PUM20061113CITY OF MUSKEGO Approved 1/22/2007
Minutes of Meeting Held Monday November 13, 2006
Chairman Eileen Madden called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Also present
were Ald. Tina Schaefer, Ald. Tracy Snead, Public Utilities Superintendent Scott
Kloskowski, City Administrator Jennifer Sheiffer, Engineering/Building Director
Sean McMullen, Ruekert-Mielke Representative Steve Schultz and those per the
attached list.
It was noted that the meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting
Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
Approval of minutes of Public Utilities meeting held October 16, 2006 and
October 20, 2006. — Ald. Schaefer moved to approve the minutes of October
16, 2006 and October 20, 2006. Seconded by Aid. Snead. Motion carried 3-
Status of Projects:
• • Janesville Road Box Culvert — lift station start up was successful. Final
underground construction began today.
• Stoneridge Ground Water Remediation — nothing new
• Well #9 — Durharn_Drive — completed. Well will be capped on Thursday.
• Well #13 - Well capacity testing November 6th, approximately 1700gpm.
24hr test pumping began today, pumping 2066gpm. The City will be
asking for approval for 2000gpm from the DNR. This would be the largest
well the City has. Testing will be monitored and sampling will be done to
test the iron.
• Water Facilities Plan — nothing new
• Sewer Facilities Plain - Update is planned for February. Director
McMullen updated the Committee on the options for the MMSD Ryan
Creek Interceptor and Ryan Road Force Main.
• Lake Lore/ Tudor Oaks Acquisition of Water System — Acquisition is
complete. Contractor is working on the preliminary abandonment of the
well. Grout will be added to seal the well off from the aquifer.
• Future well site — Belle Chasse — lot lines are being adjusted to allow for
the offsets.
Status of forced connection — Martin Drive — Director McMullen explained there
• has been no responses from the property owner. Staff has attempted to contact
Public Utilities Committee (Meeting — November 13, 2006 Page 2
Mr. Schultz by letter and in person. Aid. Schaefer moved to defer. Seconded
• by Aid. Snead. Motion carried 3-0.
Determination of sewer service for Crystal Lake Subdivision — Staff met with the
developer. The developer is pushing forward to develop without sewer. The
Town of Norway Sanitary District and the Town Board has a meeting scheduled
for mid March or early April to approve a master plan. The Town of Norway will
not approve Crystal Lake connection to sewer until their master plan is approved.
Superintendent Kloskowski recommended requiring the subdivision to develop
on municipal sewer. The Town of Norway has 30 days to approve/disapprove
the plans or they are automatically approved. Aid. Snead moved to defer.
Seconded by Aid. Schaefer. Motion carried 3-0.
Determination of sanitary sewer for properties west of Lake Denoon — Fenwick
Estates — Director MclVlulle!n explained staff has met with Dan Kinart, developer
of Fenwick Estates, tc discuss options for sewer. The City and the Developer
have agreed that the area should be developed on the municipal sewer system.
An agreement needs i:o be worked out between the developer of Fenwick
Estates and the neighboring property owner to run a forced system from Fenwick
Estates through the neighboring property through the City Park to Patricia Ct,
which is the closest connection point. Aid. Schaefer moved to defer.
Seconded by Aid. Snead. Motion carried 3-0.
Determination of sewE.,r service for proposed land division, tax key 2213.984
(Birkley)- Director McMullen explained the developer of Belle Chasse, which is
directly south of the Birkley property, has agreed to install the 200-feet of gravity
sewer and work it out with IMr. Birkley directly. Aid. Snead moved to
recommend to Council to require Mr. Birkley to connect to municipal sewer
and work with Mr. Carity to install the 200-feet of gravity sewer. Seconded
by Aid. Schaefer. Motion carried 3-0.
Determination of water sewice for Crystal Lake Subdivision — Aid. Schaefer
moved to defer until sewer service is determined. Seconded by Aid. Snead.
Motion carried 3-0.
Review Lake Lore/Tudor Oaks Well House Demolition (Public Hearing minutes
and make final recommenclation to Council — Director McMullen explained there
were no comments from the public hearing. Aid. Snead moved to recommend
to Council approval of the assessment roll and approval of the award of bid
for demolition. Seconded by Aid. Schaefer. Motion carried 3-0.
Determination of water ser✓ice for proposed land division, tax key 2213.984
•(Birkley) — Director McMullen explained this property is along the Big Muskego
Estates/Durham Drive water main Recapture Roll. Because water is available,
staff is recommending the property connect to municipal water. Aid. Snead
Public Utilities Committee Meeting — November 13, 2006 Page 3
moved to recommend to Council the Birkley land division be required to
• connect to municipal waiter. Seconded by Aid. Schaefer. Motion carried 3-
Determination of water service for Fenwick Estates — Director McMullen
explained staff has met with the developer of Fenwick Estates and discussed the
options for water service. IDue to the size of the lots and the distance to the
municipal water system, staff is recommending the subdivision be developed on
private wells. Aid. Snead moved to approve Fenwiclk Estates subdivision be
developed on private wells. Seconded by Aid. Schaefer. Motion carried 3-
Aid. Schaefer moved to recommend approval of the 2007 sewer budget
with no increase. Arid further recommending approval of the $255.79
connection charge, 4,i6.11 consumption charge per 1,000 gallons and
$638.55 total average residential annual sewer usage charge. Seconded by
Aid. Snead. Motion carried 3-0.
Aid. Schaefer moved) to recommend approval of the., 2007 water budget.
Seconded by Aid. Snead. Motion carried 3-0.
• Aid. Snead moved to direct the Finance Supervisor to begin the process to
prepare a PSC rate case application for 2007. Seconded by Aid. Schaefer.
Motion carried 3-0.
Determine meeting date for December — The Committee agreed there will be no
December meeting unless something urgent comes up, If needed, a special
meeting can be held prior to Council.
ADJOURNMENT— Ald. Snead moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:40 PM.
Seconded by Aid. Schaefer, motion carried 3-0.
Re ectf ly submitted,
• Kellie Renk,
Recording Secretary
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