Minutes of Meeting Held Monday July 18, 2005
Chairman Eric Schroeder called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. Also present
were Committee members Pat Patterson, Eileen Madden, Utilities
Superintendent Scott Kloskowski, Engineering/Building Inspection Director Sean
McMullen, Ruekert-Mielke Representative Steve Schultz and those per the
attached list.
It was noted that the meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting
Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
Aid. Patterson moved to approve minutes of June 20, 2005. Seconded by
Aid. Madden. Motion carried 3-0.
• Janesville Rd Box Culvert — Rescheduled for 2006.
• Stoneridge ground water remediation — nothing new to report
• Lakewood Meadows/Acquisition — waiting for the quit claim deeds
from Attorney Schober. Once those come back, the 30-day notices
will be sent out to the Lakewood water trust users, giving them 30
days to object. After that the City will own the systern.
• Well #9 — After the test pumping the well is currently pumping 600
gallons/minute. The contractor still owes the City a video of the
well. Staff will be discussing payment to the contractor.
• Kenwood Estates Water Project — Restoration remaining.
• Woods Road/ Sandy Beach Force Main Relay Project —Contract A
— substantial completion was issued July 11th. Restoration and well
abandonment issues being worked on. Notified the Contractor for
Contract B they can begin on the lift station.
Status of notifications for proposed Taxing Districts/MMSD/Norway Capital
Charges — Director McMullen notified the Committee he received confirmation
Public Utilities Committee Meeting — June 18, 2005 Page 2
• from the High School the PAC is available for the public hearings on September
1st. The Town of Norway will be scheduled lfor 6:00 PM and MMSD for 8:00 PM.
Director McMullen noted he is working with the Clerk on the final notices and
publications for the last week in July or the first week in August. Director
McMullen will get the final version of the rate scenarios to the Committee
members by next week Friday.
Review of Town of Norway quarterly billing -=Information not available yet.
Review of MMSD quarterly billing — The Committee reviewed the April -June
2005, MMSD charges. There were no questions or issues.
Sewer System Facility billing — Director McMullen explained the sewer system
facility study is necessary to determine what will be needed to service the
community in the future. Director McMullen noted this study would work well with
the water study Ruekert-Mielke is already doing. Aid. Patterson moved to
authorize Ruekert-Mielke to do the Sewer System Facility study not to
exceed $150,000 in accordance with the letter dated July 11, 21005. Aid.
Madden seconded. Motion carried 3-0. The Committee discussed starting the
study prior to January 1, 2006. Ruekert-Mielke will defer billing until January 1,
• 2006, and Director McMullen will give the Committee a monthly billing report of
the deferred charges for the sewer system facility study.
Further discussion on Booster Station for Hillendale Drive Watermain — Mr.
Schultz explained to the Committee a study was completed on what size booster
station would be needed for the future. The numbers are based on the current
zoning maps, not including R-zoning. Mr. Schultz further explained the area will
require 430 gallons/minute making an above ground booster station similar to the
existing one on Hillendale necessary. Mr. Schultz will determine what the
minimum site dimension will be for the next meeting. Aid. Patterson moved to
defer. Seconded by Aid. Madden. Motion carried 3-0.
Status of Acquisition of Lake Lore (Tudor Oaks) Water Trust — Director
McMullen, Attorney Molter and Attorney Richardson, the Attorney for the water
trust, met. The 12" water main project will be public bid and unit assessed. The
wells will be abandoned as part of the unit assessment. Attorney Fichardson
was given a task list of items that needed to be cleared up, which could take 60-
90 days.
Status of 17th Amendment to WCA District (Racine/Hillendale)-Aid. Patterson
• moved to defer based on the booster station. Seconded by Aid. Madden.
Motion carried 3-0.
Public Utilities Committee Meeting — June 18, 2005 Page 3
• Status of possible connection to municipal water for Pioneer Court — Director
McMullen explained there are 516-520 feet of water main needed to connect
Pioneer Court to the municipal system. With open cuts and restoration the
project will cost about $65,000-$70,000. Aid. Patterson moved to defer.
Seconded by Aid. Madden. Motion carried 3-0.
Establish policy on how to deal with private wells that are affected by municipal
wells - The Committee discussed creating a policy for determining if a municipal
well has affected a private well. Research would need to be done on the existing
municipal wells to determine the radius around the well that could affect private
wells. Mr. Schultz handed out a draft copy of what another municipality has
created. Mr. Schultz recommended the City Attorney review the document. Aid.
Patterson moved to defer. Seconded by Aid. Madden. Motion carried 3-0.
Review bills from residents claiming damage to their private wells (Well 9.10 and
11) - The Committee discussed the list of claims for damage to wellls in the area
of Well 9,10 and 11. Mr. Schultz explained research should be done to
determine if the municipal wells were in fact affecting the nearby private wells or
if other factors could be affecting the wells such as the lack of rain or old or worn
parts on the private wells. To do research on the wells, equipment would be
• dropped into the private well and monitoring wells will be installed in three
locations around the municipal wells 10 and 11. Monitoring wells would not be
needed for Well 9 because it is in construction, the City has the information
already. To do the testing, the wells will need to be run for three days, one day
with well 10, one day with well 11 and one day with both wells running. Director
McMullen estimated the cost for Ruekert and Mielke to do the study to be about
$4500-$6000. The residents on Thode stated their wells went dry on June 25th
after the City flushed the mains. One resident stated his quality of water has
changed since the water mains were flushed. Ald. Schroeder was concerned
with the dates of two of the well's damage being two weeks prior to the others.
Aid. Patterson moved to defer for time to research the cause of the private
well damage. Seconded by Aid. Madden. Motion carried 3-0. Agendas will
be sent to the property owners with claims.
Weatherwood Court — Director McMullen explained this is a 20 lot subdivision
located across from Prairie Meadows on Ryan Road. The plans meet all the
City's requirements. In the developer's deposit they are depositing $5500 for the
two impellor upgrades. Aid. Madden moved to approve the sanitary sewer
and water main extensions for Weatherwood Court subdivision. Seconded
by Aid. Patterson. Aid. Schroeder abstained. Motion carried 2-0 with 1
• abstention
Public Utilities Committee Meeting — June 13, 2005 Page 4
• The Nursery —Director McMullen noted the one change to the current plans for
the Nursery subdivision is a grinder stub for the existing home will be between
lots 2 and 3. Director McMullen noted the plans meet the City's requirements.
Aid. Patterson moved to approve utility plans for the Nurserysubdivision.
Seconded by Aid. Madden. Motion carried 3-0.
Superintendent Kloskowski stated if the dryweather continues there made need
to be a voluntary or involuntary water restrictions.
Aid. Patterson moved to adjourn at 9:10 PM. Seconded by Aid. Madden,
motion carried 3-0.
Respectfully submitted,
• Kellie Renk,
Recording Secretary
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