Minutes of Meeting Held Monday August 22, 2005
Chairman Eric Schroeder called the meeting to order at 5:05 p.m. Also present
were Committee members Pat Patterson, Eileen Madden, Utilities
Superintendent Scott Kloskowski, Ruekert-Mielke Representative Steve Schultz
and those per the attached list.
It was noted that the meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting
Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
Aid. Patterson moved to approve minutes of July 18, 2005. Seconded by
Aid. Madden. Motion carried 3-0.
• Janesville Rd Box Culvert - no discussion.
• Stoneridge ground water remediation - no discussion.
• Lakewood Meadows/Acquisition - no discussion.
• Well #9 - no discussion.
• Kenwood Estates Water Project - no discussion.
• Woods Road/ Sandy Beach Force Main Relay Project - no
Status of notifications for proposed Taxing Districts/MMSD/Norway Capital
Charges - Ald. Schroeder pointed out an error in the handout from Ruekert-
Mielke. On table 5 the Federal Tax Benefit is not subtracted out of the Town of
Norway columns. Ald. Schroeder noted the Public Hearings scheduled for
September 1st. The Town of Norway hearing will be at 6:00 and the MMSD
hearing will be at 8:00 in the PAC of the Muskego High School.
• Review of Town of Norway quarterly billing -_The Committee reviewed the
charges. Superintendent Kloskowski reported the bill has been paid.
Public Utilities Committee Meeting — August 22, 2005 Page 2
Discuss no fault back up insurance — no discussion.
Review deadline to connect — Martin Drive — No discussion
Further discussion on Booster Station for Hillendale Drive Watermain — No
Status of Acquisition of Lake Lore (Tudor Oaks) Water Trust — Nothing new to
Status of 17th Amendment to WCA District (Racine/Hillendale) — No discussion.
Status of possible connection to municipal water for Pioneer Court — No
Establish policy on how to deal with private wells that are affected by municipal
wells — Discussed under the next item.
• Review bills from residents claiming damage to their private wells (Well 9, 10 and
11) — Steve Schultz reviewed with the Committee the results from the data and
test pumping that was completed. The information corresponds to a color -coded
Well 9 Hi -View and Durham
In June 2005, five problems shown in �ellow were reported while Well 9 was
being developed and pumped. July 8t 2005, the last testing was completed and
there was no additional water pumped since that time. On August 8-12, 2005,
nine additional problems shown in orange were reported. The well logs for those
residences show that the wells are shallow wells. In conclusion the areas in
yellow were affected while Well 9 was being developed. The homes in orange
reporting problems in August could not have been affected by Well 9 as it was
not being pumped at that time. Mr. Schultz added water levels have dropped 15
feet in this area from April to August this year and regionally water levels are
down. Three main reasons for problems are! wells are higher in the aquifer, the
pumps are set too high and dry conditions. Ald. Schroeder questioned if the
wells in the orange areas along Hi -View and Durham could have been affected
by Wells 10. Mr. Schultz explained the two areas are in different aquifers and
there is probably not an interconnection between the two.
• Ken Sweeny, St. Martins, WI — Mr. Sweeny stated he worked on many of the
wells that had problems. The static levels did come up before the trains came.
Thinks the well problems are connected to the municipal wells. Problems on Hi-
Public Utilities Committee Meeting — August 22, 2005 Page 3
is View and Acker did not show up until 3-4 days after the City pumped. Believes it
takes a while to see the affect.
Mr. Schultz stated he does not have the elevations but feels the distance of
12,000-15,000 feet from Well 10 to this area is too far away to see any affects.
Burt Duff, S81 W 12895 Hi -View Drive — Spoke to 11 other families on Hi -View
who wells also went dry. Mr. Duff stated he was out of town when the City was
doing the pumping. He came back on Monday and he noticed problems with the
well. Wednesday he called Sweeney to add another length. Pump was 3-ft off
the bottom of the well, and by the time they put the pump back in the well it was
completely dry. By Sunday the well had water again. Mr. Duff stated from the
information he received from Superintendent: Kloskowski the wells at Champions
Village were being pumped at 8 times the normal rate. Mr. Duff stated he will
need a new well and it will be costly.
Dolma Pauagi, S82 W13061 Acker Drive. — Ms. Pauagi explained she has lived
in Muskego for 43 years and has had a large family, a large garden, a pool and a
yard that has required water, which has not dried out her well. In 1988 there was
a dry summer and the wells did not go dry. Ms. Pauagi feels the well problems
are related to the City wells.
• Tim Reick, W 125 S8284 Country View Ct — Mr. Reick stated his pump is 3-ft off
the bottom of the well and is concerned that when the City starts using Well 9 he
will have to drill a new well and asked who is going to pay for that.
Adam Rusdahl, W135 S8266 Durham Drive — Mr. Rusdahl stated he was on
vacation and when he came home there was no water. After he had the well
fixed he was told the water would have come back. Mr. Rusdahl questioned how
he would have known if/when the water would have come back.
Aid Patterson suggested using the wells in the orange area as monitoring wells
and run the test on Well 10 again to see if the wells are being affected.
Aid. Madden is concerned with running the test again and possibly damaging the
pumps or drying out the wells again.
Mr. Schultz explained there is a study that could be done by checking the water
quality of Well 9 and Wells 10 and 11 to see if they are interconnected. Mr.
Schultz noted this study could be inconclusive.
Aid. Schroeder stated by next months meeting the following will be done for
Group 1:
• - Scott will have a copy of all the invoices submitted for the
area north of Well 9.
- Mr. Schultz will check the water quality of Well 9 vs. Well 10
and 11.
Public Utilities Committee Meeting — August 22, 2005 Page 4
• - Possible discussion at next months meeting on test pumping
Well 10 a second time
Well 10 & 11 Boxhorn Area and Champions Village
Mr. Schultz explained the pumps in this area are set deeper than the ones near
Well 9. The aquifer reacts differently in this area. While the City wells were run
for 24 hours continually three wells were being monitored during this test pump.
The Brown resident on Ryan and North Cape was one of the monitoring wells.
Once the City wells were turned on, the water level of the monitoring well
dropped. Once the City wells were shut off the monitoring well recovered within
5 feet. The test also shows that someone else was affecting the well along with
the City's well. The Slak well was affected in a similar way when the City began
pumping, the water level was lowered and once the pumping was shut off the
water came back quickly. The report also showed that another well had been
affecting it during the test. Mr. Schultz also explained the results on the Lesher
well on Thode Dr. The well was affected prior to the test pumps and recovered
before the test pumps were turned off. It dropped again after the test pumps
were turned off. Mr. Schultz stated the wells on Boxhorn and Loomis were
affected by the City Wells 10 & 11, but the Lesher well on Thode Dr. could not
have been affected.
• David Lesher, W152 S9901 Thode Dr — Mr. ILesher wanted to confirm testing on
Well 10 for bacteria, on order from the DNR, which allowed the wells to run for 72
hours. Mr. Lesher stated the golf course and sod farm are on a different bed of
water at 1000 feet. Mr. Lesher confirmed with golf course that the City required
them to go down to lower bed of water. Mr. ILesher noted his pump was 5 feet
out of the water within 2-3 hours.
Mr. Schultz explained the golf course well is at 300 feet and there are no logs for
the sod farm.
Dick Obermann, W 151 S9940 Thode Dr — Asked if there could be a stream
coming from Well 10 and 11 to Thode Drive.
Judy Lessig, W 126 S9331 North Cape Rd —Asked why she was never notified of
the pumping the City was doing and had to find out from the neighbors. Asked
why the wells were being chlorinated.
Superintendent Kloskowski explained the flushing was done in early July for four
hours to bring the chlorine levels up.
Russ Stinebaugh, W 152 S9832 Thode Drivel — Mr. Stinebaugh explained he has
a 300 ft well. The pump was at 90 ft when it went dry and was lowered to 140 ft
• and is currently spitting air. Mr. Sweeney explained there could be something
wrong with the pump.
Public Utilities Committee Meeting — August 22, 2005 Page 5
• Tim Kamentz, W 126 S9555 North Cape Rd - Questioned if the City took into
consideration the drought before they test pumped.
Superintendent Kloskowski explained they were testing to see if the City caused
the problems people were having with their wells.
Liz Lesher, W 152 S9901 Thode Dr — Spoke with the Drinking Water Engineer at
the DNR who confirmed that in situations of bacteria it must be brought to the
resident's attention.
Mr. Kloskowski explained the flushing was done in June due to bacteria, and the
test pumping was done in July and August. A notification was issued through the
newspaper within 30 days of the bacteria flushing. Notices would have only been
issued to residents on Municipal Water only.
Mrs. Lesher requested to be a representative for Thode Drive for any well -related
Everett Ison, S94 W 13628 Ryan Dr — Questioned changes in the water table with
new homes being built. Mr. Schultz explained any time a new well is installed it
could change the water table.
• Sue Rutkowski, S94 W12702 Ryan Rd — Questioned why she was not notified.
Superintendent Kloskowski explained the only people who were notified were the
ones who the City had an invoice or information from by last week.
Ald. Schroeder stated by next months meeting the following will be done for
Group 2:
- Receive results from Well 9 and water quality tests
- Scott will have a copy of all the invoices related to Wells
- Possible discussion at next months meeting on monitoring
Wells 10 &11 and the affect to Thode Dr.
Ald. Schroeder also stated there is some City responsibility in the Boxhorn, Ryan,
Loomis and North Cape areas. A policy will be put in place to handle all issues
at once.
Discuss 15t" Amended WCA District — No discussion
Discuss community wells and private wells impact on new development — Mr.
Szore questioned the water rates and method of charging. Mr. Szore stated he
is concerned with new developments with deeper pipes drying out older homes.
Mr. Szore would like to see a plan in place to address this. Mr. Schultz explained
SEWRPC will be doing a study of the seven counties regional water supply. Mr.
Public Utilities Committee Meeting - August 22, 2005 Page 6
• Szore questioned why the water is charged on a declining rate structure and why
the City doesn't raise the water usage fee. Mr. Schultz explained the rates are
set by the PSC and the City must apply for an increase and have justification for
it. Superintendent Kloskowski added the private water trusts all set: their own
Janesville Road water service - TID #9 - Wayne Salentine was present to
request two water laterals for S67 W14709 and S67 W14780 Janesville Road.
Mr. Salentine explained they were not installed when the County re -constructed
Janesville Road. By the next meeting Ald. Schroeder would like the answers to
the following questions:
- Balance left in the TID account
- Unpaid invoices from now through December
- Why water laterals were not offered for these two lots by the
Aid. Madden moved to defer. Seconded by Aid. Patterson. Motion carried
Copper Oaks - Will be discussed at a special Utilities meeting prior to the
Common Council meeting on September 13t" at 6:45 pm.
• Lembezeder Court - Will be discussed at a special Utilities meeting prior to
Common Council meeting on September 13t'' at 6:45 pm.
Aid. Patterson moved to adjourn at 7:00 PM. Seconded by Aid. Madden,
motion carried 3-0.
Respectfully submitted,
Kellie Renk,
Recording Secretary
08/23/2005 13:55 2626794151 MUSKEG0 DPW
• August 20, 2005
City of Muskego,
V; RI�511
116 .' ACC_ U /6-
�! S 7ryC ff 7-3 rU
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On August our well went dry causing our, pump to burn out. I had to drive back
from Madison. and lose a days pay so I could make arrangements to get it fixed. I called
and spoke to someone at the Dept. of Public Works who told me to contact Sweeney,
which I did. The pump had to be lowered from approx. 85-90 feet to 140 ft. at a cost of
$1,200.00. Sweeney submitted that bill to you. (Per the city) and I thought that would be
it. After I ran the garden hose for 3 hours as instructed by Sweeney I started to run the
water in the house, all screens were removed. Alter approx.1/2 hour my tollet tank was
filled with silt, the diverter valve in the shower was plugged and the tub had approx % of
an inch of silt in it. But what really irritates me is that the 2-week old hot water tank is
not working correctly. I bled the tank and the same stuff that was in the toilet and tub
came pouring out. Now I have to crank the hot water beater to high just to get warm
water. The pressure tank was recharged at the time the pump was changed; we now have
extremely low water pressure. The City of Muskego decided to pump the well on
Durham for 24hours as a worse case scenario, and I guess that happened. I feel that
because of the city's decision you, the city, are also responsible for the effects on my
house. I am requesting full reimbursement for all damage occurred, pump, toilet, shower
• and hot water tank to be paid by the city of :Muskego for the poor decision you made.
This letter is in lieu of an appearance at the meeting on Monday, August 2;2"d, 2005 as I
am presently in Madison. I do however expect a timely answer to this problem, as it was
You, the city and not me that caused these problems.
Donald L. Miller
W 126 S9349 N. Cape Rd,
Muskego, WI 53150
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