PUM20050117• Approved CITY OF MUSKEGO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of Meeting Held Monday January 17, 2005 Chairman Eric Schroeder called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Also present was Committee member Pat Patterson, Bob Melcher (6:55 PM), Utilities Superintendent Scott Kloskowski, Engineering/Building Inspection Director Sean McMullen and Ruekert & Mielke representatives Steve Schultz and Rich Eberhardt. It was noted that the meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Aid. Patterson moved to approve minutes of November 23, 2004. Seconded by Aid. Schroeder, motion carried 2-0. 0 STATUS OF PROJECTS • Janesville Road Box Culvert —Waukesha County met on November 30th. The project is planned for 2005. Final design should be completed by March 1st. • Stoneridge Ground Water Remediation — The City has requested EPA fund the on -site inspections for the installation of the monitoring wells. Waiting for a response from the EPA. • Lakewood Meadows/Acquisition of Water System - Waiting for Association to work out the legal issues they are having. • Champions Village Acquisition/Well Head Protection District - Acquisition is completed. The Well Head Protection District is going through the process with the Planning Department. Three properties still need meters installed. A letter was sent out advising a citation could be issued. • CCV/Stonebridge Watermain Extension — Watermain is in use, restoration will be completed in spring. • Well #9 — Staff met with the well contractor today. The contractor agreed, in writing, once the weather permits they will remobilize Public Utilities Committee Meeting — January 17, 2005 Page 2 and begin additional exploratory borings on the same site to find a similar setting to drill a second well. Kenwood Estates Water Project — Developer will be installing the watermain. SEWER UNFINISHED BUSINESS Further review for sewer service — Heather's Way -- Gene Kovacs, Tom Stang and Gayle Schmitt were present to discuss the sewer service for Heather's Way. Mr. Kovacs explained they are proposing a 46-lot subdivision zoned RS-3, 15,000-22,000 sq foot lots. Mr. Kovacs stated that he feels this is compatible with the existing areas. Ms. Schmitt stated she had met with Bob Biebel of SEWRPC today and stated SEWRPC supports the development being placed in the sewer service area. Director McMullen explained the City has issues with the capacity of the pipe servicing the proposed development of 46 lots. In 1996, Ruekert-Mielke did a sewer study on the 24" trunk to see the capacity of the system. The study showed a bottleneck in one area. At the time the current sewer system was installed, the Heather's Way development was not included in the system plan. The 46 proposed lots would increase the amount of flow to 1.14 CFS as compared to the .09 CFS for the 12-lot proposal. Director McMullen stated a solution would be for the developer to install a parallel 24" trunk sewer to bypass the bottleneck. Director McMullen will put together an estimate of the cost to install the 24" parallel trunk for the developer to decide if this is a feasible solution. Ms. Schmitt also requested an estimate for a lift station to service 46 lots. Aid. Schroeder moved to defer to next month's meeting. Seconded by Aid. Melcher. Motion carried 3-0. Status of sewer and water extensions -Mill VallevNallev Sand and Gravel — Aid. Schroeder questioned the charges for the study of the Mill Valley/Valley Sand and Gravel development. Aid. Schroeder was concerned with what portion of the Ruekert-Mielke bills are New Berlin's share. Superintendent Kloskowski explained there were a few studies done that may have been lumped into the NW Study. Aid. Schroeder requested staff to breakdown what has been spent on studies into the following areas: • 2020 Facility Plan • Muskego/ Mill Valley Sand and Gravel • New Berlin/ Mill Valley Sand and Gravel Aid. Schroeder would like this information at next months meeting. Aid. Patterson moved to direct staff to complete a breakdown as requested by Aid. Schroeder. Seconded by Aid. Melcher. Motion carried 3-0. 9 Public Utilities Committee Meeting - January 17, 2005 Page 3 SEWER NEW BUSINESS - Review fees for sewer cleaning and televising - The Committee reviewed the proposed rates for 2005 for the Camera Truck at $78.00/hr and the Vactor at $90.00/hr. Ald. Patterson moved to approve the rates as presented. Seconded by Aid. Melcher. Motion carried 3-0. Review quarterly bills from MMSD and Town of Norway - The Committee reviewed the fourth quarter rates from MMSD and Town of Norway. Ald. Schroeder discussed possible taxing districts for sewer charges. Director McMullen stated he has met with Mike Campbell and Bill Mielke of Ruekert- Mielke who have helped create taxing districts in other communities. Ald. Schroeder would like to see a proposal, now and after the 2020 plan, showing four districts: • Norway • MMSD • In District - not hooked up • Out of District - non -users Review bid summary for the Woods Road Relief Force Main and Sewage Pump Station upgrade and recommend Council approval of bid - Rich Eberhardt explained the contracts for the Woods Road Relief Force Main and Sewage Pump Station upgrade were bid as two contracts in one book. Contract A for the Forcemain includes connecting the pump station from Woods Road to McShane, pipes and connections. The low bidder for Contract A was Wanasek with a bid of $760,328.00. Contract B is for the pump station upgrade replacing valves and piping alterations. Mr. Eberhardt explained the low bidder missed some items and requested to withdraw the bid. Ruekert-Mielke representatives agree with the bidder that items were missed and are recommending not awarding the bid to the Contractor. The second high bidder was Faust with a bid of $432,505.00. Mr. Eberhardt recommends negotiating with the Contractor to cover the cost associated with the error caused by the Contractor. Aid. Patterson moved to direct staff to negotiate with the Contractor to cover the costs associated with the errors in bidding caused by the Contractor. Aid. Melcher seconded. Motion carried 3-0. Aid. Patterson moved to recommend to Council to award Contract A to the IS low bidder Wanasek with a bid of $760,328.00. Aid. Melcher seconded. Motion carried 3-0. Public Utilities Committee Meeting — January 17, 2005 Page 4 Aid. Patterson moved to recommend to Council to award Contract B to the second low bidder Faust with a bid of $432,505.00. Seconded by Aid. Melcher. Motion carried 3-0. WATER UNFINISHED BUSINESS Further discussion of requirement to take over Communitv Well system- The Committee discussed the analysis of community wells acquired by the City. Staff will have more information at the next meeting with a breakdown of the oversizing costs and value of the wells. The Committee would like to see a proposal from Ruekert-Mielke for a well acquisition study with a cost estimate and time frame. The Committee also discussed a 5-year capital budget to precede Utility Budget in September. Status of Lake Lore — Tudor Oaks Community Well System Acquisition — Superintendent Kloskowski explained a few months ago the Lake Lore and Tudor Oaks Association came to the City to inquire on hooking up to municipal water and the costs. They are having radium issues with one of the wells on the community system. Tudor Oaks is also in the preliminary development stages of a new development. The current system will not be able to handle the new development. The Association wants to connect to a municipal water system. They have also expressed interest in connecting to Franklin to get Lake Michigan water. The Association would need to come to Utilities Committee and then to Council for approval to connect to Franklin system or Muskego system. Ald. Schroeder would like this item on the agenda to track money spent on researching. WATER NEW BUSINESS Determination of Water Service for Valley View Estates — Director McMullen explained the property is located on southern section of the Martin property along Martin Drive. The developer is proposing 20 lots zoned RS-3, 15000-20000 sq ft lots. Currently there is no municipal water in his area. There is a private water trust nearby, however, they are not interested in servicing the 20 lots. Staff recommendation is to allow the 20 lots to develop on private wells. Ald. Patterson questioned if they should be required to put in a community well that could some day be taken over by the City. Another option could be for the developer to run watermain down Martin from Chamberlin Hill Subdivision. Director McMullen will contact the developer to discuss options. Aid. Patterson moved to defer. Seconded by Aid. Melcher. Motion carried 3-0. DISCUSSION ON PROPOSED RESTRUCTURING OF SEWER DEBT — Nothing new to report. Public Utilities Committee Meeting - January 17, 2005 Page 5 SUBDIVIDER'S EXHIBITS - None. REVIEW OF DEFERRED ASSESSMENTS/SEWER & WATER - None. ACCEPTANCE OF IMPROVEMENTS - None COMMUICATIONS AND ANY OTHER BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW - None. Aid. Patterson moved to adjourn at 9:10 PM. Seconded by Ald. Melcher, motion carried 3-0. Respectfully submitted, (6GV- Kellie Renk, Recording Secretary E 9 0 In SI1ce+ u JanucL j l/I 2005 A enda lkrn,