Minutes of Meeting Held Monday August 23, 2004
Chairman Schroeder called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Also present was
Committee member Aid. Bob Melcher, Utilities Superintendent Scott Kloskowski,
Engineering Representative Dave Simpson and Ruekert & Mielke representative
Steve Schultz. Aid. Pat Patterson and Engineering and Building Inspection
Director Sean McMullen were excused.
It was noted that the meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting
Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
Aid. Melcher moved to approve minutes of June 28, 2004. Seconded by
Aid. Schroeder, motion carried 2-0.
Steve Schultz updated the committee on the attached status of on -going projects
as follows:
• Janesville Road Box Culvert — County has delayed project until
Well Exploration Project— Field work has been completed. Good
site in Quietwood Creek East II. City is working on getting
approvals to acquire the lot. A second good site was found on the
Peterson property. Total of three sites resulted from the well
exploration project including Well 9.
• Stoneridge Ground Water Remediation — The City has the
agreement to install monitoring wells as recommended to the EPA.
• Lakewood Meadows/Acquisition of Water System —
Superintendent Kloskowski and Mr. Schultz discussed with DNR's,
Frank Fuji, southeast district plan reviewer, and his supervisor, Lee
Bouchon, the Lakewood Meadows water system servicing
Kenwood Estates. As the code reads, Kenwood Estates can
• connect to Lakewood Meadow's one well, one reservoir system, as
long as it is private and not municipal.
Public Utilities Committee Meeting — August 23, 2004 Page 2
• From the discussion a verbal understanding was reached for
Kenwood Place to connect to Lakewood Meadows system if the
City had already taken it over. The DNR is requiring emergency
power to the station. A generator on a trailer after a power outage
is allowed. The DNR is requiring a 3-5 year commitment for City
watermain in the area.
Developers of Kenwood Place will be in contact with Lakewood
Meadows to possibly connect privately to the Lakewood System.
Kenwood Place will still need approval from the DNR.
Superintendent Kloskowski will give the DNR an extension until the
end of the year for review of the Ciyt's acquisition of the Lakewood
Meadow's system.
If Kenwood Place does not have success with Lakewood Meadows
or the DNR they will come back to the Committee to discuss other
• Champions Village Acquisition/Well Head Protection District —
Received letter of conditional approval from the DNR. Few minor
concerns of the DNR that the City and Ruekert-Miekle are working
on. System should be up and serving water within the next couple
• of months.
• Southeast Water Main Extension — Mainline should be finished
with the watermain in one to two weeks. Total of one month of
work left.
• Proposed Development — Valley Sand and Gravel Site — New
Berlin is still in the CDA process. The infrastructure committee met
and approved Ruekert-Mielke's recommendations. New Berlin
should have a final decision by the end of September.
• Well #9 — Durham Drive — The well driller over -drilled the existing
well to salvage the site. The well is outputting 500 gallons/minute.
They will grout the well in place later this week and finish the well
development. The well will be test pumped. Originally the well was
expected to pump 500-600 gallons/minute.
• Big Muskego Estates — Punch list was provided to the Contractor
on July 12, 2004.
• Candlewood Creek Add. 1 — Construction began August 16, 2004.
• Chamberlain Hill — Utilities and punchlist items are completed. This
item will be removed from future reports.
Public Utilities Committee Meeting — August 23, 2004 Page 3
• • Kenwood Place — Second plan review submitted August 10, 2004
• Quietwood East - Utilities and punchlist items are completed. This
item will be removed from future reports.
• Quietwood East II — Construction began August 4, 2004.
• Quietwood South - Utilities and punchlist items are completed. This
item will be removed from future reports
• Prairie Meadows - Utilities and punchlist items are completed. This
item will be removed from future reports
Status of claims from West Lake, Lake Lore and Lake Brittany — Nothing new to
Review reauest for sewer service — Heather's Wav Subdivision - Mr. Tom Stand
• and Mr. Dan Habeck representative of Heathers Way were present to discuss
sewer service. Mr. Stand explained over the past year and a half they have tried
to get sewer into the area. At this time the property is not in MMSD's service
area. One option is to find someone already in the sewer service area and swap
capacity with them. Mr. Stand explained he has been successful in finding
someone willing to negotiate a trade. The second option is to ask MMSD and
SEWRPC to add them in the sewer service area without a trade. Bob Biebel of
SEWRPC would not be willing to give a recommendation of approval unless it
was first approved by the City. Superintendent Kloskowski noted it makes sense
to add them in since they are adjacent to sewer. The area will be developed
whether it be on mound system or sewer and sewer would be a better option for
health reasons. Aid. Schroeder moved to defer to next meeting to see the
history of the sewer requests for this property from past minutes and also
any information SEWRPC may have. Seconded by Aid. Melcher. Motion
carried 2-0
Preliminary discussion of sewer budget and future financing needs — Finance
Director Dawn Gunderson was present to discuss the sewer budget for 2005 and
future years. Director Gunderson informed the Committee in 2005 the City will
be losing the TIF funds and refinancing the existing debt. 50% of the MMSD
charges have been financed by a combination of TIF dollars and RCA funds.
The remaining 50% has been financed by rates and working capital. Continuing
• to use the RCA funds and working capital would deplete those funds
prematurely. The City is expecting to see a substantial increase in the utility
rates. Director Gunderson stated she will be putting together some numbers and
Public Utilities Committee Meeting — August 23, 2004 Page 4
• will be back to Committee again with a recommendation of what the proposed
rates should be over the next few years. Director Gunderson also explained in a
survey done by Ruekert-Mielke there are 56 communities whose rates are higher
then Muskego's and 26 lower than us. Ald. Schroeder asked Director Gunderson
to put a plan together for the next 10 years with the rate increase, but then also
the same 10 year plan with the current rates.
Status of negotiations with Kenwood Estates for water service — Nothing new to
Determine water service — Fitzpatrick property — Mr. Gene Kovacs and Mr. Tom
Fitzpatrick were present to discuss water service. Mr. Kovac explained this is 12
lot subdivision on Tess Comers Drive across from Flintlock Trail. Mr. Kovacs
noted the conceptual plan was already approved by Plan Commission, and the
Conservation Committee also discussed this property and will not be acquiring
any lands for conservation. The developer is proposing individual wells on each
lot. Director Kloskowski explained the ordinance reads any subdivision over five
lots must come to the Committee for determination of water service. Municipal
• water service is not available to this property and the proposed subdivision is not
large enough for a community well. Mr. Simpson noted they will only be adding
11 wells. There is an existing house with a well on it already. Aid. Melchor
moved to approve individual private wells for the Fitzpatrick property. Aid.
Schroeder seconded. Motion carried 2-0.
Bank One/Medical Clinic (Janesville Rd) - Mr. Simpson explained there is a
small section of sewer that is needed for the Bank One and Medical Clinic
properties along Janesville Road. Currently they are on a holding tank. They
now have the financing to run sewer to their property. Sewer will connect from
Princeton Drive in an easement, then down Janesville Road to the Medical Clinic
and Bank. Aid. Melchor moved to approve sewer hook up for the Bank One
and Medical Clinic along Janesville Road. Aid. Schroeder seconded.
Motion carried 2-0.
Kenwood Place - Mr. Simpson explained Kenwood Place is located at Hillendale
and Lembezeder. Mr. Simpson noted the plans are for sewer only, water has not
been determined at this time. Aid. Melchor moved to approve the sanitary
sewer plans subject to technical changes. Aid. Schroeder seconded.
Motion carried 2-0. Aid. Schroeder moved to defer the water plans. Aid.
• Melchor seconded. Motion carried 2-0.
Public Utilities Committee Meeting — August 23, 2004 Page 5
isBoxhorn Reserve - Mr. Simpson explained Boxhorn Reserve is located off
Boxhorn and North Cape. The plans before the Committee are for sewer and
water. There is a potential for a water tower to the west of this development.
The developer was asked to upsize the watermain to 16" in place of the standard
8". The interior watermain is 8". Aid. Melcher moved to approve the sewer
and water plans subject to technical changes. Aid. Schroeder seconded.
Motion carried 2-0.
Fireside Orchard - Mr. Simpson explained Fireside Orchard is located off
Hillendale and Janesville. The plans before the Committee are for sewer and
water. The watermain will be off Hillendale through Fireside Drive and sanitary
sewer will be located in an easement along the south property line. Aid.
Melcher moved to approve the sewer and water plans for Fireside Orchard
subject to technical changes. Aid. Schroeder seconded. Motion carried 2-
Aid. Melcher moved to adjourn at 8:16 PM. Seconded by Aid. Schroeder,
motion carried 2-0.
Respectfully submitted,
Kellie Renk,
Recording Secretary
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