The meeting was called to order at 7:02 P.M. by Chairman
Patterson. Also present were committee member Pionek, Building
Inspection Director Chuck Dykstra, Public Works Supt. John
Loughney, Police Chief John Johnson, Ald. Nancy Salentine, Ald.
Mark Suhr, Ald. David Sanders and those per the attached list.
Committee member Rasmussen was excused due to illness.
The committee discussed status of condemnations/citations, as
Director Dykstra briefly summarized proposed changes to
Electrical Code and minor revision to Erosion Control
Ordinance. Committee will discuss further at January meeting.
Ald. Salentine discussed complaint regarding failure to pickup
refuse/recycling at a location on Kingston Drive. Supt.
Loughney will followup to verify that problem is corrected.
Chairman Patterson requested that a copy received on hazardous
materials be forwarded to the Muskego Sun for possible
publication. Supt. Loughney was requested to use portions of
• flyer in his article for the next City newsletter.
The committee discussed letter received from Warner Cable
Communications, dated November 27, 1996, regarding the upcoming
cable rate adjustments and channel changes, as well as the
possibility of obtaining extra channels as provided for by the
contract. The letter states "through technical advances and
adjustments, Warner Cable has been able to make room on the
system (i.e. bandwidth space) for more channels. Warner Cable
invested thousands of dollars to enhance its system in order to
provide this room for the additional channels". Chairman
Patterson instructed that a letter be sent to Bev Greenberg
requesting additional channel, a breakdown of increases, and an
explanation as to why City of Muskego is not consulted when
channels are chosen for addition or deletion from packages.
The rate of increase, as stated in the letter, was determined
to divert attention from actual annual increase from 1996 rates
to 1997 rates, by stating increase as an average annual
increase for the period of 1991 through 1997 and relating cost
on a per channel basis.
There was nothing new to discuss on landfill agreements and the
East Troy PRP will be discussed at the January meeting.
The committee continued discussion on permitting for displaying
• fireworks. Ald. Pionek advised that Atty. Molter has stated
that the City's existing ordinance already prohibits the sale
of fireworks. Additional correspondence from the City's
insurance representative, Jim Murphy, explained the City's
DECEMBER 2, 1996 - PAGE 2
• coverage and also suggested that the City consider requiring to
be named an additional Insured on those policies and draft a
Hold Harmless Agreement in favor of the City for signature of
the fireworks sellers in return for issuing the permit.
Jeff Jones of Muskego Public Access Group appeared before the
committee to discuss existing and proposed guidelines or rules
regarding airing of tapes. Group and City "not responsible for
content" penalties are provided for violators. Chairman
Patterson explained that cable contract does not classify any
channel as a "Public Access" channel. City has "Public Access"
channel by choice, it could be called a "Government" channel.
A discussion ensued regarding first amendment rights. Debbi
McDonald, a member of the Muskego Public Access Group, listed
liabilities City and Council Members assume if they require
City staff to review (censor) tapes prior to airing. Chairman
Patterson explained that the contract with Warner Cable
Communications is with City Government. Debbi McDonald
explained proposal to have scroll identify who put program on
air. Committee discussed the November 27, 1996, letter from
Warner Cable regarding technical advances and Chairman
Patterson explained contract allowing for three (3) channels
reaffirming need to send letter to Warner Cable Communications
requesting an additional channel now that technical advances
have created additional channel. Chairman Patterson stated
. that the existing City's position is that the Recreation
Director, Gordon Jacobson, reviews tapes prior to their
airing. Debbi McDonald stated that no one should be "censor
king", and that the City assumes liability for first amendment
rights if they have staff screen tapes. Jane Drake, a member
of the Muskego Public Access Group, stated that she has a
graphic tape that deals with abortion which the Recreation
Director may not approve but that she will pursue her rights to
air. Debbi McDonald stated that the existing scroll reads,
"not responsible for content" and that it would have to be
changed if the Recreation Director reviews the tapes. The
committee directed that a letter be written to Attorney Molter
asking for an opinion on whether scroll needs to be changed to
reflect responsibility assumed by the City having staff screen
tapes. Recreation Director Jacobson advised that the old and
proposed new guidelines have already been sent to Attorney
Molter for his review.
Discuss on personal signage was deferred to the January meeting
as Ald. Suhr was no longer present.
Plan Director Sadowski, Wayne Salentine and Harold DeBack
joined the table to discuss farm produce sales. Matt
Sadowski's basic question was "shall City allow or not allow
such sales in general"? Ald. Pionek questioned why we aren't
• enforcing existing ordinance. Darcy Milbauer stated that many
folks come and sell door to door and she feels that residents
would rather stop at a roadside ditch as it is less intrusive.
Bob Drefahl stated that you need to get to traffic for
DECEMBER 2, 1996 - PAGE 3
• reasonable sales volume and that side roads or subdivisions are
not adequate. Chairman Patterson advised that Atty. Molter
worked on original license rules, and questioned what his
opinion is on how they align with zoning, what was original
intent, and what would he recommend. Ald. Pionek questioned
why farmers should be given the advantage and why shouldn't
everyone in the City have similar privileges. Ald. Sanders
advised that the licensing regulations mention "farmers". Ald.
Pionek stated he felt the committee should look at how this
affects the entire community, not just Mr. DeBack. He also
questioned whether other State, ADA and parking rules apply, as
well as traffic patterns. Ald. Sanders stated that licensing
rules were intended to be applied regardless of zoning. Chief
Johnson stated that he made original draft of license
regulations in 1985 and that zoning was not part of the
discussion, it was a separate issue. Chairman Patterson
requested Plan Director Matt Sadowski confer with Atty. Molter
regarding original intent and investigate surrounding
communities as to their regulation of farm sales and to supply
the committee with this information a minimum of two (2) weeks
before the January meeting. Ald. Pionek moved to defer to
January meeting. Seconded by Chairman Patterson, motion
carried 2-0.
Ald. Salentine discussed committee's need to address safety
• concerns on lack of adequate street lighting at south driveway
on STH L (Janesville Road) from Sentry/McDonald's to Racine
Avenue. Ald. Salentine stated that she has discussed safety
concerns with Chief Johnson and that he supports additional
lighting. There is money budgeted to cover some of these
electrical expenses. Supt. Loughney estimated cost would be
approximately $500-$600 per pole plus wiring. Ald. Pionek
questioned whether shopping complex has an obligation regarding
the lighting. Chairman Patterson requested Supt. Loughney to
obtain annual cost to operate on light. Ald. Pionek moved to
direct Supt. Loughney to attempt to negotiate cost sharing with
owners of commercial site and to give the Mayor authorization
to purchase light poles with monies to be approved through
Finance Committee action. Seconded by Chairman Patterson,
motion carried 2-0.
Ald. Pionek moved to adjourn at 10:30 P.M. Seconded by
Chairman Patterson, motion carried 2-0.
Respectfully submitted,
Chuck Dykstra, Sr.
Building Inspection Director
. Recording Secretary