PUM20041115CITY OF MUSKEGO Approved
Minutes of Meeting Held Monday November 15, 2004
Chairman Eric Schroeder called the meeting to order at 6:54 p.m. Also present
was Committee member Pat Patterson, Utilities Superintendent Scott
Kloskowski, Engineering/Building Inspection Director Sean McMullen and
Ruekert & Mielke representative Rich Eberhardt. Ald. Bob Melcher was excused.
It was noted that the meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting
Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
Aid. Patterson moved to approve minutes of October 18, 2004. Seconded
by Aid. Schroeder, motion carried 2-0.
• Well #9 — Superintendent Kloskowski updated the Committee that
the contractor has requested to be allowed to go back on the site to
do a 48 hour pump test to look at the aquifer characteristics.
Ruekert-Mielke has concerns. Steve Schultz of Ruekert-Mielke will
be writing a letter giving them permission with restraints.
Further review of request to waive sewer/water connection — Milwaukee Mudd —
Jason Krason was present as a representative of Milwaukee Mudd. Director
McMullen informed the Committee in the packet is the legal opinion from
Attorney Molter which states: Section 21.05(3) as to sewer. This ordinance
states, in general and in part, that when municipal sewer is available, alternative
disposal systems are prohibited. If the Committee should decide to allow the
business/use the ordinance would have to be rewritten being specific to gallons,
but not specific to use.
Attorney Molter also states: Section 28.05(2) discusses mandatory water hook
ups and indicates they are necessary unless the property is served by a private
well which tests "safe". This property is not served by a private well and,
therefore, would be required to hook up to municipal water unless the ordinance
• is changed. The section would also need to be re -written if the Committee would
allow this use.
Public Utilities Committee Meeting — November 15, 2004 Page 2
• Director McMullen stated a code re -write would take about 6-8 weeks, including a
public hearing. Director McMullen stated this type of structure would be
considered a permanent structure.
The Committee agreed they are not in favor of changing the ordinance for one
specific issue/cause. Mr. Krason stated as technology changes, different types
of business should be considered. The company is committeed to developing
this business in Muskego and feels it would be beneficial to the Community.
Aid. Patterson moved to deny request to waive sewer/water connection for
Milwaukee Mudd. Seconded by Aid. Schroeder. Motion carried 2-0.
Determination of Sewer Service for Tax_Kev 2206.999 (Utility Suat.) -
Superintendent Kloskowski explained this property is in the middle of the sewer
service areas. A grinder pump could be installed between the two existing
structures. Woods road would not have to be dug up to make the connection as
there are four existing laterals at the entrance to the property. Aid. Patterson
moved to determine sewer service is available to 2206.999. Seconded by
Aid. Schroeder. Motion carried 2-0.
Review Woods Road Relief Force Main and Pump Station Upgrade - Mr.
• Eberhardt reviewed the plans for the Woods Road Relief Force Main and Pump
Station Upgrades with the Committee. Mr. Eberhardt explained the items being
proposed are the upgrades to the internal piping, connection from the Woods
Road pump station to the existing dry pipe and from the dry pipe up to the
McShane Inline Storage Facility. Two alternates are included in the plans, the
gravity extension of 24" on Bluhm Drive to the south side of McShane and 30"
forcemain connecting to the McShane pump station. Superintendent Kloskowski
recommended not to do the 24" gravity extension. Mr. Eberhardt stated now is a
good time to bid, contractors are looking for work. Superintendent Kloskowski
explained the risk to delaying the project is having another rainy spring and
backing up into basements. The Committee went on to other items on the
agenda and came back after the Sewer and Water Budget was discussed. Aid.
Patterson moved to recommend to Council approval of the Woods Road
Relief Force Main'and Pump Station Upgrade plans removing the 24"
gravity and 30" forcemain. Seconded by Aid. Schroeder. Motion carried 2-
Review Martin Drive sewer connections/Chamberlain Hill — There are four
properties on Martin Drive that have not connected to sewer that was made
available by Chamberlain Hill Subdivision. The Lindemann house will be razed
for the development of condos. The house at S69 W 16609 Martin Drive has a
quote and contract for the connection. Aid. Patterson moved to approve a
final nine month extension for sewer connection. Seconded by Aid.
Schroeder. Motion carried 2-0.
Public Utilities Committee Meeting — November 15, 2004 Page 3
• Review request for sewer service — Heather's Way — Director McMullen
explained this is the same request as from three months ago which was
withdrawn. There have been no changes. MMSD and SEWRPC are both in
favor of the inclusion of this piece of property in the sewer service area. MMSD
looked at the basin capacity and there is more than enough capacity for this
development. Director McMullen explained the process for SEWRPC to add a
parcel to the sewer service area. Staff and SEWRPC support adding this parcel
into the sewer service area. Aid. Patterson moved to recommend to Council
approval of including Heather's Way Subdivision into the sewer service
area. Motion died for lack of a second. Aid. Schroeder explained he couldn't
second because he does not have enough information on specific issues.
Superintendent Kloskowski explained staff was considering recommending to the
Committee forcing the subdivision to developing in the sewer service area since
SEWRPC had already started the process to include them. Aid. Schroeder
moved to defer to a special meeting prior to Council on Tuesday November
23, 2004, at 6:45 PM. Seconded by Aid. Patterson. Motion carried 2-0.
Director McMullen stated this item would not make the timeframe for SEWRPC's
December's quarterl meeting. This information would have had to be to
SEWRPC by the 15t of October. The next meeting will be in March. MMSD will
not review for at least 9 months. Director McMullen will get the minutes from the
August meeting and any minutes from 1997 related to this item to Aid. Schroeder
prior to the next meeting.
Status of negotiations with Kenwood Estates for water service — Wayne
Salentine and Ken Laschen were present to discuss Kenwood Estates. Director
McMullen presented the design plans for the off -site 16" transmission main that
will go from Lakewood Drive Racine Ave to the Laschen property being phase 1.
Phase 2 will go to Lakewood Meadows as a City project. The developer just
received the plans tonight and will be bidding out. Superintendent Kloskowski
explained the DNR would allow the temporary connection to Lakewood Meadows
and possibly without a time frame for permanent connection. Phase 2 could be a
project easy to assess to the residents who would like water in the area. Director
McMullen noted the City did not pay for the design of the plans and will only be
paying the oversizing costs: Ald. Patterson moved to approve the plans for
Kenwood Estates watermain extension Phase One. Seconded by Aid.
Schroeder. Motion carried 2-0. Mr. Salentine noted the plans will go out to bid
tomorrow and they should know if this project is feasible within 5 days.
Superintendent Kloskowski asked Mr. Salentine to get quotes on long and short
sided water service for residents.
Discussion of requirements to take over Community Well Systems —
Superintendent Kloskowski questioned if the Committee feels it is necessary to
Public Utilities Committee Meeting — November 15, 2004 Page 4
set a policy for requirements to take over a community well system in the future
related to WCA charges and the value of the system. Aid. Schroeder asked staff
to use Champions Village and Lakewood Meadows as examples of the value of
the systems and the possible WCA charges for discussion at the next meeting.
Director Dawn Gunderson, Phil Cosson of Ehlers and Associates and Mayor
Slocomb were present to discuss with the Committee the Water and Sewer
budgets. Ms. Gunderson answered questions related to the water budget from
Committee members. Ms. Gunderson stated the City should qualify for a
simplified rate case next year. Aid. Patterson moved to recommend to
Council approval of the water budget. Seconded by Aid. Schroeder.
Motion carried 2-0.
Ms. Gunderson reviewed the proposed sewer budget with three different rate
increase scenarios. Ms. Gunderson explained using a 20,33 and 40% increase
of rates; there will still be a loss in all 3 cases. Ms. Gunderson noted it is very
important to cover debt to keep a good bond rating with Moodys. Ms. Gunderson
is proposing a 33% increase and debt re -structuring. Mr. Cosson explained re-
structuring the debt by Advance Refunding, where the City will borrow money
and put in an escrow account to cover debt by wiping out the old debt and
creating new. Aid. Patterson moved to recommend to Council approval for
setting the sewer rates for 2005 at $4.93 per thousand gallons, connection
charge of $219.36 for an average resident charge of $554.88. Aid.
is Schroeder seconded. Motion carried 2-0.
Aid. Patterson moved to amend the sewer budget to remove the McShane
24" trunk. Seconded by Aid. Schroeder. Motion carried 2-0.
Aid. Patterson moved to transfer 1.3 million out of the working capital and
put into the construction fund. Aid. Schroeder seconded 2-0.
Aid. Patterson moved to recommend to Council approval of the sewer
budget with amendments. Aid. Schroeder seconded. Motion carried 2-0.
Aid. Schroeder requested staff show a 5 year capital plan on a yearly basis for
sewer and water.
Public Utilities Committee Meeting — November 15, 2004 Page 5
Aid. Patterson moved to adjourn at 10:04 PM. Seconded by Aid. Melcher,
motion carried 3-0.
Respectfully submitted,
Kellie Renk,
Recording Secretary
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