PUM20060227• CITY OF MUSKEGO approved PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of Meeting Held Monday February 27, 2006 Chairman Eric Schroeder called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. Also present were Committee members Pat Patterson and Eileen Madden, Engineering Building Inspection Director Sean McMullen, City Administrator Jennifer Sheiffer, Ruekert-Mielke Representative Steve Schultz and those per the attached list. It was noted that the meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. Approval of minutes of special Public Utilities meeting held December 13, 2005 — Aid. Madden moved to approve the minutes of January 16, 2006. Seconded by Aid. Patterson. Motion carried 3-0. Status of Projects • Janesville Road Boy: Culvert — Meeting in March with the County for Utility • coordination. The utility work must be completed by June. Chapter 30 permits are still needed from the DNR to work in or around a wetland. The parade route may have to be changed. Director McMullen will know more at the end of March. • Stoneridge Ground Water Remediation — Monitoring wells are being completed. • Well #9 — Durham Drive — Met with Contractor who has agreed to complete the work and when directed by the City of Muskego will begin pumping tests. The contract would then be complete. • Well #13 — Plans were submitted to the DNR on January 30t" for review. The DNR has until May 2"d to complete the review. Once Mr. Schultz receives verification that the plans are being reviewed by the DNR the project will be bid. • Water Facilities Plan — there will be one more meeting with staff and more information will be presented after that meeting. • Lake Lore/ Tudor Oaks Acquisition of Water System — Bid date will be March 14, 2006. A meeting will be scheduled with the City's Attorney, the water trust's Attorney and the water trust. Tudor Oaks is paying for the entire project. Residents along McShane who connect will only pay for the service and the WCA. SEWER UNFINISHED BUSINESS is Status of forced connection — Martin Drive — Director McMullen explained the property owner has until April to submit estimates to the City. Director McMullen Public Utilities Committee Meeting — February 27, 2006 Page 2 noted the City Attorney recommends working with the property owner to avoid • going to court over forced connection. Aid. Patterson moved to defer. Seconded by Aid. Madden. Motion carried 3-0. SEWER NEW BUSINESS Review bids for SCADA system upgrades - Director McMullen reviewed with the Committee the bids for the SCADA System Upgrades. Terminal Andrae was the low bidder. Ruekert-Mielke contacted Terminal Andrae with concerns that their bid was incorrect as it was significantly lower than the other bids. Terminal Andrae explained they will do most of the work themselves and do not need to hire subcontractors, which will keep the costs down. They will stand behind their bid. Staff is recommending awarding the bid to Terminal- Andrae for the amount of $289,100.00. Aid. Patterson moved to recommend to Council awarding the SCADA system upgrade bid to Terminal-Andrae for $289,100.00. Seconded by Aid. Madden. Motion carried 3-0. Request to amend the 208 Sanitary Sewer Service Area Map for the Kopac Property on Thode Dr — David Tanner and Dan Scardino were present. Director McMullen explained the Kopac property is located on the east and west sides of Thode Drive. All the lots to the East of Thode Drive and 400 feet west of Thode Drive are currently in the sewer service area. The dividing line is approximately between lots 15 and 16 on the south end and lots 37 and 38 on the north end. • The property is zoned Agriculture or Exclusive Agriculture in some areas. Director McMullen explained the request must be to SEWRPC before this issue would go before a Public Hearing and Common Council. Aid. Patterson moved to authorize staff to begin the process with SEWRPC to amend the 208 Sanitary Sewer Service Area to include the entire Kopac parcel in the sewer service area. Seconded by Aid. Madden. Motion carried 3-0. Determination of sewer service for Crvstal Lake Subdivision — Kalvin Klimeck was present on behalf of Crystal Lake Subdivision. Director McMullen explained to the Committee they need to make a recommendation of adequate public facilities for sewer. The three options are connecting to municipal sewer through the Town of Norway, Com 83, which is an on -site system owned by the Sewer Utility but privately run, or individual mound systems. To connect to municipal sewer an amendment must be made to the existing contract with the Town of Norway for additional connections. The developer will pay for any costs associated with the amendment to the contract. Brian Kramer, W188 S107!51 Muskego Dam Road — Questioned if the City has a Comprehensive Use Plan and if so does it support the zoning. Ald. Schroeder explained zoning and the number of lots would be addressed through Plan Commission. Mr. Kramer also questioned in the past a school was proposed for • this property and did not go through because the land did not perk out. Director McMullen explained the school was proposed prior to an amendment to the contract in the Town of Norway in 1999-2002 allowing additional connections and prior to the COM 83 rules being put into place. Public Utilities Committee Meeting — February 27, 2006 Page 3 . Michael Kuwitzky, W188 S'10795 Muskego Dam Rd — questioned where the water would drain that collects on the property. Ald. Schroeder explained that would be addressed through the Public Works Committee at a future meeting. Aid. Madden moved to direct staff to begin the request to the Town of Norway to amend the contract allowing additional sewer connections for Crystal Lake Subdivision. Seconded by Aid. Patterson. Motion carried 3-0. WATER UNFINISHED Establish policy on how to deal with private wells that are affected by municipal wells — Steve Schultz updated the Committee on the changes made to the draft policy. Adding to Section 6 — Claims of Impact. Three sections were added to detail if the City is responsible what action will be taken to compensate the property owner and what the property owner's options would be. Adding Section 9 — Amendment. This section was added stating the City reserves the right to amend this policy as needed and only through Committee recommendation and Council action through accepted minutes. • Adding to Section 4.A — Required Data. This section states the homeowner's responsibility to arrange for the data to be collected by a contractor and pay for any costs associated with i1t. If it is determined the City is responsible, the City will reimburse the homeowner. Adding to Section 4 — Required Data. Participation is voluntary, homeowners who elect to participate in this program are required to provide information about their well to the City. Staff will add a Section 10 -- Recapture Agreement. After the changes are made Director McMullen will have the City's Attorney review prior to the Committee meeting. Aid. Patterson moved to defer. Seconded by Aid. Madden. Motion carried 3-0. Status of bills from residents claiming damage to their private wells (Well #9, 10, 11) — Mr. Schultz explained the wells for Aldridge, Duff and Rusdhal on Durham and Hi View that are in the Well 9 PZI have been determined to not have been affected by Well 9. The complaints all happened after Well 9 was done pumping for over a month. The problems could have been related to the low levels in the aquifer due to the lack of rain. Well depth information its need for Curran and Theel to make a determination. If the well is a shallow depth well, then pumping of well 10 would have caused the problems. Aid. Schroeder moved to defer Curran (W139 S9587 Groveway) and Theel (S82 W12937 Acker Dr) for more Public Utilities Committee Meeting — February 27, 2006 Page 4 information. Seconded by Aid. Madden. Motion carried 3-0. A final notice will be sent requesting the linformation. Aid. Patterson moved to deny the claims from Aldridge (S82 W13271 Hi View), Rusdahl (W135 S8266 Durham Dr) and Duff (S81 W12895 Hi View Dr). Seconded by Aid. Schroeder. Motion carried 3-0. Mr. Duff questioned if during future pumping of Well 9 there is a determination that his well is being affected by the municipal well, would he be reimbursed the $500.00 for this claim. The Committee agreed Mr. Duff's issue would be addressed lif it arises in the future. Further review of policy for water main recapture roll — Director McMullen explained the policy is not changing. The policy has never been formally approved through the Committee. The policy states there can be no amendments made to an assessment roll without the Developer, Utilities Committee and Common Council approving and signing. Aid. Patterson moved to approve the policy for water main recapture roll. Aid. Madden seconded. Motion carried 3-0. WATER NEW BUSINESS Determination of water service for Crystal Lake Subdivision — Director McMullen explained the Committee will need to make a recommendation on adequate water facilities. The three options for water service are extending municipal water, community well or private wells. Due to the distance it would probably not be feasible to extend municipal water to Crystal Lake. Director McMullen recommended a community well built to City standards. In the future if water were extended to this area, the City could take over the well system similar to Lakewood Meadows. Aid. Patterson moved to recommend to Council Crystal Lake Subdivision be required to develop with a community well. Seconded by Aid. Madden. Mr. Klimeck requested the Committee not take action on this item until the sewer service is determined. Aid. Patterson withdrew his motion and Aid. Madden withdrew her second to the motion. Aid. Patterson moved to defer. Aid. Madden seconded. Motion carried 3-0. Brian Kramer, W188 S10751 Muskego Dam Road — Stated he is concerned with additional shallow private wells affecting his existing well. SUBDIVIDER'S EXHIBITS - Woodland Creek Subdivision — Director McMullen stated the plans meet the City's minimum standards. However, they must come back to the Committee due to an issue with the force main in Racine. There have been several force main breaks in Racine Ave from Woods Road north. The City will pay the oversizing costs for 4" force main. The City will also pay the oversizing costs for 8" to 16" water main along Racine Ave; one year after the Developer's • Agreement is signed. Everything south of Woods Road will be paid 100% by the developer. Aid. Patterson moved to approve. Seconded by Aid. Madden. Motion carried 3-0. Public Utilities Committee Meeting — February 27, 2006 Page 5 REVIEW OF DEFERRED ASSESSMENTS/SEWER & WATER - None ACCEPTANCE OF IMPROVEMENTS — None COMMUICATIONS AND ANY OTHER BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW Ald. Schroeder requested moving the March meeting to March 27, 2006 at 7:00 PM. The Committee had no objections. ADJOURNMENT-- Aid. Madden moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:46 PM. Seconded by Aid. Patterson, motion carried 3-0. Re-spectfully submitted, Kellie Renk, Recording Secretary 0 I I F a KP `J i,S Yi t—A rM t: cam. S`T A C- CAA -KC k AA / ;d 5�A4-n,.,-!6 0 SG. --I c c *n !-✓p /i► c-4 /a"0e < /,Q cu