PUM20040426• APPROVED CITY OF MUSKEGO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of Meeting Held IVlonday April 26, 2004 Chairman Eric Schroeder called the meeting to order at 6:36 p.m. Also present Committee member Ald Pat Patterson, Utilities Superintendent Scott Kloskowski, Engineer and Building Inspection Director Sean MCMUIIen and Ruekert & Mielko representative Steve Schultz. It was noted that the meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. Those present recited the Pledge of Allegi,;:ance„ APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF PRE.VIOUIS MEETING Aid. Patterson moved to approve minutes of March 115, 2004. Seconded by Aid. Schroeder, motion carried 2-0. Aid. Patterson moved to approve minutes of Apiril 9, 2004. Seconded by • Aid. Schroeder, motion carried 2-10. STATUS OF PROJECTS Steve Schultz updated the committee on tl-,ie attached status of on -going projects as follows: Well exploration project: —Superintendent Kloskowski stated he has written permission from the property owners to access the well exploration sites. • Lakewood Meadows — PCS ,:approval is in. DNR is reviewing. Tannin issue will be discussed when samples are in. Mr. Schultz will contact Hanson Water Softener to obtain testing information and suggested the City purchasing a Sears water softener to do testing on the tannins. • Champions Village Acquisition Well Flead Protection District — Report was submitted and accepted by the PSC. • Proposed Development: — Valley Sand and Gravel site — New Berlin Plan Commission approved and sent to the CDA for review. so • Well 9 — Finished dhIling on test well. Production well will be between 600-800 GIPM. Public Utilities Committee Meeting -- Apri126, 2004 Page 2 • SEWER UNFINISHED BUSINESS Status of claims from West Lake, Lake Loire and Lake Brittany= Superintendent. Kloskowski reported the City's Insurance f.:;:ompany should be contacting the Lake Association this week. Review Invoices for water treatment — West Lake Homeowner's Association - Aid. Patterson moved to defer until status of claims is settled. Aid. Schroeder seconded. Motion carried 2--0. Review correspondence from School District reauuesting Utilitv to waive late fees - Ald. Patterson moved to deny. Aid. Schroeder seconded. Motion carried 2- 0. SEWER NEW BUSINESS -- Review quarterly billing for IMMSD_and Town of Norway The Committee reviewed the charges. Aid. Patterson moved to approve. Seconded by Ald. Schroeder. Motion carried 2-0. • Review sewer plans for land division on Red Oak Court/Racine Avenue — The developer of the property is looking for direction on how to service these properties with sanitary sewer. Diirector McMullen recommended lot 4 being serviced off of Racine Ave and an 8" main would run off of Racine Ave up the unimproved future public road to service lots 2 & 3. Aid. Patterson moved to approve a gravity main extension or individual (laterals to service the lots on Red Oak Court. Seconded by Eric Schroeder. Motion carried 2-0. Determination of sewer system --R. Fiamn.aer Developers, LLC (Loomis Drive Director McMullen explained Mr. Hammer had originally requested to put in a mound system where City sewer was available. Mr. Hammer has withdrawn his request and will connect to City sanitary sewer. WATER UNFINISHED BUSINESS Further discussion of water service Kenwood Estates -- The City received two bids for the construction of a municipal type; well for KenWOod development. Ruekert & Mielke reviewed the quotes and put together actual costs. The proposed cost estimates for the construction of a well designed to meet all of the City's requirements is between $1 h0,000 and $200,000. Aid Patterson moved to direct Director McMullen to begin the! negotiation process with the developers of Kenwood Estates to come up with a dollar amount to put up • to the City instead of constructing a community well and to include a possible credit for the WCA's. .Aid. Schrroeder seconded. Motion carried 29- 0. Public Utilities Committee Meeting -- April 26, 2004 Page 3 • WATER NEW BUSINESS Approve bids for Southeast Water E:xtensic:)n — Mainline Sewer and Water was the low bidder at $918,829.00. Construction could begin in the next two weeks. The Contractor has no reservations on the low bid. Aid. Patterson recommended to Council accepting the! bid from Mainline Sewer and Water for $918,829.00. Aid. Schroeder seconded. Motion carried 2-0. Review proposal to redo lift stations controls — Norlthshore Lift Station — Superintendent Kloskowski explained the (North Shore Drive lift station needs to be retro fitted for controls and the control panel should be replaced. Aid. Patterson moved to approve the quote from Energenecs for $8,845.00 and to pay for the replacements out; of the Equipment Replacement Fund. Aid. Schroeder seconded„ Motion carried 2-0. SUBDIVIDER'S EXHIBITS - Nothinc� to report. ACCEPTANCE OF IMPROVEMENT'S — Nothing to report. REVIEW OF DEFERRED ASSESSIWENT113/SEWER & WATER — Nothing to report. ACCEPTANCE OF IMPROVEMENTS — Discussion, update and possible actior may be taken on any or all of the Following: REPORT OF THE UTILITY SUPERINTENDENT —_Nothing to report. REPORT OF ENGINEERING/BUILD_ ING INSPECTION DIRECTOR — Nothing to report. COMMUICATIONS AND ANY OTHER BUSINESS AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW Aid. Patterson moved to adjourn at 7:35 PM. Seconded by Aid. Schroeder, motion carried 2-0. Respectfully submitted, Kellie Renk, Recording Secretary r�