PSCM19960805• PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD MONDAY, AUGUST 5, 1996 The meeting was called to order at 7:05 P.M. by Chairman Patterson. Also present were committee members Pionek, Rasmussen, Public Works Superintendent John Loughney, Building Inspection Director Chuck Dykstra, Police Chief John Johnson and those per the attached list. The committee noted that the meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. The committee reviewed the attached list of condemnations and citations with Chuck Dykstra. Chuck also reported to the committee the potential condemnation belonging to Donald Lekfield, S93 W21095 Henneberry Drive, and requested the committee to ask Alderman Sanders, who is the district alderman, to look into the matter and talk to the owner regarding his plans for the building according to the established policy, prior to the department or city commencing condemnation procedures. Nothing new to report on updates or existing forms and ordinances. • The committee reviewed the status of recycling and refuse. Clerk -Treasurer's memorandum of July 25, 1996, was discussed. The memo dealt with a complaint by Mr. Robert Boehm of W124 510227 So. 124th Street, which Supt. Loughney will investigate and report back to the committee. The committee noted that there is nothing new on the status of cable TV. Status of landfill agreements - Emerald Park Negotiating Committee will begin negotiations with Emerald Park on the expansion of the landfill. Nothing additional to report. PRP Status of East Troy Landfill - nothing new to report. The committee reviewed with Alderman Suhr and citizens, per attached list, speeding concerns on Durham Drive, between Janesville and Woods Road. The citizens and Alderman Suhr expressed concerns for the safety of pedestrians and discussed the effect Moorland Road would have on Durham Drive. Citizens asked for a reduction of speed limit from 35 mph to 25 mph or 30 mph in that area. The committee requests the Chief to do a traffic survey on Durham Drive, between Janesville and Woods Road and report back to the committee at the September meeting. . The committee reviewed the requests for "No Parking" signs for boat trailers on Oak Court by Alderman Salentine. The committee noted that this concern was already addressed by PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE - PAGE 2 AUGUST 5, 1996 • Common Council Resolution adding signs on launch sites around the lake. The committee took no action. The committee reviewed an application for Temporary Habitation of a Trailer for Mr. Richard Knutson on Hillendale Drive, south of Racine Avenue. Alderman Patterson indicated he had been contacted by Alderman D'Acquisto, as well as Mr. Knutson, who were unable to be at this meeting and ,in fact, Mr. Knutson works evenings and asked if a special meeting could be held so that he would not have to take off of work. The committee felt this was a reasonable request and set August 29, 1996, at 6:30 P.M. as a special meeting to discuss the application for Temporary Habitation of a Trailer. The committee reviewed fireworks permits and fireworks ordinance in general with Alderman Suhr and Rachel and Terry Meyer. The aldermen, as well as the Meyers, expressed concerns about the safety of fireworks in general and the permit system. The committee discussed with Chief Johnson who indicated that he is in agreement that the ordinance needs to be revised and that fireworks should be banned in the city as they are in many other cities in the region. The motion was made by Alderman Rasmussen and seconded by Alderman Pionek to put on next month's agenda a review of the fireworks ordinance. The motion passed unanimously. • The committee reviewed the burning ordinance with Alderman Suhr. Alderman Suhr asked the committee to look into the burning ordinance because his constituents are complaining about health issues due to people who burn yard waste. The committee discussed alternatives if the city did place a ban on all burning as in many other communities. The committee decided to review this issue when Emerald Park negotiations are taking place to possibly include an additional drop-off site for brush and leaves and other yard waste in addition to the BFI site. The committee reviewed the noxious weed ordinance that was referred from the Public Works Committee. Ms. Betty Czarapata was present to discuss adding certain weeds to the noxious weed list. Supt. Loughney expressed concerns about his ability to combat some of these weeds because of the need for pesticide spraying and manual or hand cutting required on some of these species of weeds. Alderman Rasmussen made a motion that was seconded by Alderman Pionek to establish an undesirable weed list in conjunction with the noxious weed ordinance or as part of the noxious weed ordinance as a separate section but without the enforcement and abatement portions. This list of four weeds as undesirable will serve as an educational function to advise the community of the problem. Ms. Betty Czarapata will • forward to the City the four weeds that are a problem with supporting material. The motion passed unanimously. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE - PAGE 3 AUGUST 5, 1996 • The committee discussed establishing refuse and recycling rates for 1997. According to the contract that the City has with BFI, the rates will increase in 1997 per the CPI or approximately 3 to 3-1/2%. Single Family From: $93.45 TO: $96.72 Two Family From: $93.45 TO: $96.72 Multi Family Under 6 From: $93.45 TO: $96.72 Multi Family 6 & Over From" $74.12 TO: $76.71 The committee discussed how the rate increase would be funded. Alderman Patterson briefed the committee on how it has been done in the past in that the difference between the contract rate and what is charged the community ($72.84) was made up by monies from landfill contracts. The committee was not prepared to decide if this way of funding or subsidizing the difference was what they wanted to do this year and will need more information to make that decision. The committee will be requesting from Clerk -Treasurer Jean Marenda, recycling account information before they set the residential 1997 rate at the September meeting. Alderman Rasmussen will be in contact with the Clerk -Treasurer for that information. The committee discussed household hazardous waste collection program that was proposed in the attached letter from MMSD • versus an existing program that the county has with Muskego residents. The committee felt that a combination of the MMSD program and Waukesha County program may be the best scenario for the city to pursue. Supt. Loughney will be in contact with MMSD to determine whether or not the city could take advantage of a modified mobile collection program and report back to the committee with that information at the September meeting. The committee reviewed and discussed the speed limit concerns of Alderman Pionek and citizens on the attached list on Muskego Drive. The citizens expressed concern about safety regarding speed of vehicles and width of street when pedestrians are walking, particularly on weekends with boat traffic and other traffic from the various parks along Muskego Drive, as well as Idle Isle. Suggestions by citizens in attendance were no right turn on Hardtke Drive to Muskego Drive eliminating the traffic on Muskego Drive. They also discussed adding stop signs at various points along Muskego Drive as well as speed bumps. The committee requested Chief Johnson to do some speed enforcement on Muskego Drive and also prepare a study of speed and other safety concerns on Muskego Drive and report back to the September meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 11:45 P.M. • Respect full subm' John ` '��hns Recording Secretary