PUM20060116approved CITY OF MUSKEGO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of Meeting Held Monday January 16, 2006 Chairman Eric Schroeder called the meeting to order at 7:38 p.m. Also present were Committee members Pat Patterson and Eileen Madden, Utilities Superintendent Scott Kloskowski, Engineering Building Inspection Director Sean McMullen, City Administrator Jennifer Sheiffer, Ruekert-Mielke Representative Steve Schultz and those per the attached list. It was noted that the meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. Approval of minutes of special Public Utilities meeting held December 13, 2005 - Aid. Patterson moved to approve minutes of special Public Utilities meeting held December 13, 2005, seconded by Aid. Madden. Director McMullen noted that under New Business, Discuss WCA charges for the Moose Lodge, the motion was to return $1,320.00 to the Moose Lodge for WCA charges. Director McMullen clarified that the Moose Lodge had been billed, but had not actually paid the $1,320.00 so that the motion should state that the $1,320.00 has been forgiven. Aid. Madden moved to amend the minutes to indicate that the committee would forgive the $1,320.00 WCA charge. Seconded by Aid. Patterson. Motion carried 3-0. The minutes, as amended, carried 3-0. With no objection from the committee, Chairman Schroeder took items out of order to accommodate those present. Committee Deadlines — Staff has prepared a schedule for the Public Works/Utilities Committee submittal deadlines for 2006. Sean McMullen and Scott Kloskowski explained the need for deadlines for items being put on the agenda from developers, staff, and aldermen, as last minute additions do not give staff time to review and secure adequate information to present for committee approval. Staff ,vvill be putting a draft agenda together which will be emailed to the committee chairman the day after the submittal deadline. There may be a particular issue that needs immediate attention and requires amending the agenda, but not for issues that need staff review time. Aid. Madden moved to accept attached schedule. Seconded by Aid. Patterson, motion carried 3-0. Status of Proiects 0 Sewer Unfinished Business Public Utilities Committee Meeting — January 16, 2006 Page 2 • 1. Status of Forced Connection — Martin Drive — Sean McMullen explained that this is a carry-over from the November meeting. After the November meeting, Mayor and Sean met with the property owner to discuss the forced connection. The property owner indicated that he would contact various businesses to receive quotes for the connection and will respond to the City by January 31, 2006, giving a firm answer as to how he wishes to proceed. Aid. Madden moved to defer. Seconded by Aid. Patterson, motion carried 3-0. Sewer New Business 1. Request to amend the 208 Sanitary Sewer Service Area Map — Michael J. Losik, Losik Engineering Design Group, appeared before the committee on behalf of Paul J. Kolaga, who is petitioning to amend the existing 208 Sanitary Sewer Service Area Map to include Tax Key MSCK 2253.998 and 2253.998.003 on North Cape Road. Sean discussed the process to amend the 208 sewer service area. Discussion on the total process from start to finish from Common Council to MMSD approval. Ald. Schroeder indicated that the Council is very aware of growth and affect on the school system and, as a result, has been very cautious and values citizen input. Aid. Madden moved to direct staff to draft letter to SEWRPC to start process. Seconded by Aid. Patterson, motion carried 3-0. 2. Approval of VFD Replacement Scott Kloskowski explained that this is a • replacement of one of the three variable frequency drives for the Woods Road Lift Station. One was replaced last year, this one, and the third is scheduled for replacement for next year. This is a replacement fund item. Aid. Patterson moved to recommend approval of purchase and installation of one (1) new Power Flex 700 AC drive in the amount of $17,600. Seconded by Aid. Madden, motion carried 3-0. 3. Reauest to amend the 208 Sanitary Sewer Service Area Map — 2241.999 (Lakeview Estates) - Anthony Alesci, appeared before the Committee to review the extension request for the Stephaniak property. A portion of this property is in the sewer service area mar) and a portion is outside. Ald. Schroeder read the following paragraph from the Public Utilities Committee meeting of September 19, 2005: Request to amend sewer service area to include entire parcel MSKC 2241.999 (Lakeview Estates)— Superintendent Kloskowski explained this property is off Woods Road near Nature Estates. A portion of the property is already in the sewer service area. This area is proposed to be added in 2007as part of the 2020 Facility Plan. Ald. Patterson moved to deny the request to amend the sewer service area to include, 2241.999. Seconded by Ald. Madden. Motion carried 3-0. Ald. Schroeder requested discussing the MMSD 2020 Sewer Service Area Plan at the first Committee of the Whole Isafter the budget. Superintendent Kloskowski recommended inviting Bill Mielke for discussion. Public Utilities Committee Meeting — January 16, 2006 Page 3 • The committee reviewed the concept maps for the property. Aid. Madden moved to direct staff to draft letter to SEWRPC to start process. Seconded by Aid. Schroeder, motion carried 3-0. 4. Request to amend the 208 Sanitary Sewer Area Map — May Property. Mr. Jim Doering. Towne Realty, appeared before the Committee to discuss the parcel and the developer's intent for the property. Towne Realty is planning to purchase approximately 40 +/- acres to develop single -family lots outside of the floodplain (Durham and Priegel). The western property would stay out of the 208 sewer service area until 2008. Aid. Madden moved to direct staff to draft letter to SEWRPC to start process. Seconded by Aid. Patterson, motion carried 3-0. 5. Review MMSD and "town of Norwav Quarterly Billing — Aid. Patterson moved to approve payment of the 4t quarterly bills from MMSD and Town or Norway. Seconded by Aid. Madden, motion carried 3-0. 6. Review quotes for SCADA software - Scott Kloskowski explained that the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition system is moving from a telephone system to a radio system and this software is needed to accommodate the change. The committee reviewed the following proposals: • Holt Electric $ 1,757.11 Gsystems $15,970.00 IntelliSys Information Systems $ 5,890.00 $23,617.11 Aid. Patterson moved to approve expenditure of $23,617.11. Seconded by Aid. Madden, motion carried 3-0. Water Unfinished Business 1. Further discussion on Booster Station for Hillendale Drive Watermain After a brief discussion, it was determined that this item can be removed from the agenda as, upon further research, it was determined that there is no need for a booster station at this time and as development occurs, this item will be brought back to the committee. 2, Status of approval of 17th Amendment to WCA District (Racine/Hillendale) — As there are no plans to install a Booster Station for the Hillendale Drive Watermain, this item will be removed from the agenda until development occurs. 3. Establish policy on how to deal with private wells that are affected by • municipal wells. The last discussion on this item was held in November. Steve Schultz, Ruekert & Mielke, updated the committee on a draft policy that was submitted at the November, meeting that goes through what a private well guarantee would look like based upon a few of them in place in the State. He Public Utilities Committee Meeting — January 16, 2006 Page 4 noted that there are very few as this is not a State requirement. The draft is based on when a new well is being constructed, there is a certain amount of hydro -geological evaluation and modeling that needs to be done and submitted to the DNR. After receiving their approval, the information is refined for the City's Well Head Protection Plan by identifying a Potential Zone Of Impact associated with each well. That Potential Zone Of Impact is what is used for identifying the radius or area around the well that can potentially be affected by the well through pumping activity. The recommendation is that zone of impact be consistent with a 5 foot drawdown caused by the well with the well pumping non-stop for 30 days with no rain fall. As a protection for the City, the draft also includes a requirement for the property owner to provide information on the well as to how deep it is and what the water levels were when constructed as well as location of pump. If the property owner does not have this information available, it is his/her obligation to hire a well driller to provide this information. Steve Schultz is also recommending that currently there are temporary monitoring wells that are put in when drilling a new well and he feels that these wells should become permanent and not taken out. He feels that three monitoring wells would be sufficient spaced at 25 ft., 50 ft. and 100 ft. • He is also recommending a notification policy (timelines) and policy on how to handle claims of impact. Aid. Schroeder referred to the last page of the draft policy that listed four (4) "Additional Issues to consider for Well Guarantee Agreement". He stated that he had three (3) additional issues that he felt should be addressed, as follows: Under Section 4(a) -- Inspection of private well. Who is responsible to provide records to the program if they want to participate and who is responsible to pick up costs? Should the City then pay for testing if well is impaired by the municipal system? Aid. Schroeder feels this is a well guarantee program where a homeowner can choose to participate or not. Aid. Madden agrees that there should be a cap on any reimbursement if well is impacted. Aid. Schroeder requested Scott Kloskowski to secure a couple of quotes from local contractors for securing a well's depth, pump set and water elevation. 2. Under Section 6 — Claims of Impact. Aid. Schroeder emphasized that this is a plan for the future and is not at all indicative of claims they are currently handling. A discussion was held as to full cost or pro -ration for pump cost. Scott Kloskowski stated he felt it should be based on a standard of what the replacement should be, not what was originally in the • well and that information could be secured from well drillers. Pro -ration would be an entirely different issue. A suggestion would be to pick a timeframe as to age; always paying something but never the full cost. Aid. Public Utilities Committee Meeting — January 16, 2006 Page 5 • Schroeder requested Scott to also secure information on average life expectancy on pumps to provide to the committee for their next meeting. 3. Under Section 6. Should the city force homeowners to go to City water if the mains are a responsible distance from the home? Scott Kloskowski feels it should not say distance but should say adjacent to a watermain. Currently there is a policy whereby if the well tests unsafe, they are mandated to connect to municipal water. Scott suggested instead of replacing pump, put that money toward connecting to City water and waive WCA fees. Ald. Madden suggested a one-time replacement or City pays connection to municipal system. Scott also questioned what should be done to a well that is not adjacent to municipal well. A discussion was held on recapture payment policy. Staff was requested to come back to the next meeting with suggestions. The difference between deferred assessments and the recapture payment policy were discussed. Deferred assessments are only on vacant land. The committee determined that they include deferred assessment in the policy, as is, unless a different determination is made in the future Ald. Schroeder questioned if language should be added to amend this • voluntary agreement: and when? It was agreed that a request initiated by a property owner would be discussed with committee with committee recommendation and council action through acceptance of the minutes. Aid. Schroeder moved to defer. Seconded by Aid. Patterson, motion to defer carried 3-0. 4. Status of Bills from residents claimina damaae to their private wells (Well #9, 10 & 11) — Ald. Schroeder gave background on claims. Scott advised that the Engineering/Building Inspection Department sent out letters to property owners with outstanding claims requesting further information. The Committee addressed the following four properties: Crosby (S82 W 13175 Acker), Pallagi (S82 W 13061 Acker), Gehrke (W 133 S8124 Northview), and Wolwark (S81 W 13026 Hi View) — The committee reviewed email from Jolt Loughry, Ruekert & Mielke, dated January 9. 2006. stating that these four properties were affected by the drought this summer and not any were affected by the pumping done by the City. However, these people are within the Well 9 PZI and may be affected once Well 9 is up and running. Given the above information from the consultants, Aid. Schroeder moved to deny the four reimbursement requests. Seconded by Aid. Patterson, motion to deny carried 3-0. • Yager (S94 W14286 Groveway, Marcouiller (S94 \A/12560 Cottontail), Schweitzer (S94 W 142;>8 Groveway) and Teisl (S94 W 14276 Ryan Drive). These properties have limestone wells and are in the Well 10 PZI. These Public Utilities Committee Meeting — January 16, 2006 Page 6 • people were probably affected by the pumping of Well 10, combined with drought this summer. Aid. Patterson moved to reimbursement these four property owners. Seconded by Aid. Madden, motion carried 3-0. Aid. Patterson moved to reconsider motion, seconded by Aid. Madden, motion to reconsider carried 3-0. Aid. Patterson moved to reimburse these four property owners based on costs for non -code compliance items. Seconded by Aid. Madden, motion carried 3-0. Rick (W 145 S9587 Groveway). This well is located outside of Well 10 PZI, but is likely limestone and was probably affected by Well 10. Unfortunately, flow in the dolomite aquifer is difficult to characterize so the consultant's opinion is that it was affected by Well 10. Aid. Madden moved to reimburse this property owner based on costs for non -code compliance items. Seconded by Aid. Patterson, motion carried 34, Curran (W 139 S9290 Boxhorn). This well is located within the Well 10- PZI and was affected around the time that the problems were occurring from Well 10, but we do not have iinformation as to whether it is a limestone well. Aid. Madden moved to defer. Seconded by Aid. Patterson, motion carried 3- 0. Aid. Patterson requested Sean McMullen to send letter requesting information on this well as to depth, water level and pump setting. • Aid. Schroeder asked if any property owners in the audience have well concerns that have not been addressed. The following property owners indicated that they have submitted information and reimbursement requests: Theel (S82 W 12937 Acker Drive), Duff (S81 W12895 Hi View) and Aldridge (S82 W13271 Hi View). Aid. Schroeder advised that staff will research the status and if we are able to have results prior to the Common Council meeting of Tuesday, January 24, 2006, we will schedule a special meeting and if not, these reimbursement requests will be handled at the February Public Utilities Committee meeting. The committee adjourned for a break at 8:57 PM. The committee reconvened at 8:59 PM. 5. Review policy for watermain recapture rolls Aid. Patterson moved to defer. Seconded by Aid. Madden, motion carried 3-0. WATER NEW BUSINESS - 1. Murfield Village — Improvements and the affects to the surrounding areas — Sean McMullen advised that this item has been referred from the Plan Department. There are several items that had come up at a recent public hearing and the Plan Department is asking for any additional items that you would like to be addressed. 2. Jewell/Ryan Road Land Division — Determination of water service --Mr. John Jewell appeared before the committee for determination of water service for Public Utilities Committee Meeting — January 16, 2006 Page 7 these four (4) properties. Sean stated that his recommendation is to allow them to run an 8 inch watermain and to connect to the municipal system. The committee discussed the possibility of adding to the well guarantee program a policy to exclude wells drilled after 2006. It was clarified that the petitioner can come back to the committee when he has cost figures together and re -petition for individual wells. Aid. Patterson moved to require this property to connect to municipal water and installing an 8 inch watermain. Seconded by Aid. Madden, motion carried 3-0. 3. Discuss February meeting date — It was decided that the February meeting will be held on Monday, February 20, 2006 at 7:00 PM 4. Kenwood Place watermain over-sizinq reimbursement - Mr. Reno Berg appeared before the Committee. Sean McMullen explained that this is an oversize reimbursement for the Kenwood Estates Off -site watermain. These costs are reimbursed upon successful completion of the installations, through a recapture agreement, and any changes must be approved by the Public Utilities Committee and Common Council. Payments may not be made until at least 1-1- 2006 for budgeting reasons. It was clarified that the City accepts the watermain once water starts running through, but the developer maintains the warranty agreement for one year. Alld. Patterson moved to approve reimbursement of $132,948.38. Seconded by Aid. Madden, motion carried 3-0. • SUBDIVIDER'S EXHIBITS - None REVIEW OF DEFERRED ASSESSMENTS/SEWER & WATER - None ACCEPTANCE OF IMPROVEMENTS — None COMMUICATIONS AND ANY OTHER BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW None ADJOURNMENT — Aid. Patterson moved to adjourn the meeting at 10:29 PM. Seconded by Aid. Madden, motion carried 3-0., Respe tfully submitted, Kellie Renk, Transcribing Secretary 0