PUM20050321Approved CITY OF MUSKEGO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of Meeting Held Monday March 21, 2005 Chairman Eric Schroeder called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. Also present were Committee members Pat Patterson, Utilities Superintendent Scott Kloskowski, Engineering/Building Inspection Director Sean McMullen and Ruekert & Mielke representative Steve Schultz. Ald. Melcher was excused. It was noted that the meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Aid. Patterson moved to approve minutes of February 21, 2005. Seconded by Aid. Schroeder, motion carried 2-0. STATUS OF PROJECTS • Janesville Road Box Culvert — The box culvert redesign is completed. The City will need to acquire a small easement from Thomas Jewelers. Director McMullen has met with the owner of Thomas Jewelers. The project will be bid in June. Construction will begin late August and the road should be open by November 15tn • Stoneridge Ground Water Remediation —Waiting for a response from the EPA. • Lakewood Meadows/Acquisition of Water System — Director McMullen will be meeting with Attorney Molter and Attorney Scholber of Lakewood Meadows to discuss issues with the title. • Champions Village Acquisition/Well Head Protection District — Public Hearing is scheduled for tomorrow. • CCV/Stonebridge Watermain Extension — Watermain is in use, restoration will be completed in spring. • Well #9 — The contractor abandoned the old well and re -drilled a new well 15 feet away. Staff is meeting with the contractor on Wednesday at 1:30pm. Public Utilities Committee Meeting — March 21, 2005 Page 2 • Kenwood Estates Water Project — Construction began February 28tn Moving forward. Proposed Development — Valley Sand and Gravel Site — Bill Carity was present and explained to the Committee in December he met with the City of New Berlin's CDA Committee. At that meeting they sent it on to Common Council, who directed the Mayor to begin negotiations on cost with the City of Muskego. Mr. Carity is now the owner of the Valley Sand and Gravel site and is continuing to operate as a gravel pit, but would like to develop into a business park. • Woods Road Force Main — Contracts sent out today. Preconstruction meetings have been scheduled. Contract A is scheduled for Monday March 28tn and Contract B is scheduled for Thursday April 7tn SEWER UNFINISHED BUSINESS Review of cost breakdown (2020 Facility Plan Muskego/Mill Valley Sand and Gravel — The Committee discussed the breakdown of charges for the Northwest • Study shared with New Berlin. New Berlin has reimbursed Muskego $6000. New Berlin has no outstanding charges. They will be billed $431.25 for December/January charges. The Committee also discussed the 2020 Facility Plan of which $14,000 was spent. Director McMullen explained Ruekert-Mielke invoices the City of Muskego and Muskego bills out Brookfield, Butler, Elm Grove, Mequon and Thiensville their share. This year New Berlin, Menomonee Falls and Germantown will be added. Taxing Districts/MMSD/Norway Capital Charges — Director McMullen reviewed with the Committee the alternatives that were put together by Ruekert-Mielke. Aid. Schroeder would like to see two more alternatives added. Director McMullen will email the Committee members by April 10tn with the new alternatives. SEWER NEW BUSINESS — Review RCA Charges for Moose Lodge tax key 2231.995 — Joseph Thibedeau and Mike Hilt were present to discuss RCA charges for the Moose Lodge. Mr. Thibedeau explained the building will be used as a private tavern and hall for members only. The building will not be open all the time. Superintendent Kloskowski recommended 1 REC for the bar and 1 REC for the hall. The building will be metered and reviewed once a year. The REC could be adjusted • depending on the usage. Aid. Patterson moved to assess the Moose Lodge 2 REC and review on a yearly basis. Seconded by Ald. Schroeder. Motion carried 2-0. Public Utilities Committee Meeting — March 21, 2005 Page 3 is Review Fitzpatrick sewer extension plans (Tess Corners) — Director McMullen explained Mr. Fitzpatrick is proposing to install a grinder system similar to the force main on Hillendale. The system meets all the minimum requirements. Mr. McMullen stated he would rather a system like this be installed rather than a mound system. Director McMullen stated sewer could be extended to service the existing home to the northwest should they want it. Aid. Patterson moved to approve the Fitzpatrick sewer extension plans with grinder system. Seconded by Aid. Schroeder. Motion carried 2-0. Review existina 208 Sewer Area and determination of MMSD 2010 bounda chances — Director McMullen explained with Heather's Way being added to the 2010 and the 208 MMSD has asked if the City wants to make a larger amendment and include the outlaying parcels in basin 1 and 2. This would include Ryan to Boxhorn, the May property, the Kolagal Property, areas of Priegel and 6 acres by Dumke Pond. Also included is the Racine Corridor from Henneberry and up, and the Woods Road corridor south of Janesville Road. By including these areas the City would be closer to using the allotted capacity under the 2010 Plan. Ald. Schroeder would like to discuss this issue at the April Committee of the Whole meeting. Aid. Patterson moved to send this item to the Committee of the Whole for discussion. Aid. Schroeder seconded. Motion carried 2-0. • WATER UNFINISHED BUSINESS Determination of water service for Valley View Estates — Glen Miller was present along with those per the attached list to discuss water service for the Valley View subdivision. Director McMullen gave some background information. Mr. McMullen explained the wells are already oversized to handle the additional connections. Mr. McMullen spoke to Roger Johnson who stated he would be willing to grant an easement for water utility, if the Board of Directors on the water trust agree. Mr. McMullen thought there were five members of the Board of Directors. Two members of the Board of Directors were present. The Committee directed Mr. Miller to discuss this issue with the members of the Board of Directors. The Committee agreed it would be better for Valley View to connect to the community system than to drill private wells. Alderman Schroeder stated if Mr. Miller has his research completed, a special Utilities meeting could be possible. Review of cost estimate for water facilities study — Superintendent Kloskowski stated there is $150,000 left in the well exploration account. Mr. Schultz and staff agreed well exploration has been completed. Aid. Patterson moved to approve the water facilities study not to exceed $34,800 and to be paid for with the well explorations funds. Seconded by Aid. Schroeder. Motion carried 2-0. WATER NEW BUSINESS Public Utilities Committee Meeting — March 21, 2005 Page 4 • Discuss Booster Station for Hillendale Drive watermain — Director McMullen explained there is an unexpected high demand for municipal water along Hillendale. Due to the elevation the pressure is not adequate to service the residents requesting municipal water without a booster station. The booster station would also service the movie theater property and the Valley Sand and Gravel site. Ald. Schroeder questioned if the developer of Kenwood Estates should have been required to install the booster station as part of the development. Director McMullen explained a booster station is not necessary to service the development. If a booster station is installed Ald. Schroeder requested documentation that the costs for the booster station will be reimbursed by the developer of the movie theater property and the City of New Berlin for Valley Sand and Gravel. Aid. Patterson moved to defer to next month's meeting. Seconded by Aid, Schroeder. Motion carried 2-0. DISCUSSION ON PROPOSED RESTRUCTURING OF SEWER DEBT — Nothing new to report. SUBDIVIDER'S EXHIBITS - None. • REVIEW OF DEFERRED ASSESSMENTS/SEWER & WATER - None ACCEPTANCE OF IMPROVEMENTS — None COMMUICATIONS AND ANY OTHER BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW — None ADJOURNMENT_— Aid. Patterson moved to adjourn at 9:50 PM. Seconded by Aid. Schroeder, motion carried 2-0. Respectfully submitted, Kellie Renk, Recording Secretary 0 t lJ c -c- i)J- 7/e t. vel 0 0