PUM20060515• CITY OF MUSKEGO corrected/approved PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of Meeting Held Monday May 1,15, 2006 Chairman Eileen Madden called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. Also present were Aid. Neil Borgrnan, Aid. Tracy Snead, Engineering/Building Inspection Director Sean McMullen, Public Utilities Superintendent Scott Kloskowski, Ruekert-Mielke Representative Steve Schultz: and those per the attached list. It was noted that they meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. Approval of minutes of Public Utilities meeting held April 17, 2006 - Aid. Borgman moved to approve the minutes of April 17, 2006. Seconded by Aid. Snead. Motion carried 3-0. Status of Projects • • Janesville Road Box Culvert - Bids to relocate the utilities were • opened May 19t • • Stoneridae Ground Water Rerriediation - Preliminary indication from monitoring wells that contamination is heading towards Well 7 located in the County Park. Contamination has not shown up in Well 7 yet. Wells will continue to be monitored. • • Well #9 - Durham Drive - Waiting for radium tests to come back but should not be a problem. The water q1 Jalit)r is good and contractor will be paid soon. City will need to decide: if a pump station will be built or if the site will be banked and used as a future wEal site. • • Well #13 - Located in Quietwood East 11. Design plans were approved in February. Received DNR approval in March. Bids were opened in April and contracts are underway. This is a shallow site that should give a large quantity of water without radium. • . Water Facilities Plan - 951/6 complete. Northwest area and how it will develop is a big issue for this plan„ The Water Facilities Plan will be coordinated with the Sanitary 'Sewer Facilities Plan. • Lake Lore/ Tudor Oaks AccLuisition of Water Svstem - Contracts were awarded last week. Acquisition will gcl to Council next week. • • Future well site - Belle Chasse - A letter has been sent to the DNR requesting a variance to the code related to the offsets to the McShane Storage Facility. n LJ • SEWER UNFINISHED BUSINESS Status of forced connection - Martin Drive - Director McMullen explained staff is working with the City Attorney to order the property owner to connect. Determination of sewer service for Crvistal Lake Subdivision - Director McMullen explained he will attend the Town of Norway meeting in June. At that meeting the Town of Norway will determine if they will allow an amendment to the existing contract for additional connections for the Crystal Lake Subdivision. Aid. Madden moved to defer. Seconded by Aid. Snead. Motion carried 3-0. SEWER NEW BUSINESS Review of Town of Norway Quarterly 3illi -ig - The Committee reviewed Town of Norway's quarterly billing. There were no questions or concerns. Award of bid for Janesville Road Utilitt:location Project - Director McMullen explained this project is for moving the buried utilities before the County does the box culvert project. The bid has been reviewed with Ruekert-Mielke and they are recommending awarding the bid to DF Torna.sini. Aid. Borgman moved to recommend awarding the bid to DF Toma:ini for $273,470.00. Seconded by Aid. Snead. Motion carried 3-0. • WATER UNFINISHED Determination of water service for Crystail Lake Subdivision - Aid. Madden moved to defer. Seconded by Aid. Snead. Motion carried 2-0. Discuss boosted pressure zone in northwest corridor - Superintendent Kloskowski gave background information on this issue going back to the when Lakewood Meadows requested the City take over the water system. Superintendent Kloskowski noted Lakewood Meadows now has better water quality, but there is possibly less pressure. Aid. Borgman referred to the practice burn by the fire department that left the subdivision without water. Aid. Borgman questioned the possibility of using the existing well (Well 12) for fire flows as discussed at the last meeting. Mr. Schultz explained the well could be pumped into the reservoir and used for fire flows. Pumping would have to be done on a regular basis to keep the water fresh. To usE� the well as part of the municipal system, investigation would need to be done for the tannins and bacteria. Mr. Schultz noted the current system meets the DNR pressure requirements and fire flows. Director McMullen suggested extending the 12-inch water main on Hillendale and Sunny Hill to interconnect into 16-inch line, which would be more than enough to supply fire flows and additional residual pressure. A check valve will have to be installed on Racine Ave. Aid. Borgman moved to direct staff to send letters • to residents on Hillendale from Sunny Hill to Racine Ave for feedback on • how many would be interested in connecting to municipal water. Seconded by Ald. Snead. Motion carried 3-0. Director McMullen will put together the costs for design and construction of the water main. This project will be added to the next budget cycle and could be online April or May of next year. Director McMullen will also send a copy of the letter to the residents along Hillendale to the President of the Lakewood Meadows Homeowners Association. WATER NEW BUSINESS Review of invoice from Walter EnglanJ, ;81 W12895 Hi View Drive, claiming damage to private well — Mr. Schultz explained the invoice was sent to Ruekert- Mielke for the hydrollogist to review. Well 9 had been done pumping at the time of the England claim. According to the invoice thE� pump was removed and re -set at the same depth. The pump was old and was mplace. Aid. Borgman moved to deny the England claim. Seconded by Aid. Snead. Motion carried 3-0. Discuss water conservation — Superintendenl Kloskowski explained he added this item to the agenda because the City of Waukesha has recently passed a water conservation ordinance. Superintendent Kloskowski added the Governor may pass water conservation state wide. 'this issue may come back in the future. • SUBDIVIDER'S EXHIBITS - Oakridge Glen — Director McMullen explained Oalcridge Glen meets all the technical requirements except two. Two check valves are required and will be added to service the upper areas, which are in thE: boosted zone. Superintendent Klos,kowski explained this is a separate boosted area and will be serviced by an existing booster pump that services the upper areas of Chamberlin Hills. Aid. Borgman moved to approve. Seconded by Aid. Snead. Motion carried 3-0. REVIEW OF DEFERRED ASSESS MENTS/SEWIER & WATER - None ACCEPTANCE OF IMPROVEMENTES — None COMMUICATIONS AND ANY OTHER BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW ADJOURNMENT — Aid. Borgman moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:10 PM. Seconded by Aid. Snead, motion carried 3-0. Respectfully submitted, 40 V Kellie Renk, Recording Secretary • • C • c 0 l Ufiii {�r