PUM20050221• Approved CITY OF MUSKEGO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of Meeting Held Monday February 21, 2005 Chairman Eric Schroeder called the meeting to order at 6:42 p.m. Also present were Committee members Pat Patterson, Bob Melcher, Utilities Superintendent Scott Kloskowski, Engineering/Building Inspection Director Sean McMullen and Ruekert & Mielke representative Rich Eberhardt. It was noted that the meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Aid. Melcher moved to approve minutes of January 17, 2005. Seconded by Aid. Patterson, motion carried 3-0. STATUS OF PROJECTS • Janesville Road Box Culvert— Still on schedule for this year, but will not occur before the Muskego Festival and Parade. • Stoneridge Ground Water Remediation — The EPA has the remediation group installing the test wells. • Lakewood Meadows/Acquisition of Water System — The City's Attorney is working with the Attorney of Lakewood Meadows tomorrow to clear up the last items. Acquisition of the water system could begin this summer. • Champions Village Acquisition/Well Head Protection District — The wellhead protection district will be going to Plan Commission the first meeting in March. • CCV/Stonebridge Watermain Extension — Watermain is in use, restoration will be completed in spring. • Well #9 — Staff has met with the contractor, Layne Northwest, three times since the last Utilities meeting. They have completed 4 borings to try and find the same properties in ground as the existing Well 9. They found one location, but Layne Northwest feels it to close to Well 9. John Jansen of Ruekert-Mielke feels there are steps they could take to protect Well 9 or things they could do to Public Utilities Committee Meeting — February 21, 2005 Page 2 . make Well 9 useable. Director McMullen sent an email to the Contractor last week asking them for a plan or the City will terminate the contract and hire another contractor to finish the well. Director McMullen has not had a response to his email yet. • Kenwood Estates Water Project — Contractors will be starting this week. SEWER UNFINISHED BUSINESS Further review for sewer service — Heather's Way — Director McMullen clarified for the Committee the only items that need to be approved or denied by the Utilities Committee is if there is adequate public facilities for the 30 acre parcel, and should the 30 acre parcel be included in the existing 208 Sewer Service Area. Director McMullen explained that should the Committee allow the Heather's Way parcel into the 208 Sewer Service Area the additional flow would create a bottleneck between manhole 5.39 — 5.36. The current flow in this trunk sewer performs as designed and has adequate capacity for the existing area. If the Committee includes the Heather's Way parcel into the 208 Area and allows connection to the 24" system, the sewer would need to be upgraded prior to a determination or concurrent with the determination of adequate public facility. The Committee discussed the funding mechanism to complete the 24" sewer . upgrades. The consensus of the Committee was should the developer of Heather's Way wish to connect to this sewer they would need to fund the design and construction of the sewer upgrades. The Committee also determined that once this parcel is included in the sewer service area they would be required to develop on municipal sanitary sewer. Aid. Patterson moved to recommend to Common Council to amend the 208 Sewer Service Area to include the Heather's Way parcel, approximately 30 acres. Further, recommend to Common Council upon approval or recommendation of any sewer extension that the Public Utilities Committee review and determine adequate public facility for the 30-acre parcel. Review of cost breakdown (2020 Facility Plan Muskego/Mill Valley Sand and Gravel — Director McMullen will have information in the Committee member's boxes tomorrow. Taxing Districts/MMSD/Norway Capital Charges - Ruekert-Mielke staff has not completed the report, but should have the information ready for next month's meeting. Status of claims of Lake Brittany Homeowners — Common Council will formally deny the water treatment claim at tomorrow's meeting. 0 SEWER NEW BUSINESS — Public Utilities Committee Meeting — February 21, 2005 Page 3 Determine on -site wastewater treatment system — S71 W13219 Tess Corners Drive (Anderson) — The property owner received an estimate of $32,400 to connect to municipal sewer and $17,000 to install a mound system. Superintendent Kloskowksi verified the cost with the sewer contractor. The distance to the lateral is 850', but it has to go around the gravel pit, which doubles the length of the lateral. Aid. Patterson moved to approve the installation of a mound system to service the house and garage on this property. Aid. Melcher seconded. Motion carried 3-0. WATER UNFINISHED BUSINESS Further discussion of requirement to take over Communitv Well system- The Committee discussed creating a policy for taking over community well systems and exchanging credit to the WCA charge for the system. The Committee determined it would be best to leave the policy open for negotiation and take each system on case -by -case basis. Aid. Patterson moved to evaluate future requests for the City to take over a community well system based on the value of the infrastructure assets. Aid. Melcher seconded. Motion carried 3-0. Status of Lake Lore — Tudor Oaks Community Well System Acquisition — A meeting with the Lake Lore/Tudor Oaks Water Trust representatives is scheduled . for tomorrow to discuss their options for water. The options they have are drilling new wells, connecting to Franklin's system and connecting to Muskego's system. Tudor Oaks is proposing a new addition that the current community well system will not be able to handle. By next months meeting there should be more information for the Committee. Determination of water service for Valley View Estates — Glen Miller and Don Miller were present to discuss water service for Valley View Estates. Municipal Well and Pump gave the Miller's an estimate of $350,000. This includes the well but not the water main system, which would be about $100,000 more. The Millers stated they spoke to the developer of Marlan Meadows and they are not interested in allowing Valley View to connect to their community water system. Ald. Schroeder stated he spoke to two people associated with Marlan Meadows who are interested in Valley View connecting to their system. Director McMullen will contact those people. Ald. Patterson would rather see Valley View connect to Marlan Meadows then have private wells, since municipal water is close to the area and the property to the northeast could be developing soon on municipal water. Aid. Patterson moved to defer to a special meeting no later than the 2"d Tuesday in March. Seconded by Aid. Melcher. Motion carried 3-0. Review of cost estimate for water facilities study — In a letter to the City, Ruekert- Mielke representative Steve Schultz gives a quote for the water facilities study . and report not to exceed $34,800. Staff will look at different accounts to determine how to fund this study. Public Utilities Committee Meeting — February 21, 2005 Page 4 0 WATER NEW BUSINESS DISCUSSION ON PROPOSED RESTRUCTURING OF SEWER DEBT — Nothing new to report. SUBDIVIDER'S EXHIBITS - None. REVIEW OF DEFERRED ASSESSMENTS/SEWER & WATER - None ACCEPTANCE OF IMPROVEMENTS — None COMMUICATIONS AND ANY OTHER BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW — None ADJOURNMENT: -- Aid. Melcher moved to adjourn at 8:39 PM. Seconded by Aid. Patterson, motion carried 3-0. Respectfully submitted, e kaf, Kellie Renk, Recording Secretary 0 PC, 10 / I c S 0 0