PUM20061016approved CITY OF MUSKEGO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of Meeting Held Monday October 16, 2006 Chairman Eileen Madden called the meeting to order at 7:07 p.m. Also present were Ald. Tina Schaefer, Ald. Tracy Snead, Engineering/Building Inspection Director Sean McMullen (8:35pm), Public Utilities Superintendent Scott Kloskowski, City Administrator Jennifer Sheiffer (8:35pm) and Ruekert-Mielke Representative Rich Eberhardt. It was noted that the meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. Approval of minutes of Public Utilities meeting held September 18, 2006. — Aid. Schaefer moved to approve the minutes of September 18, 2006. Seconded by Aid. Snead. Motion carried 3-0. Status of Projects • Janesville Road Box Culvert — nothing new • Stoneridge Ground Water Remediation —_nothing new • Well #9 — Durham Drive — nothing new • Well #13 - we will be installing a larger diameter casing and will request to be permitted at 2000 GPM. • Water Facilities Plan — nothing new • Sewer Facilities Plan — nothing new • Lake Lore/ Tudor Oaks Acquisition of Water System — meter readings were taken this month. There have been a couple of water main breaks that were repaired. Well abandonment will be completed this week. • Future well site — Belle Chasse — nothing new SEWER UNFINISHED BUSINESS Status of forced connection — Martin Drive — Director McMullen stated letters have been sent to the property owner and his mother and there has been no response. Aid. Snead moved to direct staff to work with the City Attorney to begin the process of forced connection and approval to place the property on a standby charge. Seconded by Aid. Schaefer. Motion carried 3-0. Determination of sewer service for Crystal Lake Subdivision — Ald. Snead moved to defer. Seconded by Aid. Schaefer. Motion carried 3-0. Review sewer connection for Premier Limo 2193.125 — Director McMullen reported the gas and electric are off in the building and an inspection was done Public Utilities Committee Meeting — October 16, 2006 Page 2 and showed no signs of the business being run from the building. This item will be removed from the agenda. SEWER NEW BUSINESS Review sewer usage charges for Two Men and a Truck and Harry's Concrete Breaking & Sawing, 2165.998.003 (Mark Gerls)- Superintendent Kloskowski reported there are multiple businesses with separate facilities in one building. By Ordinance each business is required a minimum of one REC. The property owner feels there should only be one REC for the entire building. By following the Ordinance the charges should remain as is. Review sewer usage charges for Big League Barbers 2199.999.063- Steve LaBelle, owner of Big League Barbers, was present to discuss the sewer usage charges. He explained his business has been opened six months and has only used under 4000 gallons of water, compared to the other tenants in the building he does not understand why his RCA is $15,000. Superintendent Kloskowski explained there is a formula to determine the sewer usage charges. The business registration form Mr. LaBelle completed stated the total employee hours are 10,000 a year. According to that information the total amount of REC's charged are 3.75. Mr. LaBelle felt his total hours may be high and once the free hair cut promotion runs out he will be cutting back on employee hours. The Committee suggested Mr. LaBelle re -calculate his hours without the promotion and update his business registration from with the Utility Clerk and his usage will be adjusted. Determination of sanitary sewer for properties west of Lake Denoon- Superintendent Kloskowski explained there was a representative present but was sent away by a misunderstanding on the agenda. Director McMullen explained the developer does not feel it is economically feasible to develop the subdivision on municipal sewer and is requesting to develop on mound systems. Staff feels it is physically possible to extend municipal sewer and because Lake Denoon is listed as pristine water resource by the DNR, and is near this development, staff must protect the lake. The developer will be invited to the next meeting and Director McMullen will have an opinion from Attorney Molter. Aid. Snead moved to defer. Seconded by Aid. Schaefer. Motion carried 3-0. Review of MMSD and Town of Norway quarterly billing- The Committee reviewed the charges from MMSD and Town of Norway. There were no questions. Review sewer usage charges for 2224.014 W 176 S8429 Clearbrook Drive — John LaSota was present to discuss the sewer usage charges for his property on Clearbrook Drive. Mr. LaSota stated the house as been vacant since May 15tn, when he called to discontinue the refuse and recycling. Mr. LaSota feels he should not be charged for this property since it is vacant. Superintendent Kloskowski explained by Ordinance the City is required to bill every property connected to sewer. The only way to discontinue the charges would be to physically disconnect from sewer and tear down the house. Public Utilities Committee Meeting — October 16, 2006 Page 3 WATER UNFINISHED Determination of water service for Crystal Lake Subdivision — Aid. Snead moved to defer until sewer service is determined. Seconded by Aid. Schaefer. Motion carried 3-0. Discuss boosted pressure zone in northwest corridor — The Committee agreed, after receiving comments from the public informational, meeting extending water main along Hillendale Drive from Sunnyhill Drive to Racine Avenue is not an option. The Committee directed staff to bring back to Committee any new options. WATER NEW BUSINESS SUBDIVIDER'S EXHIBITS -None. REVIEW OF DEFERRED ASSESSMENTS/SEWER & WATER - None. ACCEPTANCE OF IMPROVEMENTS — None. COMMUICATIONS AND ANY OTHER BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW None. ADJOURNMENT — Aid. Snead moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:55 PM. IsSeconded by Aid. Schaefer, motion carried 3-0. Respectfully submitted, rl Z/Adv_- — Kellie Renk, Recording Secretary •