PUM20070122CITY OF MUSKEGO Approved
Minutes of Meeting Held Monday, January 22, 2007
Chairman Eileen Madden called the meeting to order at 5:03 PM. Also present were
Aid. Tina Schaefer, Aid. Tracy Snead, Public Utilities Superintendent Scott Kloskowski,
City Administrator Sheiffer, Ruekert & Mielke Representative Steve Schultz, Deputy
Clerk Jill Blenski and thcse per the attached list. Those present recited the Pledge of
The Deputy Clerk stated that the meeting was noticed in accordance with the open
meeting law.
Aid. Schaefer moved to approve the minutes of November 13, 2006. Aid. Snead
seconded; motion carried.
1. Determination of Sewer Connection for Harvey Rindt (19400 West College
Avenue, New Berlin)
• Mr. Kloskowski stated that Mr. Rindt's property is located on the New Berlin side of
College Avenue. He has a holding tank that is leaking. There is a manhole across the
street and Mr. Rindt is requesting to connect to the City's sewer service. Mr. Rindt
stated that the City of NEW IBfflin did not have a problem with the connection. Mr.
Kloskowski stated this type of connection has been done in the past through an
agreement with the City Of NEW Berlin. Correspondence will be forwarded regarding the
costs associated with the connection. Aid. Snead moved to approve the connection
for the Harvey Rindt property at 19400 West College Avenue, New Berlin. Aid.
Schaefer seconded; motion carried.
Mr. Schultz presented the following update:
Janesville Road Box Culvert
Project essentially compete with the exception of final paving and restoration, which will
take place in spring. Punch list sent to contractor December 11, 2006. Record
drawings of the structure completed; internal review in process.
Stoneridge Ground Water Remediation
Meeting was held in December with Waste Management, City staff, Ruekert & Mielke
• staff and RMT (Waste Management's consultant). Ruekert & Mielke is in the process of
developing a water model, which will be completed within the next few weeks. Another
meeting will then be scheduled to determine if one additional monitoring well needs to
be drilled.
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1 /22/2007
• Well #9 - Durham Drive
DNR will allow the well tc remain unused for five years. (Mr. Kloskowski requested the
item remain on the next agenda to determine the status of the contract.)
Well # 13
Well capacity is over 2,200 gallons per minute. The well has a high iron concentration,
which will be discussed later.
Water Facilities Plan and Sewer Facilities Plan
No updates.
Lake Lore/Tudor Oaks Aciquisition of Water System
The water system has been acquired. The wells have been abandoned but the
buildings that were over them have to be demolished. Ruekert & Mielke has taken over
the administration of the contract for the well house demolition. A change order was
issued to extend the contract mimes.
Future Well Site - Belle Chasse
DNR granted a variance to construct the well closer to the McShane inline storage
facility. The proposed final plat for Belle Chasse depicts a detention pond less than 400
ft. from the well site. A meeting was held with the developer to review possibly moving
the location of the pond, 'aher than move the well site. Mr. Kloskowski stated that one
• of the alternatives is to put the, detention pond in the park.
Belle Chasse Development
Second plan review letter was, issued December 27, 2006.
Well #12 (Lakewood Meadows)
Piping modifications being done
Woodland Creek
This is the area where the Parade of Homes will be later this year. One issue is that
there is a lift station involved with the development that has no electric to it yet. Mr.
Kloskowski stated the issue would be resolved shortly and building permits should be
able to be issued.
1. Status of Forced Connection - Martin Drive
Mr. Kloskowski stated he did not know the status. City Administrator Sheiffer will
contact the attorney.
2. Determination of Sewer Service for Crystal Lake Subdivision
. 3. Determination of Sanitary Sewer for Properties West of Lake Denoon-
Fenwick Estates
Nothing new to report on either per Mr. Kloskowski.
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2. Approval of Quote for I✓FD Replacement - Woods Road Lift Station
Mr. Kloskowski stated this is the last of the three drives to be replaced. Money to be
taken out of the equipment replacement fund account. Aid. Snead moved for
approval in the amount of $18,526. Aid. Schaefer seconded; motion carried.
3. Review of MMSD and' Town of Norway Quarterly Billing
The Committee reviewed the charges from MMSD ($166,315.24) and Town of Norway
($60,984.07). There were no questions
1. Determination of Water Service for Crystal Lake :Subdivision
Mr. Kloskowski stated thore was nothing new to report.
1. Direct Engineers to Begin Building Design of Well #13
• Mr. Schultz reviewed correspondence forwarded to Scott Kloskowski dated January 18,
2007. The water quantity is very good for a shallow well. During construction, it was
noted that the iron concentration was high. This does not pose a health hazard but is
more of a nuisance. Some of the City's other wells have a higher iron level than the
recommended standard (0.30 mg/1); sodium silicate is added to help control water
quality issues. The concern in this instance is that the concentration will continue to
increase with increased pumping. If that is the case, chemical treatment may no longer
be effective and a filter would have to be installed. Use of a conventional filter would
not be possible at the site based upon size restrictions. Alternate methods of iron
removal that allow higher rates of filtration require a pilot study before the DNR will
If the iron levels continue to rise, the City has two options. The first would be to
investigate the installation of higher rate filters at the exisfing site. A pilot study would
have to be performed. The second option is to find a site for an off -site filter (if needed).
The recommendation is that: a pilot study for iron removal at higher filtration rates be
conducted. The estimated cost is $25,000 to $35,000 for the study and preliminary
design of the pump station. Aid. Snead moved to proceed with the pilot study and
preliminary design of the IPLIMP station. Aid. Schaefer seconded; motion carried.
2. Discuss Termination of Lease Agreement - Cingular Wireless
• Mr. Kloskowski stated that Cingular notified the City that it would terminate its lease to
occupy space on the water tower. The City Attorney is negotiating the agreement;
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Cingular has agreed to pay its full five-year lease. The agreement will proceed to the
Common Council for approval.
The Committee had no other business to review.
Aid. Schaefer moved to adjourn at 5:36 PM. Aid. Sneed seconded; motion
Jill Blenski
Deputy City Clerk
JANUARY 22, 2007
NAME: (Please Print) AGENDA ITEM: