PUM20040517Approved CITY OF MUSKEGO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of Meeting Held Monday May 17, 2004 Acting Chairman Patrick Patterson called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Also present Committee member Ald Pat Patterson, Ald. Bob Melcher, Utilities Superintendent Scott Kloskowski, Engineer and Building Inspection Director Sean McMullen and Ruekert & Mielke representative John Jansen. Chairman Eric Schroeder was excused. It was noted that the meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Aid. Melcher moved to approve minutes of April 26, 2004. Seconded by Aid. Patterson, motion carried 2-0. STATUS OF PROJECTS Steve Schultz updated the committee on the attached status of on -going projects as follows: • Lakewood Meadows — Ruekert-Mielke is`gathering the additional information requested by the DNR. • Well 9 — Finished drilling on test well. Production well will be between 600-800 GPM. The Committee discussed the future needs for an additional well. Aid. Melcher moved to approve construction of the production well. Aid. Patterson seconded. Motion carried 2-0. SEWER UNFINISHED BUSINESS Status of claims from West Lake, Lake Lore and Lake Brittany - Annette Goebl and Randall Hojnacki, representatives of the WLLB Lake Association, were present to discuss the status of claims. Superintendent Kloskowski reported the City's Insurance responded to Mr. Joe Heil of the Lake Association last week or the week before. Mrs. Goebl stated they had not received a response from the City's Insurance Company. Mrs. Goebl explained the residents are concerned with the length of time a claim is valid for. Superintendent Kloskowski will contact City's Insurance Company and Director McMullen will contact the Contractor's Public Utilities Committee Meeting — May 17, 2004 Page 2 • Insurance Company. Mr. Hojnacki questioned if the culverts would be repaired with smaller stone. Aid. Patterson requested the Public Works Superintendent, Wayne Delikat, to inspect the culverts. Aid. Melcher moved to defer. Seconded by Aid. Patterson. Motion carried 2-0. Review Invoices for water treatment — West Lake Homeowner's Association - Annette Goebl and Randall Hojnacki of the West Lake Homeowner's Association were present to discuss the unpaid invoice for water treatment. Mrs. Goebl noted the Association needed to do a large weed kill outside of the normal treatments because of the low levels of the lake. Mrs. Goebl also stated the Lake Association had an understanding with Mayor Slocomb that the City would pay for this extra treatment. Aid. Melcher moved to defer until status of claims is settled. Aid. Patterson seconded. Motion carried 2-0. SEWER NEW BUSINESS — None. WATER UNFINISHED BUSINESS Status of negotiations with Kenwood Estates for water service — Director McMullen informed the Committee he received a letter from the DNR requesting • additional information for the Lakewood Meadows water trust. The negotiations for Kenwood Estates have been put on hold pending the issues of the DNR. Aid. Melcher moved to defer. Seconded by Aid. Patterson. Motion carried 2-0. WATER NEW BUSINESS Review water service for Golf View Estates — The developer of Golf View Estates is requesting a waiver to connect to municipal water. This subdivision will be directly across from St. Andrews Village, which will be connected to City water. Because of the 16" transmission main installed and the acquisition of the Champions Village water trust, staff recommends requiring the developer connect to the municipal system. Aid. Melcher moved to deny the request for private wells and to require Golf View Estates be connected to the municipal system. Aid Patterson seconded. Motion carried 2-0. SUBDIVIDER'S EXHIBITS - Nothing to report. ACCEPTANCE OF IMPROVEMENTS — Nothing to report. REVIEW OF DEFERRED ASSESSMENTS/SEWER & WATER — Nothing to report. ACCEPTANCE OF IMPROVEMENTS — Discussion, update and possible action may be taken on any or all of the following: Public Utilities Committee Meeting — May 17, 2004 Page 3 REPORT OF THE UTILITY SUPERINTENDENT —.Nothing to report. REPORT OF ENGINEERING/BUILDING INSPECTION DIRECTOR — Nothing to report. COMMUICATIONS AND ANY OTHER BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW Aid. Melcher moved to adjourn at 7:50 PM. Seconded by Aid. Patterson, motion carried 2-0. Respectfully submitted, Kellie Renk, Recording Secretary 0