PSCM19970407• PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSREGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD MONDAY, APRIL 7, 1997 The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Patterson. Present were Committee member Don Pionek, Mayor De Angelis, DPW Director John Loughney, Building Inspection Director Chuck Dykstra, Chief John Johnson, and those per the attached list. Committee Member Rasmussen was excused. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Building Inspection Director Dykstra reported on status of condemnations and citations issued by his department per attached memo to the committee. Continued discussion on electrical code revision. Director Dykstra distributed most recent proposal and reviewed changes. Alderman Pionek made a motion to approve and send to Attorney for review and comment. Attorney to forward comments to Council. Motion seconded by Chairman Patterson. Motion carried, two in favor, none opposed. Chuck Ott appeared and requested that the newsletter requirement be reduced from 4 per year to 2, citing difficulty • compiling articles for same. Alderman Pionek raised concern over poor explanation of who would have A week or B week pickup schedules, crews are not being as careful with trash cans and covers as they had in past. Chairman Patterson suggested possibility of exchanging 2 newsletters for additional drop off times. John Loughney not satisfied with response time on complaints via fax. Chuck Ott will improve fax back time and check into possibility of additional drop off times. Jeff Jones and Earl Duewel provided explanation of bylaws and other proposed changes to existing cable policies, procedures. Alderman Pionek made motion to approve bylaws as submitted. Chairman Patterson seconded. Motion carried, two in favor, none opposed. Discussion continued to include proposed amendment to existing MPAG guidelines to address live airing concerns. Motion by Alderman Pionek to amend existing MPAG guidelines to include Live Airing on less than 48 hour notice requires approval from Recreation Director, Mayor or Member of Council in the appropriate area of existing document and to include said change in the upcoming rewrite of this text. Motion seconded by Chairman Patterson. Motion carried, two in favor, none opposed. It was noted that no school district personnel were present. • There is nothing new to report on the status of landfill agreements. NEW BUSINESS: Public Services Committee - Page 2 April 7, 1997 • Director Dykstra and Inspectors Al Biwer and Don Simon were present to discuss the commercial and residential inspection concerns. Alderman Pionek stressed importance of knowing when a new business moves into a building. Director Dykstra and Inspectors explained options, ranging from required registration policy to mandatory inspection requirements. Mayor agreed it was important to verify proposed use is compatible with area, building and surrounding tenants. Director Dykstra reviewed several possible changes to the existing residential code such as a clarification of exactly what items will be inspected. inspector Simon explained the difficulty of determining what code is applicable for a particular situation, since codes change so frequently. Inspector Biwer stated realtors se m to appreciate the current point of sale inspection, . possibly due to recent changes in disclosure regulationsAlderman Pionek made a motion to have Director Dykstra draft a mandatory business registration ordinance and include specific criteria under which inspections may also be required, as well as a revised residential ordinance to replace the current code compliance section and present them to the Public Services Committee. Motion seconded by Chairman Patterson. Motion carried, two in favor, none opposed. Mark Paulat explained the concerns presented to him by lake users. Nume ous members of the Lake Association and Lake • District were present to discuss items 2, 3 and 4; more specifically channel markers, navigational markers and slow no wake buoys on Little Muskego. Chairman Patterson expressed concern that the Association and District had not made a formal recommendation to the committee regarding these proposals. Alderman Pionek instructed those present to obtain a consensus from the respective organizations and have them bring same to the upcoming Lake Access meeting and also to the next Public Service Committee mtg. Adequate visual materials should also be provided by the respective groups at that time. Motion by Alderman Pionek to defer to next month to allow Association and District time to reply and present necessary information to the Public Services Committee. Motion seconded by Chairman Patterson. Motion carried, two in favor, none opposed. Ray Christensen appeared to request no wake buoys and counter clockwise rotation for Lake Denoon. Mr. Christensen stated that the Lake De�oon Association supported this proposal and explained the purpose for the request. Police Chief Johnson stated recut changes in state law now allow Muskego to create and enforce ordinances relative to Lake Denoon. Mr. Christensen will ask for volunteers to place and remove buoys if allowed. Approval must be obtained from state prior to creating ordinances. Motion by Alderman Pionek to approve 2 buoys, 1 for each end of island area subject to ordinance development, state • approval of same and funding to be provided by Denoon Lake Association and state. Motion seconded by Chairman Patterson. Motion carried, two in favor, none opposed. Motion by Alderman Pionek to approve counter clock wise rotation on lake, subject Public Services Committee - Page 3 April 7 1997 • to ordinance development and state approval of same. Motion seconded by Chairman Patterson. Motion carried, two in favor, none opposed. Mark Paulat explained need for informational materials and signage at Big Muskego Lake, Chief Johnson agreed signage similar to that at Little Muskego Lake could be helpful. Chairman Patterson inquired if Park Board should not be making decision on signage and informational materials. Mark Paulat was instructed to present request to Park Board. Alderman Pionek introduced the subject of wild cats and explained constituents had trapped and removed 54 wild cats in the last year from a single subdivision. It cost the individuals $10 per cat to drop the animals at HAWS. Discussion included possibility of requiring licenses for cats as is currently done for dogs. Chairman Patterson inquired could we afford to expand our HAWS coverage? How many areas in city are experiencing this problem? It was determined no current ordinances apply to this situation. Alderman Pionek to send letter to HAWS asking for assistance or ideas to resolve such problems. Felix Tylczynski of W190 S7582 Richdorf Dr. explained the need • for no parking signs in front of his home. All the vehicles that were parking closer to the lake now park in front of his home and he cannot get out of his drive. It was determined that the April 8 Lake Access Committee meeting may resolve this issue. If not, then the Alderman for the district should contact the other home owners in this area and inquire if they are having a problem and if they would want no parking in front of their home. The Alderman could then bring the comments to Public Services for further signage consideration. C , J John Loughney inquired as to the Committee's opinion of the new larger street signs that have been installed and asked if the larger signs should be used to replace others in need of replacement. Cost was discussed, with Director Loughney explaining the larger signs cost about $60 more than the smaller ones, since the larger ones also require special mounting brackets. Chairman Patterson expressed concern at the additional cost and suggested that larger signs be used only at larger intersections, with smaller signs used everywhere else, until the Lake Access Committee makes its decision and there is a clearer picture of the overall needs for other types of signs. The meeting adjourned at 11:05 PM with Chairman Patterson making the motion and Alderman Pionek seconding the motion to adjourn. Passed 2-0. Respectfully Submitted, Chuck Dykstra Sr. Director Bldg Dept. Recording Secretary • SIGN -IN SHEET FOR CITY MEETINGS 4 r L_ PLEASE PRINT YOUR NAME AND AGENDA ITEM BELOW - 7__ THANK YOU. te: TEM REPORT BY CHUCK DYKSTRA, SR. • TO THE PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE April, 1997 CTTATTnNS Meadow Green #3 - Gregory, Gloria, Gary and Pam Boehm #244513 Performing land disturbing activities without permit. Trial scheduled in Waukesha Circuit Court for January 3, 1997. Waukesha Circuit Court (1-3-97), resulted in $10,000 forfeiture and 2 year probation period. Stipulation: $5000 due on or before May 3, 1996. Balance in 8 equal installments commencing on June 3, 1997 and continuing until January 3, 1998. No change. W188 58276 Mercury Dr. - Dale Kreil DBA/Country Lakes Marine #244520 & Performing construction alterations without a 255624 permit and performing alterations to plumbing without a permit. City appealing decision on plumbing citation to Circuit Court and Kreil appealing guilty verdict on construction citation. Parties have stipulated to consolidate these two cases and one Plan Dept. case into one court. Jury trial scheduled December 17th. City filed motion with court for an injunction to stop Kreil from • doing business until site is in compliance. Judge Mawdsley allowing 30 day extensions providing progress realized each 30 days. Attorney Trindl attempting to get hearing with Judge Mawdsley prior to December 17th trial to revisit injunction possibilities, since last deadline missed. December 17th trial rescheduled to January 7, 1997, and bumped to April 29, 1997. Injunction hearing tentatively scheduled for January 13, 1997. Judge Mawdsley on 1-13-97 required Kreil to reappear in court on February 24, 1997 and report progress made in addressing code violations. Continuing progress required. Kreil's architect submitted plans and permit application within allotted time - issue to be revisited in 30 days by Judge Mawdsley. No permits obtained to date, Attorney Trindl working to schedule new hearing regarding lack of progress. W151 S10282 Thode Dr. - Robert Haffner #244523 Performing land disturbing activities without a valid permit. $999.88 citation paid 10-10-95 to County Court Judge stayed $10,172.12 balance. City appealing Judge's ability to stay forfeiture. • DNR permit approved, local permit issued February 29, 1996. Forfeiture issue not yet resolved by Court. Judge Murphy (Circuit Court) sent matter back to Judge Lenz; Judge Murphy ruled case not yet ripe for appeal. Scheduled to be heard in Muskego Court September 7, 1996. Parties could not agree on forfeiture matter set for trial October 5, 1996.Payment forwarded from County • • • received 9-17-96 999.88 Adjourned from October 5th due to DNR staff schedule conflict, new date December 14, 1996. 12/14/96 trial, Judge Lenz upheld prior decision and maintained original forfeiture of $11,172. Haffner appealed decision January 3, 1997. Pretrial at county not yet scheduled. Judge Lenz required $1,000 bond be posted during appeal process. No change. W179 56942 Elm Drive - Steven Weiner M244538 Installed electrical equipment without obtaining permit. Initial appearance September 7, 1996. Found guilty by default, $98.80 forfeiture due. To date, not paid. Compliance still not achieved, further action required in order to obtain compliance. Drivers license to be suspended for non payment. New citation to be issued. Forfeitures paid, permits obtained, compliance achieved. 5107 W17687 Muskego Dam - Wind Lake Management District M244539 Commenced and continued lake disturbing activities prior to paying required fees and receiving permit. Attorney Jeff Krill retained to represent District, no compliance to date. Initial appearance December 14, 1996, plead not guilty. Scheduled for preliminary conference 1-22-97. Scheduled for pretrial conference 2-26-97. Adjourned to March 26th to allow for further negotiations. Mayor and Attorney still negotiating with Wind Lake. Trial scheduled for May 28, 1997. W190 57602 Richdorf Drive - Daniel Serdyn M244540 Failure to make required corrections to deteriorated roof structure. Scheduled for initial appearance January 8, 1997. Mr. Serdyn filed bankruptcy - Lender's sale of home on hold. Letter will be sent to Mr. Serdyn reaffirming roof requires repairs. Trial in June. TXTCITY/COUNCIL SAFETY