Minutes of Meeting Held Monday June 20, 2005
Chairman Eric Schroeder called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. ,Also present
were Committee members Pat Patterson, Utilities Superintendent Scott
Kloskowski and Engineering/Building Inspection Director Sean McMullen. Eileen
Madden was excused.
It was noted that the meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting
Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
Aid. Patterson moved to approve minutes of May 16, 2005. Seconded by
Aid. Schroeder. Motion carried 2-0.
• Janesville Rd Box Culvert — There is a staff meeting scheduled for
Wednesday with R/M representative and City staff regarding
revised location. A DNR permit has not been issued yet.
• Stoneridge ground water remediation — Well 7 has not been
affected. EPA may have lost funding. No final letter has been
received yet.
• Kenwood Estates Water Project — Water main up to Kenwood
Estates is in and internal work will begin soon.
• Woods Road/ Sandy Beach Force Main Relay Project — Force main
is 90% complete. Waiting for plug valve delivery. The pump station
preconstruction meeting has been held. Waiting for Equipment
delivery. Cannot begin until the force main is completed.
• Fireside Orchard — Punch list repairs completed.
• Northfield Green — On hold pending soils issues. The sewer and
water in the ground is operational.
Taxing Districts/MMSD/Norway Capital Charges — Ald. Schroeder Explained the
next step in this process would be to send to Council and, if approved, two
separate public hearings would be held. Superintendent Kloskowski noted if the
taxing districts are approved there would be another meeting to determine the
• rates. Aid. Schroeder moved to recommend to Council approval of the
taxing districts for MMSD and Town of Norway. Seconded by Aid.
Patterson. Motion carried 2-0.
Public Utilities Committee Meeting — June 20, 2005 Page 2
Review existing 208 Sewer Area and determination of MMSD 2010 boundary
changes — Director McMullen stated he has received two requests for
amendments to the Sewer District. Staff will be meeting with the developer for
Golf View Estates on June 30th. The developer for the May property will be
submitting their request within two weeks. This item will be removed from future
Determination of water service for Valley ViEm Estates — Director McMullen
explained last week staff met with the developer for Valley View Estates and
members of the Marlan Meadows water trust. The water trust is not interested in
allowing Valley View Estates to connect to Marlan Meadows water trust. Aid.
Schroeder noted the Marian Meadows Articles of Incorporation states if the
developer of Marlan Meadows develops the property across from Marian
Meadows on the west side of Martin Drive, the additional capacity of Marian
Meadows will be used to connect the new development. Aid. Patterson moved
to allow Valley View Estates to develop with 20 private wells. Aid.
Schroeder seconded. Motion carried 2-0.
. Discuss Booster Station for Hillendale Drive Watermain — The committee
discussed the survey sent out to determine interest of connecting to municipal
water along Racine Ave and Hillendale Dr. Out of 74 parcels on the existing
water main 42 lots are in the boosted zone, 20 people said yes, they are
interested and 6 said no. The Committee discussed possible future development
and options for a booster pump and the costs. Aid. Patterson moved to defer.
Seconded by Aid. Schroeder. Motion carried 2-0.
Discuss Lake Lore (Tudor Oaks) Water Trust - Staff met with the Lake
Lore/Tudor Oaks water trust and they want to move ahead with connecting to the
Muskego water system. The water trust is hiring an attorney to clean up the legal
documents. The water trust will pay the cost of the 12" water main from Durham
Drive to their site. Each property will be assessed for the water main and
abandonment of the well. The City will forgive the WCA and finance the project,
but the water trust will give up any right to a recapture.
Approval of Lakewood Meadows Acquisition. — The legal documents have all
been cleared up with the title company. Aid. Patterson moved to recommend
to Council approval of the acquisition of -the Lakewood Meadows water
system. Seconded by Aid. Schroeder. Motion carried 2-0.
Public Utilities Committee Meeting — June 20, 2005 Page 3
Approve 17th Amendment to WCA District (Racine/Hillendale)- The! approval of
Ol this amendment may be subject to approval of the booster station for this area.
Aid. Patterson moved to defer. Seconded by Aid. Schroeder. Motion
carried 2-0.
Review possible service for Pioneer Center Director McMullen explained he
received a letter from the Pioneer Centre Homeowners Association inquiring on
costs associated with the City taking over the community well and connection to
the municipal system. The distance for the connection would be about 400-500
feet. Superintendent Kloskowski explained the DNR would probably not let the
City continue to use the well due to the proximity to the sanitary sewer. The
system was built in the 1970's. There would be 46 users who would need to
connect. Staff will check with the apartments to the north to get their interest on
connecting to municipal water, which would Ilower the cost for the Pioneer
Centre. Director McMullen will calculate the costs for the Pioneer Centre to see if
they will be interested in connecting.
Determination of water service — The Nursery Subdivision - Director McMullen
explained at past meetings Tudor Oaks/Lake; Lore water trust came before the
Committee inquiring on connecting to municipal water. The water trust has
decided to connect to Muskego municipal water. The developer of the Nursery
Subdivision is requesting private wells for the six -lot subdivision. Because of the
proposed subdivision's proximity to the water main the Committee must
determine if the subdivision should be developed on municipal water or private
wells. The preliminary plat has been approved. Mr. Schilling stated he has
people interested in two of the lots and is concerned about losing sales due to
price increase. The Committee discussed asking the potential buyers if they
would be interested in connecting to municipal water rather than a private well.
Superintendent Kloskowski noted the cost to, connect to water could be about the
same price as drilling a well. Aid. Patterson moved to allow the Nursery
Subdivision to develop on 6 private wells if the developer submits two pre -
sale contracts and at least one letter objecting to municipal water. Aid.
Schroeder seconded. Motion carried 2-0. The Committee agreed the City
would cover the cost of any agreements if the Nursery Subdivision were to hook
up to the existing private system of Tudor Oaks/Lake Lore Water Trust.
Well #9/Private Sewer & Water Agreement _Superintendent Kloskowski
explained the house next to Well 9 is currently on a septic system and private
well. Before the Well 9 site can be approved the septic system has to be
abandoned. During the test pumping of Well 9 the private well was affected.
Staff is recommending connecting this home to municipal sewer and water at the
City's cost. Aid. Patterson moved to approve the sewer and waiter
agreement. Aid. Schroeder seconded. Motion carried 2-0.
Public Utilities Committee Meeting — June 20, 2005 Page 4
Steve Schultz reported the contractor for Well 9 finished drilling the second well
and everything looked good. The pumping efficiency was at 90%. The
contractor will be doing the final test pump next week.
*Ald. Patterson moved to adjourn at 8:51 PM. Seconded by Aid. Schroeder,
motion carried 2-0.
Respectfully submitted,
0 Kellie Renk, Recording Secretary