Minutes of Meeting Held Monday November 14, 2005
Chairman Eric Schroeder called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. Also present
were Committee members Pat Patterson, Utilities Superintendent Scott
Kloskowski, Engineering Building Inspection Director Sean McMullen, City
Administrator Jennifer Scheiffer, Ruekert-Mielke Representatives Steve Schultz
and Dr. John Jansen and those per the attached list. Ald. Eileen Madden was
It was noted that the meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting
Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
Approval of minutes of meeting held October 24, 2005 - Ald. Patterson
moved to approve the minutes of October 24, 2005. Seconded by Aid.
Schroeder. Motion carried 2-0. Director McMullen noted at the last meeting
the Committee did not take formal action on denying the last group of well claims.
is Final review of sewer utility 2006 budget — Superintendent Kloskowski explained
the MMSD capital charges do not affect the 2006 sewer budget that was
distributed at the October 24th meeting.
• Janesville Rd Box Culvert — Director McMullen stated plans have
been sent to MMSD and the DNR for approval. The City is working
with the County to acquire a permanent easement through a quit
claim deed. The City has applied for the Chapter 30 permit also.
Director McMullen noted the County is paying for 100% of the box
culvert and the City is paying for the utilities to be relocated. The
project is scheduled for September 2006. Ald. Schroeder asked if
this could be done at the same time as the Janesville Road
Reconstruction project. Director McMullen will make that request to
the County.
• Stoneridge ground water remediation — Superintendent Kloskowski
stated the monitoring wells were installed last week. There will be
an amendment to the agreement to include one additional well site.
Director McMullen stated the City should have the data after the
first of the year.
• • Well #9 — Director McMullen will draft a letter to the contractor
requesting a response to a previous letter sent by the City.
Public Utilities Committee Meeting — November 14, 2005 Page 2
• Woods Road/Sandy Beach force main relay project —
Superintendent Kloskowski stated project is almost complete.
Contractors will be paving the driveway.
• Well #13 — Plans were submitted to the DNR for approval. Mr.
Schultz recommended holding off on the bidding process until all
approvals are received.
• Lake Lore Tudor Oaks- Design cost numbers for the water main
and abandonment are being revised.
• Water Facilities Plan — Mr. Schultz reviewed with the Committee
the draft summary of the Water Supply Study. The draft summary
shows under different supply scenarios when new wells and
storage would need to be constructed.
Discuss no fault back up insurance — Superintendent Kloskowski explained the
City has been carrying no fault back up insurance since 2002. The no-fault -
• insurance is to cover back-ups that are not the fault of something the Utility did,
such as an intense storm event. We have liability coverage for problems we may
cause. Superintendent Kloskowski noted the McShane storage facility was built
to alleviate the problems of the sewer backing up from large rain events, and the
Woods Road Force Main relay was added to handle moving large amounts of
water to the storage facility. In 2002 the rate was $4,250.00 and in 2006 the rate
will be $20,725.00. Another option would be to put the money used to pay the
insurance each year in a reserve account and hold it in case there would be
claims. Ald. Schroeder suggested raising the deductible and putting the
remaining money into a reserve account until the account is built up. Staff will
research. Aid. Patterson moved to defer. Seconded by Aid. Schroeder.
Motion carried 2-0.
Status of forced connection — Martin Drive — Director McMullen explained the
Schultz's property on Martin Drive is required to connect to municipal sewer. Mr.
Schultz contacted the City and stated he has a financial hardship is an unable to
pay to have the sewer connected. According to the City's policy there is the
option to pay the charges in five equal annual installments at 9% interest.
Director McMullen will send the property owner a letter explaining the City will do
the work to acquire the necessary easement and will solicit bids to do the work.
If the property owner then decides to have his own contractor do the work, he will
be required to pay the City's charges for time already put into the project, not to
• exceed $1500.
Annual review of sewer usage charges — hardship status for 2005- The
Committee reviewed the memo from the Utility Clerk explaining the hardship
Public Utilities Committee Meeting — November 14, 2005 Page 3
. status for the sewer usage charges in 2005. Aid. Patterson moved to approve.
Seconded by Aid. Schroeder. Motion carried 2-0.
Further discussion on Booster Station for Hillendale Drive Watermain — Mr
Schultz presented two alternatives for the boosted zone. One, to construct a
booster station near the bottom of the hill on Racine Ave. The other, to construct
a water main to the existing boosted zone to make use of the existing booster
station on Hillendale Dr. Some upgrades to that station may be needed. This
would then allow the Racine Ave station to be put in at a future date. Both
stations will eventually be needed. Director McMullen noted he will be meeting
with the developer of the movie theater site and the land around it. Ald.
Schroeder suggested waiting to see what the developer of the movie theater site
will need as far as water main and booster station and what they would be
required to pay for. Aid. Patterson moved to defer. Seconded by Aid.
Schroeder. Motion carried 2-0.
Status of 17t" Amendment to WCA District (Racine/Hillendale) — Aid. Patterson
moved to defer. Seconded by Aid. Schroeder. Motion carried 2-0.
Establish policy on how to deal with private wells that are affected by municipal
• wells — Ald. Schroeder recommended waiting for Ald. Madden to make a decision
on the policy. Aid. Patterson moved to defer. Seconded by Aid. Schroeder.
Motion carried 2-0.
Status of bills from residents claiming damage to their private wells (Well 9,10 &
11 - Director McMullen explained he has only received two responses to the
letters sent requesting more information. Director McMullen requested more
David Lesher, W 152 S9901 Thode Dr —Mr. Lesher suggested the City notify the
residents when there will be a drawdown and maybe the private wells will choose
not to do watering on those days. Aid. Patterson moved to defer. Seconded
by Aid. Schroeder. Motion carried 2-0.
December meeting dates — Unless something pressing comes up, the Committee
will not meet until the Td Monday in January at 7:00 PM.
Review policy for water main recapture rolls —Director McMullen explained after
the final roll is submitted to the property owners a change to the recapture roll
can not be made without going to Committee and Council. Director McMullen
noted if an amendment is made prior to closing, the recapture roll will come back
to the Committee for approval. Aid. Patterson moved to defer. Seconded by
Aid. Schroeder. Motion carried 2-0.
Public Utilities Committee Meeting — November 14, 2005 Page 4
Aid. Patterson moved to adjourn at 9:20 PM. Seconded by Aid. Schroeder
motion carried 2-0.
Res tfully submitted,
Kellie Renk,
Recording Secretary