discussion only. Vote 1-2, (Slocomb yes vote), motion defeated.
Dykstra and Loughney both agree that changing an Ordinance for a small group of individuals is
not a true representation of what the community wants. Chairman Patterson requests that the
Hobby Ordinance be placed on next months agenda for review.
Review request for signage-Muskego Dam Road/Kelsey Drive (Aid. Sanders): A petition was
received along with a request for action by Aid. Sanders constituents. In lieu of grading the hill
down to eliminate the "blind spot", resident Orville Peters recommends a stop sign with a 'right
turn no stop" sign in the northbound lane of Muskego Dam Rd., and Kelsey Dr., intersection.
Discussion regarding several signage options. Aid. Slocomb moved to install a stop sign on
the southeast corner of Muskego Dam Rd., and a sign stating "right turn no stop" directly
under the stop sign. Preceded by a "stop ahead" sign. Seconded by Aid. Pionek. Vote 3-
0, carried by all.
• Review of Metro Landfill Agreement - 1992 Amendment: Aid. Slocomb mentioned that the fees
and method of payment would be contingent on the southeastern expansion agreement being
reached. Atty. David Stewart representing Waste Management stated that the only thing
holding up the agreement is how to disperse the payments on a pro-rata basis ($78,403.69 per
month, over 6 months), generated by allowing out-of-state waste into the Metro Landfill.
Currently, Franklin is requesting a larger cut in the revenue divided among the six communities.
Aid. Patterson suggested waiting for the opinion of the attorney before making a motion. The
City, in his estimation, would not benefit greatly from this amendment change. Aid. Slocomb
moved to defer to next month's meeting. Seconded by Aid. Pionek. Vote 3-0 carried by
Review refuse/recycling charge dispute/Mr. P. Klass (S83 W15319 Mystic Drive): According to
Public Welfare meeting minutes of October 13, 1993 regarding refuse/recycling fees, "summer
cottages will be included, no exclusions' Dykstra recommends that the fee be charged since
the individual does most likely use the property from time to time, thus the potential for the
generation of refuse. Currently, the building is not formally condemned. Aid. Slocomb moved
to deny request for waiver of refuse/recycling charge. Seconded by Aid. Pionek. Vote 3-
0, carried by all.
Discuss request for signage warning of intersection on Woods Rd.,/Plum Creek Blvd: Aid.
Sanders described the dip in the road which can interfere with motorists seeing cars on Woods
Rd. The residents have requested a "warning" or a "T" sign indicating an upcoming intersection.
• Aid. Pionek moved to put up a "T" sign prior to the intersection on Plum Creek Blvd.
Seconded by Aid. Slocomb. Vote 3-0, carried by all.
Public Services Committee Meeting - City of Muskego
October [5, 1997
Page 3
• Review request for holding tank - Broke Spoke Tavern: Dykstra explained that due to the
expansion of the establishment to the upper portion of the building, the capacity of the current
holding tank is not sufficient (2,750 gallons). Waukesha County currently requires 4,750 gallon
capacity for the establishment. The Broke Spoke is requesting permission to install a 9,951
gallon holding tank to allow for future expansion. Ald. Slocomb felt that a bond would not be
necessary due to the job Waukesha County does with regard to holding tanks. Aid. Slocomb
moved to approve the tank without the bond. Aid. Pionek seconded. Vote 3-0, carried by
all. Dykstra explained to Scott Haas of the Broke Spoke, the subsequent steps before the
permit will be granted.
Police Chief Johnson informed the Committee that "Special Speed Enforcement Area" signs will
be posted tomorrow on Jean Drive. This is due to 85% of motorists going over 45 mph in a 25
mph posted area. Additionally, 100 cars, within a 7 day period were traveling over 55 mph. He
will be reporting back to the Committee with the results on the effectiveness of the Special
Enforcement Area.
Being no further business to discuss, Aid. Slocomb moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:25
p.m. Seconded by Aid. Pionek. Vote 3-0 carried by all.
• Respectfully submitted,
Linda GulgowsK
Recording Secretary
Meetina I�,,1�/.l�i �r}?il:C�� Date:
Meadow Green #3 - Gregory, Gloria, Gary and Pam Boehm
#244513 Performing land disturbing activities without
permit. Trial scheduled in Waukesha Circuit
Court for January 3, 1997.
Waukesha Circuit Court (1-3-97), resulted in
$10,000 forfeiture and 2 year probation period.
Stipulation: $5000 due on or before May 3, 1996.
Balance in 8 equal installments commencing on June
3, 1997 and continuing until January 3, 1998.
$5000 received on May 15, 1997. June 3rd payment
not received, Attorney Trindl investigating City
options. 7-14 received $4375, balance of $625 due
.on or before 12-31-97. No change.
W188 58276 Mercury Dr. - Dale Kreil DBA/Country Lakes Marine
• #244520 & Performing construction alterations without a
255624 permit and performing alterations to plumbing
without a permit. City appealing decision on
plumbing citation to Circuit Court and Kreil
appealing guilty verdict on construction citation.
Parties have stipulated to consolidate these two
cases and one Plan Dept. case into one court. Jury
trial scheduled December 17th. City filed motion
with court for an injunction to stop Kreil from
doing business until site is in compliance. Judge
Mawdsley allowing 30 day extensions providing
progress realized each 30 days. Attorney Trindl
attempting to get hearing with Judge Mawdsley
prior to December 17th trial to revisit injunction
possibilities, since last deadline missed.
December 17th trial rescheduled to January 7,
1997, and bumped to April 29, 1997. Injunction
hearing tentatively scheduled for January 13,
1997. Judge Mawdsley on 1-13-97 required Kreil to
reappear in court on February 24, 1997 and report
progress made in addressing code violations.
Continuing progress required.
Kreil's architect submitted plans and permit
application within allotted time - issue to be
revisited in 30 days by Judge Mawdsley.
. No permits obtained to date, Attorney Trindl
working to schedule new hearing regarding lack of
progress. May 1, 1997, hearing rescheduled to
May 13, 1997. Stipulation agreement in final
stages. Stipulation agreement has not been
received, Kreil's attorney fails to return
Attorney Trindl's calls. Attorney Trindl to
request court date. September 18, 1997, Judge
Mawsdsley approved order for Kreil to cease
operation and remove all boats, trailers and
commercial vehicles from property by October 13,
W151 S10282 Thode Dr. - Robert Haffner
• #244523 Performing land disturbing activities without a
valid permit. $999.88 citation paid 10-10-95
to County Court Judge stayed $10,172.12 balance.
City appealing Judge's ability to stay forfeiture.
DNR permit approved, local permit issued February
29, 1996. Forfeiture issue not yet resolved by
Court. Judge Murphy (Circuit Court) sent matter
back to Judge Lenz; Judge Murphy ruled case not
yet ripe for appeal. Scheduled to be heard in
Muskego Court September 7, 1996. Parties could
not agree on forfeiture matter set for trial
October 5, 1996.Payment forwarded from County
received 9-17-96 999.88 Adjourned from October 5th
due to DNR staff schedule conflict, new date
December 14, 1996. 12/14/96 trial, Judge Lenz
upheld prior decision and maintained original
forfeiture of $11,172. Haffner appealed decision
January 3, 1997. Pretrial at county not yet
scheduled. Judge Lenz required $1,000 bond be
posted during appeal process.
Status conference scheduled July 25, 1997, jury
trial scheduled for August 4, 1997. Jury trial
rescheduled for December 2, 1997.
5107 W17687 Muskego Dam - Wind Lake Management District
M244539 Commenced and continued lake disturbing activities
prior to paying required fees and receiving
permit. Attorney Jeff Krill retained to represent
District, no compliance to date. Initial
appearance December 14, 1996, plead not guilty.
Scheduled for preliminary conference 1-22-97.
Scheduled for pretrial conference 2-26-97.
Adjourned to March 26th to allow for further
negotiations. Mayor and Attorney still
negotiating with Wind Lake. Trial scheduled for
May 28, 1997. DNR was issued a permit to restore
site, however, no resolution to original permit
issue to date. May 28, 1997, trial cancelled,
adjourned for 60 day, no new date set.
Scheduled for disposition on September 24, 1997.
Negotiations still ongoing between Wind Lake and
City. Common Council, Mayor and Attorney working
on final agreement to settle.