Minutes of Meeting Held Tuesday, November 23, 2004
Chairman Eric Schroeder called the meeting to order at 7:10 PM. Also present were
Committee member Aid. Pat Patterson as well as Engineer/Building Inspection Director
Sean McMullen. Aid. Melcher was excused.
Aid. Schroeder stated that the meeting was noticed in accordance with the Open
Meeting Law.
Aid. Patterson moved for approval of the minutes of the November 15, 2004
meeting. Aid. Schroeder seconded; motion carried.
Review Request for Sewer Service - Heather's Way
This item was deferred at the November 15 meeting. Mr. Tom Stang was present on
behalf of the developer. Mr. McMullen stated the preliminary plat for Heather's Way
was submitted to SEWRPC requesting that the 30.11-acre development be included in
the sewer service area. SEWRPC has submitted a memorandum (dated November 22,
• 2004) which states it will consider adding the parcel if the MMSD 2020 Facility Plan
guidelines are met.
The development proposes 12 single-family lots. Mr. McMullen stated it is his
recommendation that the property be added to the service area and the process for
inclusion continue. Discussion took place with Mr. Stang asking if more than 12
connections are possible if the parcel is included in the sewer service area. Mr.
McMullen indicated that SEWRPC was receptive to the inclusion of the property in the
service area because the density proposed was equal to the proposed 2020 Facility
Plan for this area. If the developer wants to increase the density, the process for
inclusion into the sewer district would have to start over. Aid. Schroeder stated his
constituents are not happy about development of 12 lots. At this time, he cannot
support any more than 12 and does not know if the Council would be receptive to a
zoning change. Aid. Schroeder wants the Public Utilities Committee to review this in the
future if additional connections are requested. Mr. McMullen said the 2020 Facilities
Plan depicts low density development for this area, thus the 12 lots as shown on the
preliminary plat. He further indicated to Mr. Stang that now that the process has started
to add the property in the sewer service area, mound systems would not be allowed.
Aid. Patterson moved to direct Mr. McMullen to continue the process to include
the Heather's Way development in the sewer service area for 12 connections and
• to schedule a public hearing before the Common Council to amend the 208 Plan.
Public Utilities Committee Meeting - November 23, 2004 Page 2
Direct City Engineers to Bid Woods Road Relief Force Main and Pump Station
Upgrade Project
Mr. McMullen stated this project was discussed at the November 15 meeting. He is
requesting the Committee direct him to begin the process to bid the project. Aid.
Patterson moved to approve. Aid. Schroeder seconded; motion carried.
Aid. Patterson moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:38 PM. Seconded by Aid.
Schroeder; motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
-'Jill Blenski
Recording Secretary