PUM20060626Approved CITY OF MUSKEGO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of Meeting Held Monday June 26, 2006 Chairman Eileen Madden called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. Also present were Alderman Neil Borgman, Aid. Tracy Snead, Engineering/Building Inspection Director Sean McMullen, Public Utilities Superintendent Scott Kloskowski, City Administrator Jennifer Scheiffer and Ruekert-Mielke Representative Rich Eberhardt. It was noted that the meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. Approval of minutes of Public Utilities meeting held May 15, 2006 Aid. Madden made two corrections to the minutes of May 15, 2006. Under Sewer and Water Unfinished Determination of water service for Crystal Lake Subdivision and Determination of sewer service for Crystal Lake Subdivision, Aid. Snead should replace Aid. Schroeder to read seconded by Aid. Snead. — Aid. Borgman moved to approve the minutes of May 15, 2006 with corrections. Seconded by Aid. Snead. Motion carried 3-0. Status of Projects • Janesville Road Box Culvert — The County is trying to amend their project to allow a recast structure. The County will re -bid later in the year. This will not affect the City's utility relocation project. • Stoneridge Ground Water Remediation — The second round of sampling was done today. The City is looking for two more monitoring sites. • Well #9 — Durham Drive — Ruekert-Mielke has sent a letter to the Contractor for final restoration. Superintendent Kloskowski spoke to the Contractor today and they expect the landscaping to be completed next week. • Well #13 - The preconstruction meeting was held. The completion date is October 15, 2006. The Contractor probably will not move onto the site until the end of July or early August. • Water Facilities Plan — nothing new to report. • Lake Lore/ Tudor Oaks Acquisition of Water System — The final documents are at the Title Company to be signed on. Mayor and the Clerk will execute the documents next week. The contractor will begin work in mid August. • Future well site — Belle Chasse — The City is working with the developer to . acquire the lot and out -lot. SEWER UNFINISHED BUSINESS Public Utilities Committee Meeting — June 26, 2006 Page 2 • Status of forced connection — Martin Drive — Director McMullen explained he spoke to the property owner's mother and has declined the offer from the City to special assess the connection. The property owner is working with a contractor to connect. Determination of sewer service for Crystal Lake Subdivision — Director McMullen will attend the Town of Norway meeting on July 13th at 7:00 PM for the determination from the Town of Norway if they will allow Crystal Lake Subdivision to be added into their system. SEWER NEW BUSINESS Review of CMAR report and recommendation to Council for approval of Resolution — Superintendent Kloskowski explained the CMAR (Compliance/Maintenance Annual Report) is required by the Department of Natural Resources and shows if the system is operating correctly. Muskego's system has passed on each item. Aid. Borgman moved to recommend to Council approval of the CMAR report. Seconded by Aid. Snead. Motion carried 3-0. WATER UNFINISHED Determination of water service for Crystal Lake Subdivision — A meeting is scheduled with the developer, engineer and City staff for Thursday to discuss this item and other issues. Discuss boosted pressure zone in northwest corridor — Superintendent Kloskowski explained it has been the policy of the Committee to survey the affected residents to find out how many would be interested in connecting to municipal water. In most cases water main will only be installed if 50% or more of the residents are interested. Director McMullen explained there is some controversy on whether or not the City should assess the backyards along Hillendale Drive. Superintendent Kloskowski does not recommend assessing these properties, but they will not be allowed to connect to the system either. Director McMullen will draft an assessment roll with the estimated numbers. A map will also be included showing the yes and no responses from the survey. Aid. Borgman moved to defer. Seconded by Aid. Snead. Motion carried 3- 0. WATER NEW BUSINESS Foraiveness of Kroaman's water assessment 2193.032.001 — Director McMullen explained the City has completed research as to who owns the section of land known as the extension of Center Drive. It has been determined that the City of Muskego owns it and has title to it. There is an existing easement allowing the IS Kroegman's Vt Addition subdivision to have access to the water edge. The City assessed the homeowners association for a water main project that was done in the past. In 2001 the City stated if the homeowners association could prove they Public Utilities Committee Meeting - June 26, 2006 Page 3 did not own the land the City would forgave this assessment. The City has since then proven this through the Public Works Committee, but has not taken formal action to forgive the assessment. Aid. Borgman moved to approve the forgiveness of the Krogman's water assessment for parcel 2193.032.001. Seconded by Aid. Snead. Motion carried 3-0. SUBDIVIDER'S EXHIBITS - REVIEW OF DEFERRED ASSESSMENTS/SEWER & WATER - None ACCEPTANCE OF IMPROVEMENTS - None COMMUICATIONS AND ANY OTHER BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW Aid. Borgman brought to the Committee's attention a ditch on Lembezeder that is need of repair. Superintendent Kloskowski will look at the ditch tomorrow. ADJOURNMENT:- Aid. Borgman moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:37 PM. Seconded by Aid. Snead, motion carried 3-0. Respectfully submitted, • Kellie Renk, Recording Secretary 0 i'�1 oa 0 0